from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from scipy.interpolate import PchipInterpolator
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from .airfoil3D import *
from ..helper import derivative_1, bezier,cosd,sind
import math
class airfoil_wavy(airfoil3D):
"""Makes the surface of the airfoil: LE, TE, SS, PS wavy
def __init__(self,profileArray,profile_loc,height):
"""Initializes a wavy airfoil from an array of profiles, location and height, same as airfoil3D
profileArray ([airfoil2D]): Array of 2D airfoil profiles
profile_loc ([List[float]]): Locations in terms of percent span where these 2D airfoils are located
height ([float]): height of the airfoil
super(airfoil_wavy, self).__init__(profileArray,profile_loc,height)
def stretch_thickness_chord(self,SSRatio,PSRatio,LERatio,TERatio,LE_wave_angle,TE_wave_angle,TE_smooth=0.85):
"""Changes the thickness to chord ratio along the span of the blade
SSRatio (List[float]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
PSRatio (List[float]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
LERatio (List[float]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
TERatio (List[float]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
LE_wave_angle (List[float]): 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.
TE_wave_angle (List[float]): 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.
TE_smooth (float, optional): This is the percntage along the surface of the blade to start smoothing the trailing edge. Defaults to 0.85.
LERatio = convert_to_ndarray(LERatio)
SSRatio = convert_to_ndarray(SSRatio)
PSRatio = convert_to_ndarray(PSRatio)
TERatio = convert_to_ndarray(TERatio)
LE_wave_angle = np.radians(convert_to_ndarray(LE_wave_angle))
TE_wave_angle = np.radians(convert_to_ndarray(TE_wave_angle))
[nprofiles,npointsPerProfile] = self.shft_xss.shape
t = np.linspace(0,1,nprofiles)
te_center_x = copy.deepcopy(self.te_center_x) #Create a copy showing the previous value
te_center_y = copy.deepcopy(self.te_center_y)
self.spanw_leratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(LERatio)),LERatio)
self.spanw_ssratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(SSRatio)),SSRatio)
self.spanw_psratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(PSRatio)),PSRatio)
self.spanw_teratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(TERatio)),TERatio)
self.spanw_lewave_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(LE_wave_angle)),np.radians(LE_wave_angle))
self.spanw_tewave_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(LE_wave_angle)),np.radians(TE_wave_angle))
vibrissaeIndx = np.zeros(nprofiles)
## Build a shift matrix
cyss = []
cxss = []
cyps = []
cxps = []
# Spline fit
for i in range(nprofiles): # TE # LE
# camber line
xcam = (self.shft_xss[i,:]+self.shft_xps[i,:])/2.0
ycam = (self.shft_yss[i,:]+self.shft_yps[i,:])/2.0
dydx = derivative_1(ycam,xcam)
# Find where camber line changes signs
vibrissaeIndx[i] = -1
s1 = np.sign(dydx[1])
for j in range(2,len(dydx)):
if (np.sign(dydx[j]) !=s1):
vibrissaeIndx[i] = j
if (vibrissaeIndx[i]==-1):
vibrissaeIndx[i] = math.ceil(0.2*npointsPerProfile)
# use self for wavy TE
# These are scaling factors used to scale dx and dy
t = np.array([0,vibrissaeIndx[i],math.floor(npointsPerProfile*TE_smooth),npointsPerProfile-1])
percent_span = i/(nprofiles-1)
profile_scale = convert_to_ndarray([self.spanw_leratio_fn([percent_span])[0], self.spanw_ssratio_fn([percent_span])[0],
cyss.append(PchipInterpolator(t,1+profile_scale)) # Y is axial
profile_scale = convert_to_ndarray([self.spanw_leratio_fn([percent_span])[0], self.spanw_psratio_fn([percent_span])[0],
cyps.append(PchipInterpolator(t,1+profile_scale)) # Y is axial
# Convert to int
vibrissaeIndx = vibrissaeIndx.astype(
chord = np.zeros(nprofiles)
centerPointX = np.zeros(nprofiles)
centerPointY = np.zeros(nprofiles)
camberX = np.add(self.shft_xss,self.shft_xps)/2.0
camberY = np.add(self.shft_yss,self.shft_yps)/2.0
t = np.linspace(0,1,npointsPerProfile)
# Apply thickness chord ratio
for i in range(nprofiles):
ps = i/(nprofiles-1)# percent span
chord[i] = np.sqrt((self.shft_yss[i,-1]-self.shft_yss[i,-1])**2+(self.shft_xss[i,-1]-self.shft_xss[i,-1])**2)
centerPointX[i] = camberX[i,vibrissaeIndx[i]] # Stretch will be based around self point
centerPointY[i] = camberY[i,vibrissaeIndx[i]]
# LE Rotation Angle
rot_ang1 = self.spanw_lewave_fn([ps])[0]*(0.5*(1+np.cos(math.pi*t)))
# TE Rotation Angle
rot_ang2 = self.spanw_tewave_fn([ps])[0]*(0.5*(1+np.cos(math.pi*np.flip(t))))
# Blend the rotation angles into a vector
rot_angl = rot_ang1+rot_ang2
rotation_vector = rot_angl
# Find thickness for each camber point
for j in range(npointsPerProfile):
# Suction Side
dx = self.shft_xss[i,j]-centerPointX[i]
dy = self.shft_yss[i,j]-centerPointY[i]
# theta = 0 + rotation_vector[j] # Rotation angle
# Scale dx and dy by thickness to chord
dx_scaled = dx*cxss[i]([j])[0] # dx from centerPoint
dy_scaled = dy*cyss[i]([j])[0] # dy from centerPoint
# obtain the shift relative the point
xnew = centerPointX[i] + dx_scaled
ynew = centerPointY[i] + dy_scaled
dx = xnew - self.shft_xss[i,j]
dy = ynew - self.shft_yss[i,j]
rot = np.array([ [cosd(rotation_vector[j]), -sind(rotation_vector[j])], [sind(rotation_vector[j]), cosd(rotation_vector[j])] ])
rot = np.matmul(rot, np.array([[dx],[dy]]))
dx_rot = rot[0]
dy_rot = rot[1]
self.shft_xss[i,j] = self.shft_xss[i,j] + dx_rot
self.shft_yss[i,j] = self.shft_yss[i,j] + dy_rot
# Pressure Side
dx = self.shft_xps[i,j]-centerPointX[i]
dy = self.shft_yps[i,j]-centerPointY[i]
# Scale dx and dy by thickness to chord
dx_scaled = dx*cxps[i]([j])[0]
dy_scaled = dy*cyps[i]([j])[0]
# obtain the shift relative to the point
xnew = centerPointX[i] + dx_scaled
ynew = centerPointY[i] + dy_scaled
dx = xnew - self.shft_xps[i,j]
dy = ynew - self.shft_yps[i,j]
rot = np.array([[cosd(rotation_vector[j]), -sind(rotation_vector[j])], [sind(rotation_vector[j]), cosd(rotation_vector[j])]])
rot = np.matmul(rot, np.array([[dx],[dy]]))
dx_rot = rot[0]
dy_rot = rot[1]
self.shft_xps[i,j] = dx_rot + self.shft_xps[i,j]
self.shft_yps[i,j] = dy_rot + self.shft_yps[i,j]
# Shift the trailing edge center
j = npointsPerProfile-1
dx = te_center_x[i]-centerPointX[i]
dy = te_center_y[i]-centerPointY[i]
dx_scaled = dx*(cxps[i]([j])[0] + cxss[i]([j])[0])/2
dy_scaled = dy*(cyps[i]([j])[0] + cyss[i]([j])[0])/2
xnew = centerPointX[i] + dx_scaled
ynew = centerPointY[i] + dy_scaled
dx = xnew - te_center_x[i]
dy = ynew - te_center_y[i]
rot = np.matmul(np.array([
[cosd(rotation_vector[j]), -sind(rotation_vector[j])],
[sind(rotation_vector[j]), cosd(rotation_vector[j])]
]), np.array([ [dx], [dy] ]))
dx_rot = rot[0]
dy_rot = rot[1]
te_center_x[i] = dx_rot + te_center_x[i]
te_center_y[i] = dy_rot + te_center_y[i]
self.te_center_x = te_center_x
self.te_center_y = te_center_y
def stretch_thickness_chord_te(self,SSRatio,PSRatio,LERatio,TERatio,LE_wave_angle,TE_wave_angle,TE_smooth=0.90):
"""Stretches blade but keeps the trailing edge constant
SSRatio (List[float]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
PSRatio (List[float]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
LERatio (List[float]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
TERatio (List[float]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
LE_wave_angle (List[float]): 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.
TE_wave_angle (List[float]): 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.
TE_smooth (float, optional): This is the percntage along the surface of the blade to start smoothing the trailing edge. Defaults to 0.85.
LERatio = convert_to_ndarray(LERatio)
SSRatio = convert_to_ndarray(SSRatio)
PSRatio = convert_to_ndarray(PSRatio)
TERatio = convert_to_ndarray(TERatio)
LE_wave_angle = np.radians(convert_to_ndarray(LE_wave_angle))
TE_wave_angle = np.radians(convert_to_ndarray(TE_wave_angle))
[nprofiles,npointsPerProfile] = self.shft_xss.shape
t = np.linspace(0,1,nprofiles)
te_center_x = copy.deepcopy(self.te_center_x) #Create a copy showing the previous value
te_center_y = copy.deepcopy(self.te_center_y)
# Create a spline that represents the SSRatio, PSRatio, LERatio, TERatio
# Check to see if variable exists and if there are differences between the inputs
self.spanw_leratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(LERatio)),LERatio)
self.spanw_ssratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(SSRatio)),SSRatio)
self.spanw_psratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(PSRatio)),PSRatio)
self.spanw_teratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(TERatio)),TERatio)
self.spanw_lewave_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(LE_wave_angle)),LE_wave_angle)
self.spanw_tewave_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(LE_wave_angle)),TE_wave_angle)
vibrissaeIndx = np.zeros(nprofiles)
# Build a shift matrix
npoints_no_TE = npointsPerProfile - self.nte+1 # number of points neglecting the Trailing Edge, trailing edge diameter remains untouched
cyss = []
cxss = []
cyps = []
cxps = []
# Spline fit for each profile
for i in range(nprofiles): # % TE % LE
# Find the inflection point for each profile
xcam = (self.shft_xss[i,:]+self.shft_xps[i,:])/2.0
ycam = (self.shft_yss[i,:]+self.shft_yps[i,:])/2.0
dydx = derivative_1(ycam,xcam)
# Find where camber line changes signs
vibrissaeIndx[i] = -1
s1 = np.sign(dydx[1])
for j in range(2,len(dydx)):
if (np.sign(dydx[j]) !=s1):
vibrissaeIndx[i] = j
if (vibrissaeIndx[i]==-1):
vibrissaeIndx[i] = ceil(0.2*npointsPerProfile)
# use self for wavy TE
# These are scaling factors used to scale dx and dy
# There is no scaling near the trailing edge
Define the scaling factors for each profile as a function of the profile and which point
t = [0, vibrissaeIndx[i], math.floor((npoints_no_TE-2)*TE_smooth), npoints_no_TE-2]
percent_span = i/(nprofiles-1)
profile_scale = convert_to_ndarray([self.spanw_leratio_fn([percent_span])[0], self.spanw_ssratio_fn([percent_span])[0],
self.spanw_teratio_fn([percent_span])[0] ,self.spanw_teratio_fn([percent_span])[0]])
cyss.append(PchipInterpolator(t,1+profile_scale)) # Y is axial
profile_scale = convert_to_ndarray([self.spanw_leratio_fn([percent_span])[0], self.spanw_psratio_fn([percent_span])[0],
cyps.append(PchipInterpolator(t,1+profile_scale)) # Y is axial
# Convert to int
vibrissaeIndx = vibrissaeIndx.astype(
chord = np.zeros(nprofiles)
centerPointX = np.zeros(nprofiles)
centerPointY = np.zeros(nprofiles)
camberX = np.add(self.shft_xss,self.shft_xps)/2.0
camberY = np.add(self.shft_yss,self.shft_yps)/2.0
TE_Radius_ss = np.zeros(nprofiles)
TE_Radius_ps = np.zeros(nprofiles)
# Calculate the trailing edge radius for each profile
for i in range(0,nprofiles):
TE_Radius_ss[i] = math.sqrt((self.te_center_x[i]-self.shft_xss[i,-1])**2 + (self.te_center_y[i]-self.shft_yss[i,-1])**2)
TE_Radius_ps[i] = math.sqrt((self.te_center_x[i]-self.shft_xps[i,-1])**2 + (self.te_center_y[i]-self.shft_yps[i,-1])**2)
# Apply the thickness to chord ratio - Make the geometry wavy
t_no_te = np.linspace(0,1,npoints_no_TE) # points up until where TRAILING EDGE ENDS
for i in range(nprofiles): # Apply thickness chord ratio
ps = i/(nprofiles-1)# percent span
chord[i] = np.sqrt((self.shft_yss[i,-1]-self.shft_yss[i,-1])**2+(self.shft_xss[i,-1]-self.shft_xss[i,-1])**2)
centerPointX[i] = camberX[i,vibrissaeIndx[i]] # Stretch will be based around self point
centerPointY[i] = camberY[i,vibrissaeIndx[i]]
# Apply the rotation angle using a Hann Windowing function
# LE Rotation Angle
rot_ang1 = self.spanw_lewave_fn([ps])[0]*(0.5*(1+np.cos(math.pi*t_no_te)))
# TE Rotation Angle
rot_ang2 = self.spanw_tewave_fn([ps])[0]*(0.5*(1+np.cos(math.pi*np.flip(t_no_te))))
# Blend the rotation angles into a vector
rot_angl = rot_ang1+rot_ang2
rotation_vector = rot_angl
for j in range(npoints_no_TE): # Find thickness for each camber point
# Suction Side
dx = self.shft_xss[i,j]-centerPointX[i]
dy = self.shft_yss[i,j]-centerPointY[i]
# theta = 0 + rotation_vector(j); % Rotation angle
# Scale dx and dy by thickness to chord
dx_scaled = dx*cxss[i]([j])[0] # dx from centerPoint
dy_scaled = dy*cyss[i]([j])[0] # dy from centerPoint
# obtain the shift relative the point
xnew = centerPointX[i] + dx_scaled
ynew = centerPointY[i] + dy_scaled
dx = xnew - self.shft_xss[i,j]
dy = ynew - self.shft_yss[i,j]
rot = np.array([ [cosd(rotation_vector[j]), -sind(rotation_vector[j])], [sind(rotation_vector[j]), cosd(rotation_vector[j])] ])
rot = np.matmul(rot, np.array([[dx],[dy]]))
dx_rot = rot[0]
dy_rot = rot[1]
self.shft_xss[i,j] = self.shft_xss[i,j] + dx_rot
self.shft_yss[i,j] = self.shft_yss[i,j] + dy_rot
# Pressure Side
dx = self.shft_xps[i,j]-centerPointX[i]
dy = self.shft_yps[i,j]-centerPointY[i]
# Scale dx and dy by thickness to chord
dx_scaled = dx*cxps[i]([j])[0]
dy_scaled = dy*cyps[i]([j])[0]
# obtain the shift relative to the point
xnew = centerPointX[i] + dx_scaled
ynew = centerPointY[i] + dy_scaled
dx = xnew - self.shft_xps[i,j]
dy = ynew - self.shft_yps[i,j]
rot = np.array([[cosd(rotation_vector[j]), -sind(rotation_vector[j])], [sind(rotation_vector[j]), cosd(rotation_vector[j])]])
rot = np.matmul(rot, np.array([[dx],[dy]]))
dx_rot = rot[0]
dy_rot = rot[1]
self.shft_xps[i,j] = dx_rot + self.shft_xps[i,j]
self.shft_yps[i,j] = dy_rot + self.shft_yps[i,j]
# Shift the trailing edge center
j = npoints_no_TE-1 # Take the final shift
dx = te_center_x[i]-centerPointX[i]
dy = te_center_y[i]-centerPointY[i]
dx_scaled = dx*(cxps[i]([j])[0] + cxss[i]([j])[0])/2
dy_scaled = dy*(cyps[i]([j])[0] + cyss[i]([j])[0])/2
xnew = centerPointX[i] + dx_scaled
ynew = centerPointY[i] + dy_scaled
dx = xnew - te_center_x[i]
dy = ynew - te_center_y[i]
rot = np.array([
[cosd(rotation_vector[j]), -sind(rotation_vector[j])],
[sind(rotation_vector[j]), cosd(rotation_vector[j])]
rot = np.matmul(rot,np.array([[dx],[dy]]))
dx_rot = rot[0]
dy_rot = rot[1]
te_center_x[i] = dx_rot + te_center_x[i]
te_center_y[i] = dy_rot + te_center_y[i]
# Shift the trailing edge by the dx, dy of the camber
# Find new last camber point
dx = te_center_x[i] - self.te_center_x[i] # new te_center_x subtract the old one before the wavy
dy = te_center_y[i] - self.te_center_y[i]
# Shift the TE Points by common dx and dy
te_start = npoints_no_TE
self.shft_xss[i,te_start:] = self.shft_xss[i,te_start:]+dx # self is to maintain the same Trailing edge diameter
self.shft_yss[i,te_start:] = self.shft_yss[i,te_start:]+dy
self.shft_xps[i,te_start:] = self.shft_xps[i,te_start:]+dx
self.shft_yps[i,te_start:] = self.shft_yps[i,te_start:]+dy
TE_Radius_ss[i] = np.sqrt((te_center_x[i]-self.shft_xss[i,-1])**2+ (te_center_y[i]-self.shft_yss[i,-1])**2)
TE_Radius_ps[i] = np.sqrt((te_center_x[i]-self.shft_xps[i,-1])**2+ (te_center_y[i]-self.shft_yps[i,-1])**2)
self.te_center_x = te_center_x
self.te_center_y = te_center_y
# Fix the start and end points
# Make sure LE and TE start and end at the same point.
startPointX = (self.shft_xss[:,0] + self.shft_xps[:,0])/2.0 # First X coordinate of all the profiles
startPointY = (self.shft_yss[:,0] + self.shft_yps[:,0])/2.0 # First Y coordinate of all the profiles
endPointX = (self.shft_xss[:,-1] + self.shft_xps[:,-1])/2.0 # last x-coordinate of all the profiles
endPointY = (self.shft_yss[:,-1] + self.shft_yps[:,-1])/2.0 # last y-coordinate of all the profiles
self.shft_xss[:,0] = startPointX
self.shft_yss[:,0] = startPointY
self.shft_xps[:,0] = startPointX
self.shft_yps[:,0] = startPointY
self.shft_xss[:,-1] = endPointX
self.shft_yss[:,-1] = endPointY
self.shft_xps[:,-1] = endPointX
self.shft_yps[:,-1] = endPointY
# self.shft_xss = np.array([startPointX, self.shft_xss[:,1:-2], endPointX])
# self.shft_xps = [startPointX, self.shft_xps[:,1:-2], endPointX]
# self.shft_yss = [startPointY, self.shft_yss[:,1:-2], endPointY]
# self.shft_yps = [startPointY, self.shft_yps[:,1:-2], endPointY]
self.te_radius_ss = TE_Radius_ss
self.te_radius_ps = TE_Radius_ps
def whisker_blade(self,LERatio,TERatio,PSRatio,LE_wave_angle,TE_wave_angle,TE_smooth=0.9):
"""Stretches blade but keeps the trailing edge constant. This code maintains the same cross sectional profile area.
The way it does this is by contracting or stretching the suction side
The following inputs are functions ranging from 0% span to 100% span, it can be any function
LERatio ([type]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
TERatio ([type]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
PSRatio ([type]): list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling
LE_wave_angle (List[float]): 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.
TE_wave_angle (List[float]): 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.
TE_smooth (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.9.
LERatio = convert_to_ndarray(LERatio)
PSRatio = convert_to_ndarray(PSRatio)
TERatio = convert_to_ndarray(TERatio)
LE_wave_angle = np.radians(convert_to_ndarray(LE_wave_angle))
TE_wave_angle = np.radians(convert_to_ndarray(TE_wave_angle))
[nprofiles,npointsPerProfile] = self.shft_xss.shape
# Create a spline that represents the SSRatio, PSRatio, LERatio, TERatio
# Check to see if variable exists and if there are differences between the inputs
self.spanw_leratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(LERatio)),LERatio)
self.spanw_psratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(PSRatio)),PSRatio)
self.spanw_teratio_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(TERatio)),TERatio)
self.spanw_lewave_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(LE_wave_angle)),LE_wave_angle)
self.spanw_tewave_fn = PchipInterpolator(np.linspace(0,1,len(LE_wave_angle)),TE_wave_angle)
# Build a shift matrix
npoints_no_TE = npointsPerProfile - self.nte # number of points neglecting the Trailing Edge, trailing edge diameter remains untouched
chord = np.zeros(nprofiles)
centerPointX = np.zeros(nprofiles)
centerPointY = np.zeros(nprofiles)
vibrissaeIndx = np.zeros(nprofiles)
TE_Radius_ss = np.zeros(nprofiles)
TE_Radius_ps = np.zeros(nprofiles)
te_center_x = copy.deepcopy(self.te_center_x)
te_center_y = copy.deepcopy(self.te_center_y)
camberX = np.add(self.shft_xss,self.shft_xps)/2.0
camberY = np.add(self.shft_yss,self.shft_yps)/2.0
# Grab the center point
profileArea= np.zeros(nprofiles)
profileAreaNew = np.zeros(nprofiles)
t_no_te = np.linspace(0,1,npoints_no_TE)
def CreateWhisker(SSRatio,profile_indx):
These are scaling factors used to scale dx and dy
There is no scaling near the trailing edge
percentSpan = profile_indx/(nprofiles-1)
t = [0,vibrissaeIndx[profile_indx],floor((npoints_no_TE-2)*TE_smooth),npoints_no_TE-2]
profile_scale = convert_to_ndarray([self.spanw_leratio_fn(percentSpan),SSRatio,
cxss = PchipInterpolator(t,1+profile_scale)
cyss = PchipInterpolator(t,1+profile_scale) # Y is axial
profile_scale = convert_to_ndarray([self.spanw_leratio_fn(percentSpan),self.spanw_psratio_fn(percentSpan),
cxps = PchipInterpolator(t,1+profile_scale)
cyps = PchipInterpolator(t,1+profile_scale) # Y is axial
return cxss,cyss,cxps,cyps
def ScaleBlade(indx_profile,indx_point,xss,yss,xps,yps,cxss,cxps,cyss,cyps,rotation_vector):
# Suction Side
dx = xss[indx_point]-centerPointX[indx_profile]
dy = yss[indx_point]-centerPointY[indx_profile]
# Scale dx and dy by thickness to chord
dx_scaled = dx*cxss(indx_point) # dx from centerPoint
dy_scaled = dy*cyss(indx_point) # dy from centerPoint
# obtain the shift relative the point
xnew = centerPointX[indx_profile] + dx_scaled
ynew = centerPointY[indx_profile] + dy_scaled
dx = xnew - xss[indx_point]
dy = ynew - yss[indx_point]
rot = np.matmul(np.array([
[sind(rotation_vector[indx_point]), cosd(rotation_vector[indx_point])]
]), np.array([[dx], [dy]]))
dx_rot = rot[0]
dy_rot = rot[1]
xss[indx_point] = xss[indx_point] + dx_rot
yss[indx_point] = yss[indx_point] + dy_rot
# Pressure Side
dx = xps[indx_point]-centerPointX[indx_profile]
dy = yps[indx_point]-centerPointY[indx_profile]
# Scale dx and dy by thickness to chord
dx_scaled = dx*cxps(indx_point)
dy_scaled = dy*cyps(indx_point)
# obtain the shift relative to the point
xnew = centerPointX[indx_profile] + dx_scaled
ynew = centerPointY[indx_profile] + dy_scaled
dx = xnew - xps[indx_point]
dy = ynew - yps[indx_point]
rot = np.matmul(np.array([
[sind(rotation_vector[indx_point]), cosd(rotation_vector[indx_point])]
]), np.array([[dx], [dy]]))
dx_rot = rot[0]
dy_rot = rot[1]
xps[indx_point] = dx_rot + xps[indx_point]
yps[indx_point] = dy_rot + yps[indx_point]
return xss,yss,xps,yps
def ApplyWave(SSRatio,kwargs):
profile_indx = kwargs['profile_indx']
xss = copy.deepcopy(kwargs['xss'])
yss = copy.deepcopy(kwargs['yss'])
xps = copy.deepcopy(kwargs['xps'])
yps = copy.deepcopy(kwargs['yps'])
profileArea = kwargs['profileArea']
bMinimize = kwargs['bMinimize']
[cxss,cyss,cxps,cyps] = CreateWhisker(SSRatio[0],profile_indx)
# LE Rotation Angle
t = profile_indx/nprofiles
rot_ang1 = self.spanw_lewave_fn([t])[0]*(0.5*(1+np.cos(math.pi*t_no_te)))
# TE Rotation Angle
rot_ang2 = self.spanw_tewave_fn([t])[0]*(0.5*(1+np.cos(math.pi*np.flip(t_no_te))))
# Blend the rotation angles into a vector
rotation_vector = rot_ang1+rot_ang2
for point_indx in range(npoints_no_TE):
[xss,yss,xps,yps] = ScaleBlade(profile_indx,point_indx,xss,yss,xps,yps,cxss,cxps,cyss,cyps,rotation_vector)
# Move the Trailing Edge
j = npoints_no_TE-1 # Take the final shift
dx = te_center_x[profile_indx]-centerPointX[profile_indx]
dy = te_center_y[profile_indx]-centerPointY[profile_indx]
dx_scaled = dx*cxss([j])[0] # dx from centerPoint
dy_scaled = dy*cyss([j])[0] # dy from centerPoint
xnew = centerPointX[profile_indx] + dx_scaled
ynew = centerPointY[profile_indx] + dy_scaled
dx = xnew - te_center_x[profile_indx]
dy = ynew - te_center_y[profile_indx]
rot = np.matmul(np.array([
[cosd(rotation_vector[j]), -sind(rotation_vector[j])],
[sind(rotation_vector[j]), cosd(rotation_vector[j])]
]),np.array([[dx], [dy]]))
dx_rot = rot[0]
dy_rot = rot[1]
te_center_x_temp = dx_rot + te_center_x[profile_indx]
te_center_y_temp = dy_rot + te_center_y[profile_indx]
# Shift the trailing edge by the dx, dy of the camber
# Find new last camber point
dx = te_center_x_temp - self.te_center_x[profile_indx] # new te_center_x subtract the old one before the wavy
dy = te_center_y_temp - self.te_center_y[profile_indx]
# Shift the TE Points by common dx and dy
xss[npoints_no_TE:] = xss[npoints_no_TE:]+dx # self is to maintain the same Trailing edge diameter
yss[npoints_no_TE:] = yss[npoints_no_TE:]+dy
xps[npoints_no_TE:] = xps[npoints_no_TE:]+dx
yps[npoints_no_TE:] = yps[npoints_no_TE:]+dy
area_ss = np.trapz(yss,xss)
area_ps = np.trapz(yps,xps)
area = (area_ps-area_ss)
err = (area-profileArea)/profileArea
if bMinimize:
return abs(err)
return xss,yss,xps,yps,te_center_x_temp,te_center_y_temp
for i in range(nprofiles):
print("Evaluating Profile " + str(i+1) + " out of " + str(nprofiles))
TE_Radius_ss[i] = math.sqrt((self.te_center_x[i]-self.shft_xss[i,-1])**2 + (self.te_center_y[i]-self.shft_yss[i,-1])**2)
TE_Radius_ps[i] = math.sqrt((self.te_center_x[i]-self.shft_xps[i,-1])**2 + (self.te_center_y[i]-self.shft_yps[i,-1])**2)
# camber line
xcam = (self.shft_xss[i,:]+self.shft_xps[i,:])/2.0
ycam = (self.shft_yss[i,:]+self.shft_yps[i,:])/2.0
dydx = derivative_1(ycam,xcam)
# Find where camber line changes signs
vibrissaeIndx[i] = -1
s1 = np.sign(dydx[1])
for indx in range(2,len(dydx)):
if (np.sign(dydx[indx])!=s1):
vibrissaeIndx[i] = indx
if (vibrissaeIndx[i]==-1):
vibrissaeIndx[i] = ceil(0.2*npointsPerProfile)
centerPointX[i] = camberX[i,int(vibrissaeIndx[i])] # Stretch will be based around self point
centerPointY[i] = camberY[i,int(vibrissaeIndx[i])]
# Find thickness for each camber point
# Compute Area of the blade
area_ss = np.trapz(self.shft_yss[i,:],self.shft_xss[i,:])
area_ps = np.trapz(self.shft_yps[i,:],self.shft_xps[i,:])
profileArea[i] = abs(area_ps-area_ss)
# Get the SS ratio that maintains the area
xss = self.shft_xss[i,:]
yss = self.shft_yss[i,:]
xps = self.shft_xps[i,:]
yps = self.shft_yps[i,:]
# Find the SS Ratio that maintains the same area as
# original profile
bnds = ((-1,5),)
res = minimize(ApplyWave,x0=(0),bounds=bnds,tol=1E-4,args=dict({"profile_indx":i,"xss":xss,"yss":yss,"xps":xps,"yps":yps,"profileArea":profileArea[i],"bMinimize":True}))
SSRatio = res.x[0]
[xss,yss,xps,yps,te_center_x_temp,te_center_y_temp] = ApplyWave([0],dict({"profile_indx":i,"xss":xss,"yss":yss,"xps":xps,"yps":yps,"profileArea":profileArea[i],"bMinimize":False}))
self.shft_xss[i,:] = xss
self.shft_yss[i,:] = yss
self.shft_xps[i,:] = xps
self.shft_yps[i,:] = yps
# self.te_center_x[i] = te_center_x_temp
# self.te_center_y[i] = te_center_y_temp
area_ss = np.trapz(self.shft_yss[i,:],self.shft_xss[i,:])
area_ps = np.trapz(self.shft_yps[i,:],self.shft_xps[i,:])
profileAreaNew[i] = abs(area_ps-area_ss)
TE_Radius_ss[i] = math.sqrt((te_center_x[i]-self.shft_xss[i,-1])**2+ (te_center_y[i]-self.shft_yss[i,-1])**2)
TE_Radius_ps[i] = math.sqrt((te_center_x[i]-self.shft_xps[i,-1])**2+ (te_center_y[i]-self.shft_yps[i,-1])**2)
# Fix the start and end points
# Make sure LE and TE start and end at the same point.
startPointX = (self.shft_xss[:,0] + self.shft_xps[:,0])/2.0 # First X coordinate of all the profiles
startPointY = (self.shft_yss[:,0] + self.shft_yps[:,0])/2.0 # First Y coordinate of all the profiles
endPointX = (self.shft_xss[:,-1] + self.shft_xps[:,-1])/2.0 # last x-coordinate of all the profiles
endPointY = (self.shft_yss[:,-1] + self.shft_yps[:,-1])/2.0 # last y-coordinate of all the profiles
self.shft_xss[:,0] = startPointX
self.shft_yss[:,0] = startPointY
self.shft_xps[:,0] = startPointX
self.shft_yps[:,0] = startPointY
self.shft_xss[:,-1] = endPointX
self.shft_yss[:,-1] = endPointY
self.shft_xps[:,-1] = endPointX
self.shft_yps[:,-1] = endPointY