Source code for pyturbo.helper.bisect

import numpy as np

[docs] def bisect(func,lb,ub,tol,verbose=True,**kwargs): """ Bisection method, solves for 0 given a function, lower bound, upper bound inputs: func - function handle lb - lower bound ub - upper bound tol - tolerance, when to stop the minimization *args - arguments that will be passed in addition to the function returns x - value that minimizes the function flag = 1 (good,passed) -1 (max iterations reached) """ max_iter=120 points = np.zeros(max_iter) errors = np.zeros(max_iter)+1 flag = 1 c = lb while iter<max_iter: c = (lb+ub)/2 fc =func(c,**kwargs) if (fc == 0 or abs(fc) < tol): if (verbose): print('Iter {0}: fc={1}'.format(iter,abs(fc))) break fa = func(lb,**kwargs) points[iter] = ub errors[iter] = fa if (np.sign(fc) == np.sign(fa)): lb = c else: ub = c if (verbose): print('Iter {0}: fc={1}'.format(iter,abs(fc))) iter+=1 if (iter>=max_iter): flag = -1 i = errors.index(min(errors)) c = points[i] return c,flag