from math import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from .convert_to_ndarray import convert_to_ndarray
class arc():
def __init__(self,xc,yc,radius,alpha_start,alpha_stop):
self.x = xc
self.y = yc
self.radius = radius
self.alpha_start = alpha_start
self.alpha_stop = alpha_stop
self.sortY = False
self.sortYasc = True
def get_point(self,t):
t = convert_to_ndarray(t)
alpha = (self.alpha_stop-self.alpha_start)*t + self.alpha_start
x,y = np.zeros(len(t)),np.zeros(len(t))
for i in range(len(alpha)):
x[i] = self.x + self.radius*cos(radians(alpha[i]))
y[i] = self.y + self.radius*sin(radians(alpha[i]))
# Check sorting
if (self.sortY):
alpha_test = (self.alpha_start-self.alpha_stop)*t + self.alpha_stop
x_test = self.x + self.radius*cos(radians(alpha_test))
y_test = self.y + self.radius*sin(radians(alpha_test))
if (self.sortYasc==1): # sort ascending
# check the start and end to see if y<y_test
if (y_test[-1]<y[-1]):
x = x_test; y = y_test;
else: # sort descending
if (y_test[-1]>y[-1]):
x = x_test; y = y_test;
return x,y
def get_deriv(self,t):
[x,y] = self.get_point(t)
dx = -(y-self.y)
dy = x-self.x
def plot(self,color='b'):
t = np.linspace(0,1,20)
[x, y] = self.get_point(t)
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.plot(x, y, color=color, linestyle='-')
ax1.plot(self.x, self.y, color='k', marker='o')
def arclen(x,y):
Computes the length between points
x,y - this can be a list or a numpy array but not a scalar
x = convert_to_ndarray(x)
y = convert_to_ndarray(y)
if (len(x)<2):
return 0
dx,dy = np.diff(x,axis=0), np.diff(y,axis=0)
L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)
L = np.insert(L,0,0)
return L
def arclen3(x,y,z):
Equally space points along a bezier curve using arc length
x = convert_to_ndarray(x)
y = convert_to_ndarray(y)
z = convert_to_ndarray(z)
if (len(x)<2):
return 0
dx,dy,dz = np.diff(x,axis=0), np.diff(y,axis=0), np.diff(z,axis=0)
L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)
L = np.insert(L,0,0)
return L