Source code for pyturbo.helper.pspline

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import PchipInterpolator
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from scipy.interpolate import PPoly
from scipy import integrate
import math
import enum
import copy
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from scipy.interpolate import PchipInterpolator
from scipy.optimize import minimize

[docs] def convert_to_ndarray(t): """ converts a scalar or list to numpy array """ if type(t) is not np.ndarray and type(t) is not list: # Scalar t = np.array([t],dtype=float) elif (type(t) is list): t = np.array(t,dtype=float) return t
[docs] class spline_type(enum.Enum): pchip = 1 spline = 2 # Cubic spline
def spline_intersect(spline1,spline2,xmin,xmax): def intersect_test(x0): y1 = spline1(x0) y2 = spline2(x0) return abs(y1-y2) bnds = ((xmin,xmax),) x0 = (xmin+xmax)/2.0 res = minimize(intersect_test,x0=(x0),bounds=bnds,tol=1E-5) if (res.success): return res.x[0] else: return -1 def pspline_intersect(pspline1,pspline2,tmin,tmax): def intersect_test(t0): pt1,_ = pspline1(t0[0]) pt2,_ = pspline2(t0[1]) dx = pt2[0,0]-pt1[0,0] dy = pt2[0,1]-pt1[0,1] return math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) bnds = ((tmin,tmax),(tmin,tmax),) t0 = (tmin+tmax)/2.0 res = minimize(intersect_test,x0=(t0,t0),bounds=bnds,tol=1E-4) if (res.success and<0.005): return res.x else: return res.x*0-1 # return -1 for no intersect
[docs] class pspline: ''' Percentage Spline - fits a spline on a curve and allows you to extract points with a percentage as input ''' def __segkernel__(self,y,t): t = convert_to_ndarray(t) val = np.zeros(len(t)) for k in range(0,self.ndim): val += np.polyval(self.polyarray[k,:],t)**2 val = np.sqrt(val) return val def __init__(self,px,py,pz=[],method=spline_type.pchip): self.px = convert_to_ndarray(px) = convert_to_ndarray(py) self.n = len(px) self.ndim = 3 if (len(pz)==0): self.ndim = 2 # there's only x and y self.pxy = np.stack((self.px,,axis=1) else: self.pz = convert_to_ndarray(pz) self.pxy = np.stack((self.px,,self.pz),axis=1) self.chordlen = np.sqrt( np.sum( np.array((np.power(np.diff(self.px),2), np.power(np.diff(,2)),dtype=np.float64) ,axis=0)) self.chordlen = self.chordlen/np.sum(self.chordlen) self.cumarclen = np.append(np.zeros(1),np.cumsum(self.chordlen)) # compute parametric splines self.spl = [] self.spld = [] diffarray = np.array([[3,0,0],[0,2,0],[0,0,1],[0,0,0]]) for i in range(0,self.ndim): if (method==spline_type.pchip): self.spl.append(PchipInterpolator(self.cumarclen,self.pxy[:,i])) if (method==spline_type.spline): self.spl.append(CubicSpline(self.cumarclen,self.pxy[:,i])) # nc = numel(self.spl[i].coefs) # if nc < 4: # # just pretend it has cubic segments # self.spl[i].coefs = np.stack(np.zeros(1,4-nc),self.spl[i].coefs) # self.spl[i].order = 4 # and now differentiate them xp = copy.deepcopy(self.spl[i]) xp.c = np.transpose(np.matmul(np.transpose(xp.c),diffarray)) # self.xp.order = 3 self.spld.append(xp) ''' Catch the case where there were exactly three points in the curve, and spline was used to generate the interpolant. In self case, spline creates a curve with only one piece, not two. ''' if (self.cumarclen.size == 3) and (method == spline_type.spline): self.cumarclen = self.spl[0].x n = np.size(self.cumarclen) self.chordlen = [sum(self.chordlen)] ''' Generate the total arclength along the curve by integrating each segment and summing the results. The integration scheme does its job using an ode solver. ''' # polyarray here contains the derivative polynomials # for each spline in a given segment self.polyarray = np.zeros((self.ndim,3)) self.seglen = np.zeros((self.n-1,1)) _,pieces = self.spl[0].c.shape for i in range(pieces): # extract polynomials for the derivatives for j in range(self.ndim): self.polyarray[j,:] = self.spld[j].c[:,i] # Grab the coefficients ''' Integrate the arclength for the i'th segment using ode45 for the integral. I could have done self part with quad too, but then it would not have been perfectly (numerically) consistent with the next operation in self tool. ''' temp = integrate.odeint(self.__segkernel__,y0=0,t=[0,self.chordlen[i]],rtol=1E-5) self.seglen[i] = temp[-1] # r = integrate.ode(self.__segkernel__).set_integrator('vode',method='bdf') # r.set_initial_value(0,0) # self.seglen[i] = r.integrate(1) # and normalize the segments to have unit total length self.totalsplinelength = np.sum(self.seglen) self.cumseglen = np.append(np.zeros(1),np.cumsum(self.seglen))
[docs] def __call__(self, t): return self.get_point(t)
def get_curve_len(self,t): return self.totalsplinelength*t
[docs] def get_point(self,t): ''' Inputs: t is from 0 to 1 Returns: x,y,(z) of the spline curve ''' t = convert_to_ndarray(t) nt = len(t) pt = np.empty((nt,self.ndim)) pt[:] = np.nan ''' Find out which bins we need ''' tbins = np.digitize(t*self.totalsplinelength, self.cumseglen) # Catch problems at the end tbins[np.logical_or((tbins <= 0),(t <= 0))] = 1 # for self to work, needs to be numpy array tbins[np.logical_or((tbins >= (self.n-1)), (t >= 1))] = self.n - 2 ''' Do the fractional integration within each segment for the interpolated points. t is the parameter used to define the splines. It is defined in terms of a linear chordal arclength. This works nicely when a linear piecewise interpolant was used. However, what is asked for is an arclength interpolation in terms of arclength of the spline itself. Call s the arclength traveled along the spline. s = self.totalsplinelength*t; ''' s = self.totalsplinelength*t ti = t for i in range(nt): # si is the piece of arc length that we will look # for in self spline segment. si = s[i] - self.cumseglen[tbins[i]] # extract polynomials for the derivatives # in the interval the point lies in for j in range(self.ndim): self.polyarray[j,:] = self.spld[j].c[:,tbins[i]] # the ode45 options will now include an events property # so we can catch zero crossings. ''' we need to integrate in t, until the integral crosses the specified value of si. Because we have defined totalsplinelength, the lengths will be normalized at self point to a unit length. ''' # Start the ode solver at -si, so we will just # look for an event where y crosses zero. [temp,infodict] = integrate.odeint(self.__segkernel__,y0=-si,t=[0,self.chordlen[tbins[i]]],rtol=1E-9) # [tout,yout,te,ye] = ode45(@(t,y) self.segkernel(t,y),[0,self.chordlen(tbins(i))],-si,opts); %#ok # # we only need that point where a zero crossing occurred # # if no crossing was found, then we can look at each end. # if (not te): # Check if te is empty # ti[i] = te[1] + self.cumarclen(tbins[i]) # else: # # a crossing must have happened at the very # # beginning or the end, and the ode solver # # missed it, not trapping that event. # if abs(yout[1]) < abs(yout[-1]): # # the event must have been at the start. # ti[i] = tout[0] + self.cumarclen(tbins[i]) # else: # # the event must have been at the end. # ti[i] = tout[-1] + self.cumarclen(tbins[i]) # Interpolate the parametric splines at ti to get # our interpolated value. for L in range(self.ndim): pp = PPoly(self.spl[L].c, self.spl[L].x) # ppval(self.spl{L},ti) pt[:,L] = pp(ti) pt = convert_to_ndarray(pt) # do we need to compute first derivatives here at each point? dudt = np.zeros((nt,self.ndim)) for L in range(self.ndim): pp = PPoly(self.spld[L].c, self.spld[L].x) # ppval(ti,self.spld{L}) dudt[:,L] = pp(ti) dudt = convert_to_ndarray(dudt) return pt,dudt