Airfoil 2D
- class, alpha2, axial_chord, stagger)[source]
Design a 2D Airfoil using bezier curves
- add_pitch(x_pitch: float)[source]
Adds extra pitch by shifting the turbine blade over by a x direction
- Parameters:
x_pitch (float) – [description]
- channel_get(s_c)[source]
Gets adjacent airfoil
- Parameters:
s_c (float) – pitch to chord ratio
- Returns:
pitch in between airfoils numpy.ndarray: x coordinate of the suction side numpy.ndarray: x coordinate of the pressure side numpy.ndarray: y coordinate of the suction side numpy.ndarray: y coordinate of the pressure side airfoil2D: the adjacent airfoil
- Return type:
- custom_camber(x: float, y: float)[source]
- Creates a custom bezier curve camberline from 3 points [LEPoint, (x,y), TEPoint]
- Usage:
Example profile.custom_camber(0.5,0.5)
- Parameters:
x (float) – arbitrary x coordinate
y (float) – arbitrary y coordinate
- flow_guidance(s_c)[source]
Straightens out the suction side. This method can agressively straighten out the suction side
- Parameters:
s_c (float) – pitch to chord ratio, used to compute where the throat starts.
- flow_guidance2(n: int = 8)[source]
This function straightens out the suction side by specifying n bezier control points instead of a straight line.
- Args:.
n (int): number of control points, increase this to make straightening more aggressive. Defaults to 8.
- flow_guidance3(s_c: float, n: int)[source]
Straightens out the suction side. Computes the intersection point of the throat and draws a line, adds bezier points along the line
- Parameters:
s_c (float) – pitch-to-chord ratio
n (int) – number of bezier control points
- get_centroid()[source]
Returns the centroid of the airfoil
- Returns:
centroid x and y coordinates (x,y)
- Return type:
- le_radius_estimate()[source]
Assumes the blade’s leading edge thickness, suction side, pressure side are already defined.
- le_thickness_add(thickness: float, counter_rotation: bool = False)[source]
- Adds thickness to leading edge either on pressure side or suction side.
If counter rotation is false, thickness is added to the suction side
- Parameters:
thickness (float) – float value for defining a bezier curve thickness
counter_rotation (bool, optional) – switches the side for the bezier curve initial thickness. Defaults to False.
- le_thickness_match()[source]
Matches the second derivative by changing the thickness of the opposite side
- Returns:
error in matching the second derivative
- Return type:
- plot2D_channel(pitchChordRatio: float)[source]
plots the 2D airfoil in a channel with another airfoil given a pitch to chord ratio
- Parameters:
pitchChordRatio (float) – pitch to chord ratio (spacing between airfoils relative to the chord)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- plot_derivative2(xlim=[0, 1], ylim=[-400, 400])[source]
Plots the second derivative of the airfoil.
- Parameters:
xlim (list, optional) – Plot x-axis. Defaults to [0,1].
ylim (list, optional) – Plot y-axis. Defaults to [-400,400].
- ps_thickness_add(thicknessArray: List[float], expansion_ratio: float = 1.2)[source]
Add thickness to the pressure side
- Parameters:
thicknessArray (List[float]) – thickness along the suction side. Example: [0.2400, 0.2000, 0.1600, 0.1400]
expansion_ratio (float, optional) – determines the spacing of the thickness array from leading edge. Defaults to 1.2.
- shift(x: float, y: float)[source]
Shifts the blade over by x or y direction. LE points +y where TE is at (0,0) Be sure to take into account the rotation of the blade
- Parameters:
x (float) – amount to shift the blade by in x direction
y (float) – amount to shift the bade by in y direction
- ss_thickness_add(thicknessArray: List[float], camberPercent: float | None = None, thickness_loc: List[float] | None = None, expansion_ratio: float = 1.2)[source]
Adds thickness to the suction side by specifying bezier control points
- Parameters:
thicknessArray (List[float]) – thickness along the suction side. Example: [0.2400, 0.2000, 0.1600, 0.1400]
camberPercent (float, optional) – Percent camber where straightening of the suction side happens. Defaults to None.
thickness_loc (List[float], optional) – Location where thickness is applied. Defaults to None.
expansion_ratio (float, optional) – If thickness location is specified then this is not necessary otherwise thickness_loc is calculated by the expansion ratio. Defaults to 1.2.