from code import interact
import numpy as np
import math
from typing import List
from ..helper import convert_to_ndarray, bezier, bezier3, centroid, check_replace_max, check_replace_min, csapi
from ..helper import create_cubic_bounding_box, cosd, sind, uniqueXY, pspline, line2D, ray2D, pspline_intersect, dist, spline_type
from .airfoil2D import airfoil2D
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
import enum
import copy
import os
import glob
from scipy.interpolate import PchipInterpolator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from tqdm import trange
from stl import mesh
class stack_type(enum.Enum):
"""class defining the type of stacking for airfoil2D profiles
enum (enum.Emum): inherits enum
leading_edge = 1
centroid = 2
trailing_edge = 3
class airfoil3D():
profileArray: List[airfoil2D]
profileSpan: List[float]
IsSplineFitted: bool
IsSplineFittedShell: bool
'''Bezier X,Y,Z are for the stacking line of the blade'''
bezierX: List[float]
bezierY: List[float]
bezierZ: List[float]
te_center_x: np.ndarray # Center of trailing edge for each span profile
te_center_y: np.ndarray
b3: bezier3 # 3D Bezier curve that defines the stacking
bImportedBlade: bool
sweepY: np.ndarray # Array defining the sweep and lean points.
sweepZ: np.ndarray #
leanX: np.ndarray
leanY: np.ndarray
nte: int # Number of points defining the trailing edge
npts: int # Number of points defining the suction and pressure side
nspan: int # Number of cross sections along the span
'''Profile points: these are the 2D Profiles that you passed into the constructor'''
spline_xpss: np.ndarray # Profile Suction side
spline_ypss: np.ndarray
spline_zpp: np.ndarray
spline_xpps: np.ndarray # Profile Pressure side
spline_ypps: np.ndarray
'''3D Blade points: Final blade points after lean and sweep are accounted for'''
spline_xss: List[PchipInterpolator] # Suction side list of curves
spline_yss: List[PchipInterpolator]
spline_zss: List[PchipInterpolator]
spline_xps: List[PchipInterpolator] # Pressure side: list of curves
spline_yps: List[PchipInterpolator]
spline_zps: List[PchipInterpolator]
spline_te_xss: np.ndarray # Trailing edge suction side points
spline_te_yss: np.ndarray
spline_te_xps: np.ndarray # Trailing edge pressure side points
spline_te_yps: np.ndarray
xss: np.ndarray # Blade cross sections defined without Lean or Sweep
yss: np.ndarray
te_ss_x: np.ndarray
te_ss_y: np.ndarray
xps: np.ndarray
yps: np.ndarray
te_ps_x: np.ndarray
te_ps_y: np.ndarray
control_x_ss: np.ndarray # Location of the stacking line control points
control_y_ss: np.ndarray
control_x_ps: np.ndarray
control_y_ps: np.ndarray
c_te_x_ss: np.ndarray
c_te_y_ss: np.ndarray
c_te_x_ps: np.ndarray
c_te_y_ps: np.ndarray
shft_xss: np.ndarray # Suction side Final points with lean and sweep
shft_yss: np.ndarray # These are the points that are exported
shft_zss: np.ndarray
shft_xps: np.ndarray # Pressure side Final points with lean and sweep
shft_yps: np.ndarray # These are the points that are exported
shft_zps: np.ndarray
shell_xss: List[PchipInterpolator] # curves defining the shelled geometry
shell_yss: List[PchipInterpolator]
shell_zss: List[PchipInterpolator]
shell_xps: List[PchipInterpolator]
shell_yps: List[PchipInterpolator]
shell_zps: List[PchipInterpolator]
"""Defines a 3D Airfoil to be used in a channel
def __init__(self, profileArray: List[airfoil2D], profile_loc: List[float], height: float):
"""Constructs a 3D Airfoil
profileArray (List[airfoil2D]): array of airfoil2D profiles
profile_loc (List[float]): location of the airfoil2D profiles
height (float): height of the 3D blade
self.profileArray = profileArray
self.profileSpan = convert_to_ndarray(profile_loc)
self.span = height
self.IsSplineFitted = False
self.IsSplineFittedShell = False
def stack(self, stackType=stack_type.centroid):
"""Defines how the airfoil profiles are stacked
stackType (stack_type, optional): Options are centroid, Leading Edge, Trailing Edge. Defaults to stack_type.centroid.
self.bezierX = []; self.bezierY = []; self.bezierZ = []
self.stackType = stackType
self.te_center_x = np.zeros(len(self.profileArray))
self.te_center_y = np.zeros(len(self.profileArray))
if (len(self.profileArray) >= 2):
# Stack the airfoils about LE
if (stackType == stack_type.leading_edge):
hub = self.profileArray[0]
[hx, hy] = hub.camberBezier.get_point(0)
[hx_te, hy_te] = hub.camberBezier.get_point(1)
self.te_center_x[0] = hx_te[0]
self.te_center_y[0] = hy_te[0]
for i in range(1, len(self.profileArray)):
[x, y] = self.profileArray[i].camberBezier.get_point(0)
dx = hx[0]-x[0]
dy = hy[0]-y[0]
# Shift the points based on camber
self.profileArray[i].shift(dx, dy)
[hx_te, hy_te] = self.profileArray[i].camberBezier.get_point(
self.te_center_x[i] = hx_te[0]
self.te_center_y[i] = hy_te[0]
# Stack the airfoils about TE
elif (stackType == stack_type.trailing_edge):
hub = self.profileArray[0]
[hx, hy] = hub.camberBezier.get_point(1)
[hx_te, hy_te] = hub.camberBezier.get_point(1)
self.te_center_x[0] = hx_te[0]
self.te_center_y[0] = hy_te[0]
for i in range(1, len(self.profileArray)):
[x, y] = self.profileArray[i].camberBezier.get_point(1)
dx = 0
dy = 0
# Shift the points based on camber
self.profileArray[i].shift(dx, dy)
[hx_te, hy_te] = self.profileArray[i].camberBezier.get_point(
self.te_center_x[i] = hx_te[0]
self.te_center_y[i] = hy_te[0]
elif (stackType == stack_type.centroid):
[hx, hy] = self.profileArray[0].get_centroid()
[hx_te, hy_te] = self.profileArray[0].camberBezier.get_point(1)
self.te_center_x[0] = hx_te[0]
self.te_center_y[0] = hy_te[0]
for i in range(1, len(self.profileArray)):
[x, y] = self.profileArray[i].get_centroid()
dx = hx-x
dy = hy-y
# Shift the points based on camber
self.profileArray[i].shift(dx, dy)
[hx_te, hy_te] = self.profileArray[i].camberBezier.get_point(
self.te_center_x[i] = hx_te[0]
self.te_center_y[i] = hy_te[0]
self.bezierX = convert_to_ndarray(self.bezierX)
self.bezierY = convert_to_ndarray(self.bezierY)
self.bezierZ = convert_to_ndarray(self.bezierZ)
self.b3 = bezier3(self.bezierX,self.bezierY,self.bezierZ)
self.bImportedBlade = False
def sweep(self,sweep_y=[],sweep_z=[]):
"""Sweep bends the blade towards the leading edge or trailing edge. Blades are first stacked and then sweep can be applied
sweep_y (List[float], optional): adds bezier points to the sweep of the blade. Defaults to [].
sweep_z (List[float], optional): defines where along the span the sweep points should be located. Defaults to [].
self.sweepY = convert_to_ndarray(sweep_y)
self.sweepZ = convert_to_ndarray(sweep_z)
# add sweep where z exists
self.sweepZ = self.sweepZ*self.span
[_,ind_com1,ind_com2] = np.intersect1d(self.bezierZ, self.sweepZ,return_indices=True)
self.bezierY[ind_com1] = self.bezierY[ind_com1] + self.sweepY[ind_com2]*self.span
# add sweep where z does not exist
i1 = np.setxor1d(self.sweepZ, self.bezierZ) # tells what items in leanZ do not exist in bezierZ
if i1.size >0:
i1 = np.where(self.sweepZ == i1) # get the index
self.bezierZ = np.append(self.bezierZ, self.sweepZ[i1])
self.bezierY = np.append(self.bezierY, self.sweepY[i1]*self.span+self.bezierY[0])
xx = self.sweepZ; xx[i1] = self.bezierX[0]
self.bezierX = np.append(self.bezierX, xx[i1])
# A = sortrows([self.bezierZ' self.bezierX' self.bezierY'])
indx = np.argsort(self.bezierZ)
self.bezierZ = self.bezierZ[indx]
self.bezierX = self.bezierX[indx]
self.bezierY = self.bezierY[indx]
if (self.bImportedBlade): # imported blade doesn't have 2D airfoil profiles defined, just points
def lean(self,leanX:List[float],leanZ:List[float]):
"""Leans the blade towards the suction or pressure side. This applies points that are fitted by a bezier curve. Profiles are adjusted to follow this curve simulating lean.
leanX (List[float]): lean points
leanZ (List[float]): spanwise location of the lean points
leanX = convert_to_ndarray(leanX)
leanZ = convert_to_ndarray(leanZ)
self.leanX = leanX
self.leanZ = leanZ
leanZ = leanZ*self.span
# Add lean where z exists, basically adds more lean
[_,ind_com1,ind_com2] = np.intersect1d(self.bezierZ,leanZ,return_indices=True)
self.bezierX[ind_com1] = self.bezierX[ind_com1]+leanX[ind_com2]*self.span
# Add Lean where Z does not exist
# [~,i1] = setxor(leanZ,self.bezierZ); % MATLAB CODE tells what items in leanZ do not exist in bezierZ
i1 = np.setxor1d(leanZ,self.bezierZ)
if i1.size >0:
i1 = np.where(leanZ == i1) # get the index
self.bezierZ = np.append(self.bezierZ, leanZ[i1])
self.bezierX = np.append(self.bezierX, self.leanX[i1]*self.span+self.bezierX[0])
yy = leanZ; yy[i1] = self.bezierY[0] #TODO Need to check this
self.bezierY = np.append(self.bezierY, yy[i1])
# Sort
indx = np.argsort(self.bezierZ)
self.bezierZ = self.bezierZ[indx]
self.bezierX = self.bezierX[indx]
self.bezierY = self.bezierY[indx]
if (self.bImportedBlade):
def create_blade(self,nProfiles:int,num_points:int,trailing_edge_points:int):
"""Takes the control profiles specified in the construct and creates intermediate profiles filling the blade geometry. These profiles can be shifted or modified later.
nProfiles (int): number of intermeidate profiles to generate
num_points (int): number of points per profile. Suction and Pressure side will have this number of points
trailing_edge_points (int): Number of trailing edge points
self.bImportedBlade = False
# n - number of points to use for pressure and suction sides
self.npts = num_points # number of points to use for suction and pressure side
self.nte = trailing_edge_points
self.nspan = nProfiles
t = np.linspace(0,1,self.npts)
t_te = np.linspace(0,1,self.nte) # use 20 points for the trailing edge
n_profiles = len(self.profileArray)
# x,y,z profiles - stores the x,y,z coordinate for each profile for a given time
self.spline_xpps = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
self.spline_ypps = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
self.spline_zpp = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
self.spline_xpss = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
self.spline_ypss = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
self.spline_te_xss = np.zeros((self.nte,n_profiles)) # trailing edge points fixed at 100
self.spline_te_yss = np.zeros((self.nte,n_profiles))
self.spline_te_xps = np.zeros((self.nte,n_profiles))
self.spline_te_yps = np.zeros((self.nte,n_profiles))
# z coordinates of the blade
# --- Initialize and clear the profile points ---
self.zz = np.linspace(0,self.span,self.nspan) # 0 to whatever the span.
self.xps = np.zeros((self.nspan,self.npts)) # [x,x,x,x] -> each vector of x represents a different z coordinate
self.yps = np.zeros((self.nspan,self.npts)) # [y,y,y,y] -> each vector of y represents a different z coordinate
self.xss = np.zeros((self.nspan,self.npts)) # suction side
self.yss = np.zeros((self.nspan,self.npts))
self.te_ss_x = np.zeros((self.nspan,self.nte))
self.te_ss_y = np.zeros((self.nspan,self.nte))
self.te_ps_x = np.zeros((self.nspan,self.nte))
self.te_ps_y = np.zeros((self.nspan,self.nte))
# --- Make a spline for each profile for each point
# new code below
# tmpXps = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles)); tmpYps = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
# tmpXss = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles)); tmpYss = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
for j in range(n_profiles):
# [tmpXps[:,j], tmpYps[:,j]] = self.profileArray[j]._psBezier.get_point(t)
# [tmpXss[:,j], tmpYss[:,j]] = self.profileArray[j]._ssBezier.get_point(t)
[self.spline_xpps[:,j], self.spline_ypps[:,j]] = self.profileArray[j].psBezier.get_point(t,equal_space=True)
[self.spline_xpss[:,j], self.spline_ypss[:,j]] = self.profileArray[j].ssBezier.get_point(t,equal_space=True)
self.spline_zpp[:,j] = self.profileSpan[j]*self.span # Span
for i in range(self.npts):
self.xps[:,i]= csapi(self.spline_zpp[i,:],self.spline_xpps[i,:],self.zz) # Natural spline
self.yps[:,i]= csapi(self.spline_zpp[i,:],self.spline_ypps[i,:],self.zz)
self.xss[:,i]= csapi(self.spline_zpp[i,:],self.spline_xpss[i,:],self.zz)
self.yss[:,i]= csapi(self.spline_zpp[i,:],self.spline_ypss[i,:],self.zz)
spline_zpp_te = np.zeros((self.nte,n_profiles))
for j in range(n_profiles): # Trailing edge contains less points
# trailing edge
[self.spline_te_xps[:,j],self.spline_te_yps[:,j]] = self.profileArray[j].TE_ps_arc.get_point(t_te)
[self.spline_te_xps[:,j],self.spline_te_yps[:,j]] = self.profileArray[j].TE_ps_arc.get_point(t_te)
[self.spline_te_xss[:,j],self.spline_te_yss[:,j]] = self.profileArray[j].TE_ss_arc.get_point(t_te)
[self.spline_te_xss[:,j],self.spline_te_yss[:,j]] = self.profileArray[j].TE_ss_arc.get_point(t_te)
spline_zpp_te[:,j] = self.profileSpan[j]*self.span
for i in range(self.nte):
# Trailing edge suction side
self.te_ss_x[:,i]= csapi(spline_zpp_te[i,:],self.spline_te_xss[i,:],self.zz)
self.te_ss_y[:,i]= csapi(spline_zpp_te[i,:],self.spline_te_yss[i,:],self.zz)
# Trailing edge pressure side
self.te_ps_x[:,i]= csapi(spline_zpp_te[i,:],self.spline_te_xps[i,:],self.zz)
self.te_ps_y[:,i]= csapi(spline_zpp_te[i,:],self.spline_te_yps[i,:],self.zz)
self.te_center_x = csapi(self.profileSpan*self.span,self.te_center_x,self.zz)
self.te_center_y = csapi(self.profileSpan*self.span,self.te_center_y,self.zz)
# Populate Control Points
self.control_x_ps = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
self.control_y_ps = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
self.control_x_ss = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
self.control_y_ss = np.zeros((self.npts,n_profiles))
self.c_te_x_ps = np.zeros((self.nte,n_profiles))
self.c_te_x_ss = np.zeros((self.nte,n_profiles))
self.c_te_y_ps = np.zeros((self.nte,n_profiles))
self.c_te_y_ss = np.zeros((self.nte,n_profiles))
for i in range(n_profiles):
[self.control_x_ps[:,i], self.control_y_ps[:,i]] = self.profileArray[i].psBezier.get_point(t)
[self.control_x_ss[:,i], self.control_y_ss[:,i]] = self.profileArray[i].ssBezier.get_point(t)
# add trailing edge
[self.c_te_x_ps[:,i], self.c_te_y_ps[:,i]] = self.profileArray[i].TE_ps_arc.get_point(t_te)
[self.c_te_x_ss[:,i], self.c_te_y_ss[:,i]] = self.profileArray[i].TE_ss_arc.get_point(t_te)
# Shift all the generated turbine profiles points based on the bezier curve
def shift(self,x:float,y:float):
"""Moves the blade and recomputes the geometry
Step 1 - shifts the profiles
Step 2 - add lean and sweep again
Step 3 - recompute the geometry if npts != 0
x (float): shift in x direction
y (float): shift in y directrion
[nprofile,_] = self.shft_xss.shape
for i in range(nprofile):
self.shft_yss[i,:] = self.shft_yss[i,:] + y
self.shft_xss[i,:] = self.shft_xss[i,:] + x
self.shft_yps[i,:] = self.shft_yps[i,:] + y
self.shft_xps[i,:] = self.shft_xps[i,:] + x
def scale_zss(self,zmin:List[float],zmax:List[float]):
"""scales the z axis to match the channel height. Channel height may be defined as the radius
zmin (List[float]): Array of size n corresponding to minimum radius
zmax (List[float]): Array of size n corresponding to maximum radius
[_,nzz] = self.shft_xss.shape
z = np.zeros((self.nspan,len(zmin)))
for i in range(len(zmin)):
z[:,i] = np.linspace(zmin[i],zmax[i],self.nspan) # Rows (Z) Columns (Each point)
self.shft_zss = self.xss
for i in range(nzz): # number of profile sections created from bezier curve + spline
self.shft_zss[:,i] = z[:,i]
if (self.IsSplineFittedShell):
for i in range(nzz): # number of profile sections created from bezier curve + spline
self.shell_zss[:,i] = z[:,i]
def scale_zps(self,zmin:List[float],zmax:List[float]):
"""scales the z axis to match the channel height. Channel height may be defined as the radius
zmin (List[float]): Array of size n corresponding to minimum radius
zmax (List[float]): Array of size n corresponding to maximum radius
[_,nzz] = self.shft_xps.shape
z = np.zeros((self.nspan,len(zmin)))
for i in range(len(zmin)):
z[:,i] = np.linspace(zmin[i],zmax[i],self.nspan) # Rows (Z) Columns (Each point)
self.shft_zps = self.xps
for i in range(nzz): # number of profile sections created from bezier curve + spline
self.shft_zps[:,i] = z[:,i]
if (self.IsSplineFittedShell):
for i in range(nzz): # number of profile sections created from bezier curve + spline
self.shell_zps[:,i] = z[:,i]
def flip_cw(self):
"""Mirrors the blade by multiplying -1*x direction. This is assuming axial chord is in the y direction and span is in z
self.shft_xps = -1*self.shft_xps
self.shft_xss = -1*self.shft_xss
def flip(self):
"""Mirrors the blade by multiplying y direction by -1. This is assuming axial chord is in the y direction and span is in z
self.shft_yps = -1*self.shft_yps
self.shft_yss = -1*self.shft_yss
def section_z(self,zStartPercent:float,zEndPercent:float):
"""Chops the blade in between 2 spanwise lines. Think of it as cutting the blade between (zStartPercent) 10% and (zEndPercent) 50%
zStartPercent (float): bottom % of the blade to cut from
zEndPercent (float): top % of blade to cut from. stuff in middle is saved
[_,npts] = self.shft_zss.shape
for i in range(npts):
# create a spline for each profile's shift points
mn_zss = min(self.shft_zss[:,i])
mn_zps = min(self.shft_zps[:,i])
mx_zss = max(self.shft_zss[:,i])
mx_zps = max(self.shft_zps[:,i])
h_ss = mx_zss-mn_zss # height suction side
h_ps = mx_zps-mn_zps
zss = np.linspace(mn_zss+h_ss*zStartPercent,mn_zss+h_ss*zEndPercent,self.npts)
zps = np.linspace(mn_zps+h_ps*zStartPercent,mn_zps+h_ps*zEndPercent,self.npts)
self.shft_yss[:,i]= csapi(self.shft_zss[:,i],self.shft_yss[:,i],zss)
self.shft_xss[:,i]= csapi(self.shft_zss[:,i],self.shft_xss[:,i],zss)
self.shft_yps[:,i]= csapi(self.shft_zps[:,i],self.shft_yps[:,i],zps)
self.shft_xps[:,i]= csapi(self.shft_zps[:,i],self.shft_xps[:,i],zps)
self.shft_zps[:,i]= zps
self.shft_zss[:,i]= zss
# self.cylindrical()
def cartesian(self):
Converts the default cylindrical coordinates to cartesian system
[nprofiles,_] = self.shft_xss.shape
for i in range(nprofiles): # for each 2d blade profile in the 3d blade
[self.shft_xss[i,:],self.shft_zss[i,:],_] = self.convert_cyl_cartesian(self.shft_xss[i,:],self.shft_zss[i,:])
[self.shft_xps[i,:],self.shft_zps[i,:],_] = self.convert_cyl_cartesian(self.shft_xps[i,:],self.shft_zps[i,:])
def plot_profile(self,figureNum):
figureNum ([type]): [description]
n2D = 100
nprofiles = len(self.profileArray)
PSx = np.zeros(n2D*2,nprofiles)
PSy = np.zeros(n2D*2,nprofiles)
SSx = PSx; SSy = PSy; z = np.zeros(n2D*2,nprofiles)
# figure(figureNum)
# hold on
# for i = 1:nprofiles
# PSx[:,i]= self.shft_control_x_ps[:,i]; PSy[:,i]= self.shft_control_y_ps[:,i];
# SSx[:,i]= self.shft_control_x_ss[:,i]; SSy[:,i]= self.shft_control_y_ss[:,i];
# z[:,i]= ones(n2D*2,1)*self.profileSpan(i)*self.span;
# plot3(PSx[:,i],PSy[:,i],z[:,i],'r','linewidth',1.5);
# plot3(SSx[:,i],SSy[:,i],z[:,i],'b','linewidth',1.5);
# end
# plot3(self.spineX,self.spineY,self.zz,'k','Linewidth',1.5);
# hold off
# axis equal
def export_solidworks(self,name:str):
"""Export the blades in RTheta,Z,R coordinate format
name (string): exported filename
if (not os.path.exists('solidworks')):
folder = 'solidworks/{0}'.format(name)
if (not os.path.exists(folder)):
# Export all the sections into RTheta,Z,R format
# Export the Blade
[n,_] = self.shft_xss.shape; # n - number of points, m - number of sections
for j in range(n):
x = np.append(self.shft_xss[j,:], np.flip(self.shft_xps[j,:]))
y = np.append(self.shft_yss[j,:], np.flip(self.shft_yps[j,:]))
[x,y] = uniqueXY(x,y)
with open('{0}/blade_section{1:03d}.txt'.format(folder,j),'w') as f:
for k in range(len(x)):
f.write("{0:08f} {1:08f} {2:08f}\n".format(x[k],y[k],self.zz[j])) # Number of sections
def plot3D(self,only_blade=False):
"""Plots a 3D representation of the blade and control points trailing edge center line is also plotted along with the blade's stacking spine
only_blade (bool, optional): Only plot the blade, no stacking spine. Defaults to False.
(matplotlib.figure): figure object (
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
if not only_blade:
if (self.b3): # Plot the spline
[bx,by,bz] = self.b3.get_point(np.linspace(0,1,num=50),equal_space=False)
ax.plot3D(bx, by, bz, 'gray')
# Plot the control profiles
if (not self.bImportedBlade):
[_,nprofiles] = self.control_x_ps.shape
for p in range(nprofiles):
ax.plot3D(self.control_x_ps[:,p], self.control_y_ps[:,p], self.control_z_ps[:,p],color='green')
ax.plot3D(self.control_x_ss[:,p], self.control_y_ss[:,p], self.control_z_ss[:,p],color='green')
# Plot trailing edge center
# Plot the spine
[bx,by,bz] = self.b3.get_point(np.linspace(0,1,nprofiles),equal_space=False)
# Plot the profiles
[nprofiles,_] = self.shft_xss.shape
xmax=0.0; ymax=0.0; zmax=0.0
xmin=0.0; ymin=0.0; zmin=0.0
for i in range(nprofiles):
xmax = check_replace_max(xmax,np.max(np.append(self.shft_xps[i,:],self.shft_xss[i,:])))
xmin = check_replace_min(xmin,np.min(np.append(self.shft_xps[i,:],self.shft_xss[i,:])))
ymax = check_replace_max(ymax,np.max(np.append(self.shft_yps[i,:],self.shft_yss[i,:])))
ymin = check_replace_min(ymin,np.min(np.append(self.shft_yps[i,:],self.shft_yss[i,:])))
zmax = check_replace_max(zmax,np.max(np.append(self.shft_zps[i,:],self.shft_zss[i,:])))
zmin = check_replace_min(zmin,np.min(np.append(self.shft_zps[i,:],self.shft_zss[i,:])))
Xb,Yb,Zb = create_cubic_bounding_box(xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin,zmax,zmin)
# Comment or uncomment following both lines to test the fake bounding box:
for xb, yb, zb in zip(Xb, Yb, Zb):
ax.plot([xb], [yb], [zb], 'w')
Creates a 3D plot of the blade using plotly
Trailing edge center line is also plotted along with the blade's stacking spine
def plot3D_ly(self,only_blade=False):
"""Plots a 3D representation of the blade and control points trailing edge center line is also plotted along with the blade's stacking spine
only_blade (bool, optional): Only plot the blade, no stacking spine. Defaults to False.
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# df ="continent=='Europe'")
# fig = px.line_3d(df, x="gdpPercap", y="pop", z="year", color='country')
marker=dict(size=0.001, color="red", colorscale='Viridis')
# Plot the profiles
[nprofiles,_] = self.shft_xss.shape
for i in range(nprofiles):
if i == 0:
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter3d(x=self.shft_xss[i,:], y=self.shft_yss[i,:], z=self.shft_zss[i,:], marker=marker,line=dict(color='red',width=2)))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=self.shft_xss[i,:], y=self.shft_yss[i,:], z=self.shft_zss[i,:], marker=marker,line=dict(color='red',width=2)))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=self.shft_xps[i,:], y=self.shft_yps[i,:], z=self.shft_zps[i,:], marker=marker,line=dict(color='blue',width=2)))
if (not self.bImportedBlade):
if (not only_blade):
[_,nprofiles] = self.control_x_ps.shape
for p in range(nprofiles):
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=self.control_x_ps[:,p], y=self.control_y_ps[:,p], z=self.control_z_ps[:,p], marker=marker,line=line))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=self.control_x_ss[:,p], y=self.control_y_ss[:,p], z=self.control_z_ss[:,p], marker=marker,line=line))
# Plot trailing edge center
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=self.te_center_x, y=self.te_center_y, z=self.zz, marker=marker,line=line))
# Plot the spine
[bx,by,bz] = self.b3.get_point(np.linspace(0,1,nprofiles))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=bx, y=by, z=bz, marker=marker,line=dict(color='black',width=2)))
fig.update_layout(showlegend=False,scene= dict(aspectmode='manual',aspectratio=dict(x=1, y=1, z=1)))
def calc_nblades(self,pitchChord:float,rhub:float):
"""Calculates the number of blades
pitchChord (float): pitch to chord ratio
rhub (float): hub radius
pitch = self.profileArray[0].c*pitchChord
return math.floor(2*math.pi*rhub/pitch)
def import_geometry(folder:str,npoints:int=100,nspan:int=2,axial_chord:float=1,span:List[float]=[0,1],ss_ps_split:int=0):
"""imports geometry from a folder. Make sure there are 2 files inside the folder example: airfoil_0.txt and airfoil_1.txt. In this example, these two files represent the hub and tip. You can have as many as you want but 2 is the minimum. Filenames are sorted before import
airfoil_0 can contain 2 columns x,y or 3 columns x,y,z. Z column isn't used because you set the span. The span determines the spanwise location of the two airfoils
folder ([str]): folder containing the airfoils
npoints (int, optional): Number of points to scale the points to. Defaults to 100.
nspan (int, optional): Number of spanwise profiles to create. Defaults to 2.
axial_chord (int, optional): Defines the length of the axial chord. Axial chord within the file will be scaled. Defaults to 1.
span (List[float], optional): Spanwise location of the profiles. Defaults to [0,1] for 2 profiles.
ss_ps_split (int, optional): determines what index to split the suction and pressure side, default is number of points/2. Defaults to 0.
(airfoil3D): airfoil3D object
a3D = airfoil3D([],[],0)
def readFile(filename):
with open(filename,'r') as fp:
x = np.zeros(10000); y = np.zeros(10000); z = np.zeros(10000)
indx = 0
while (True):
line = fp.readline()
if not line.strip().startswith("#"):
line_no_comment = line.split("#")[0]
line_no_comment = line_no_comment.strip().split(' ')
arr = [l for l in line_no_comment if l]
# arr = [s.strip() for s in line.splitlines()]
if (len(arr) == 2):
arr = convert_to_ndarray(arr)
x[indx] = arr[0]
y[indx] = arr[1]
indx +=1
elif (len(arr) == 3):
arr = convert_to_ndarray(arr)
x[indx] = arr[0]
y[indx] = arr[1]
z[indx] = arr[2]
except Exception as test:
if not line:
x = x[0:indx]
y = y[0:indx]
z = z[0:indx]
return x,y,z
pwd = os.getcwd()
listing = glob.glob('*.txt')
nprofiles = len(listing)
xss = np.zeros((nprofiles,npoints))
yss = np.zeros((nprofiles,npoints))
xps = np.zeros((nprofiles,npoints))
yps = np.zeros((nprofiles,npoints))
zz = np.zeros(nprofiles)
cx = np.zeros(len(listing))
cy = np.zeros(len(listing))
cz = np.zeros(len(listing))
for i in range(len(listing)):
airfoil_file = listing[i]
[x,y,z] = readFile(airfoil_file)
xmin = min(x)
xmax = max(x)
scale = 1
if (i==0):
scale = axial_chord/(xmax-xmin)
x = x*scale
y = y*scale
z = x*0+span[i]
if (ss_ps_split<0):
if ((len(x) % 2) == 0):
te_indx = int(len(x)/2)
te_indx = int((len(x)-1)/2)+1
te_indx = ss_ps_split
xps_temp = x[0:te_indx+1]
yps_temp = y[0:te_indx+1]
xss_temp = x[te_indx::]
yss_temp = y[te_indx::]
sp = pspline(xss_temp,yss_temp)
pt,_ = sp.get_point(np.linspace(0,1,npoints))
xss[i,:] = pt[:,0]; yss[i,:] = pt[:,1]
sp = pspline(xps_temp,yps_temp)
pt2,_ = sp.get_point(np.linspace(0,1,npoints))
xps[i,:] = pt2[:,0]; yps[i,:] = pt2[:,1]
xps[i,:] = np.flip(xps[i,:])
yps[i,:] = np.flip(yps[i,:])
# if (abs(yps[i,-1]-yss[i,0]) > abs(yps[i,-1]-yss[i,0])):
# yps[i,:] = np.flip(yps[i,:])
# xps[i,:] = np.flip(xps[i,:])
zz[i] = z[0]
cx[i] = np.sum((xss[i,:]+xps[i,:])/2)/npoints # Calculate and store the centroid
cy[i] = np.sum((yss[i,:]+yps[i,:])/2)/npoints
a3D.bx =cx[0]; = cy[0]
a3D.bezierX = cx
a3D.bezierY = cy
a3D.bezierZ = zz
cz = zz
a3D.b3 = bezier3(cx,cy,cz)
t = np.linspace(0,1,nspan)
[x,y,z] = a3D.b3.get_point(t,equal_space=False)
# populate the other varibles
a3D.shft_xss = np.zeros((nspan,npoints))
a3D.shft_yss = np.zeros((nspan,npoints))
a3D.shft_xps = np.zeros((nspan,npoints))
a3D.shft_yps = np.zeros((nspan,npoints))
a3D.shft_zss = np.zeros((nspan,npoints))
a3D.shft_zps = np.zeros((nspan,npoints))
a3D.zz = z
for i in range(npoints):
a3D.shft_xss[:,i]= csapi(zz,xss[:,i],z)
a3D.shft_yss[:,i]= csapi(zz,yss[:,i],z)
a3D.shft_xps[:,i]= csapi(zz,xps[:,i],z)
a3D.shft_yps[:,i]= csapi(zz,yps[:,i],z)
a3D.shft_zss[:,i]= z
a3D.shft_zps[:,i]= z
a3D.control_x_ss = xss
a3D.control_y_ss = yss
a3D.control_x_ps = xps
a3D.control_y_ps = yps
a3D.xss = copy.deepcopy(a3D.shft_xss)
a3D.yss = copy.deepcopy(a3D.shft_yss)
a3D.xps = copy.deepcopy(a3D.shft_xps)
a3D.yps = copy.deepcopy(a3D.shft_yps)
a3D.bImportedBlade = True
a3D.stackType=2 # Centroid
a3D.span = max(z)-min(z)
a3D.nspan = nspan
return a3D
def get_chord(self):
"""Returns the chord, axial chord for all the profiles
chord = np.sqrt((self.shft_xps[:,-1] - self.shft_xps[:,0])**2 + (self.shft_yps[:,-1] - self.shft_yps[:,0])**2)
axial_chord = abs(self.shft_xps[:,-1] - self.shft_xps[:,0])
max_chord = max(chord)
avg_chord = np.mean(chord)
max_axial_chord = max(axial_chord)
avg_axial_chord = np.mean(axial_chord)
return chord,axial_chord
def get_pitch(self,nBlades:int):
"""Get the pitch distribution for a 3D blade row
nBlades (int): Number of blades
(tuple): tuple containing:
- **s** (numpy.ndarray): pitch distribution
- **s_c** (numpy.ndarray): pitch to chord distribution
chord,_ = self.get_chord()
r = self.shft_zps[:,-1]
s = 2*math.pi*r/nBlades
s_c = s/chord
return s, s_c
def profiles_shift(self):
Shift all profiles based on bezier curve that describes the spline of the blade
self.b3 = bezier3(self.bezierX,self.bezierY,self.bezierZ)
# Get centroid before combining with TE
[n,_] = self.xps.shape
cx = np.zeros(n); cy = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(0,n):
[cx[i], cy[i]] = centroid(np.concatenate((self.xps[i,:],self.xss[i,:])),np.concatenate((self.yps[i,:],self.yss[i,:])))
# Combine with TE
self.yps = np.concatenate((self.yps, self.te_ps_y[:,1:]),axis=1)
self.xps = np.concatenate((self.xps, self.te_ps_x[:,1:]),axis=1)
self.yss = np.concatenate((self.yss, self.te_ss_y[:,1:]),axis=1)
self.xss = np.concatenate((self.xss, self.te_ss_x[:,1:]),axis=1)
# Shift all points by bezier curve
self.shft_xps = copy.deepcopy(self.xps) # Add the trailing edge
self.shft_yps = copy.deepcopy(self.yps)
self.shft_zps = copy.deepcopy(self.yps)
self.shft_xss = copy.deepcopy(self.xss)
self.shft_yss = copy.deepcopy(self.yss)
self.shft_zss = copy.deepcopy(self.yss)
[nprofiles,npoints] = self.xps.shape
self.spineX = np.zeros(nprofiles)
self.spineY = np.zeros(nprofiles)
self.spineZ = copy.deepcopy(self.zz)
t = np.linspace(0,1,nprofiles)
[bx,by,_] = self.b3.get_point(t,equal_space=False)
for i in range(0,nprofiles):
x = bx[i]; y = by[i]
if (self.stackType == stack_type.centroid):
sx = cx[i]; sy = cy[i]
elif (self.stackType == stack_type.leading_edge):
sx = self.xps[i,0]
sy = self.yps[i,0]
else: # (self.stackType == stack_type.trailing_edge)
sx = 0
sy = 0
# Pressure profiles
self.shft_xps[i,:] = self.xps[i,:] + x - sx
self.shft_yps[i,:] = self.yps[i,:] + y - sy
# Suction profiles
self.shft_xss[i,:] = self.xss[i,:] + x - sx
self.shft_yss[i,:] = self.yss[i,:] + y - sy
self.spineX[i] = self.xps[i,0] + x - sx
self.spineY[i] = self.yps[i,0] + y - sy
if (len(self.te_center_x)>0): # if self is an imported blade then te_center wont be defined.
self.te_center_x[i] = self.te_center_x[i] + x - sx # Shift the trailing edge center
self.te_center_y[i] = self.te_center_y[i] + y - sy
self.shft_zps[i,:] = self.zz[i]
self.shft_zss[i,:] = self.zz[i]
# Equal Space points
t2 = np.linspace(0,1,npoints)
for i in trange(nprofiles,desc='Equal Spacing'):
p = pspline(self.shft_xps[i,:],self.shft_yps[i,:])
xy,_ = p.get_point(t2)
self.shft_xps[i,:] = xy[:,0]
self.shft_yps[i,:] = xy[:,1]
p = pspline(self.shft_xss[i,:],self.shft_yss[i,:])
xy,_ = p.get_point(t2)
self.shft_xss[i,:] = xy[:,0]
self.shft_yss[i,:] = xy[:,1]
# fig,ax = plt.subplots()
# ax.plot(self.shft_xps[i,:],self.shft_yps[i,:],'.')
# ax.plot(self.shft_xss[i,:],self.shft_yss[i,:],'.')
# ax.set_aspect('equal')
# Shift Control Profiles
self.control_x_ps = np.concatenate((self.control_x_ps, self.c_te_x_ps),axis=0)
self.control_y_ps = np.concatenate((self.control_y_ps, self.c_te_y_ps),axis=0)
self.control_x_ss = np.concatenate((self.control_x_ss, self.c_te_x_ss),axis=0)
self.control_y_ss = np.concatenate((self.control_y_ss, self.c_te_y_ss),axis=0)
self.control_z_ps = copy.deepcopy(self.control_x_ps)*0
self.control_z_ss = copy.deepcopy(self.control_x_ss)*0
for i in range(len(self.profileSpan)):
self.control_z_ps[:,i] = self.control_z_ps[:,i] + self.profileSpan[i]*self.span
self.control_z_ss[:,i] = self.control_z_ss[:,i] + self.profileSpan[i]*self.span
def convert_cyl_cartesian(self,rth:np.ndarray,radius:np.ndarray):
"""Convert a single profile from cylindrical to cartesian coordinates.
rth (np.ndarray): points in rtheta coordinate system
radius (np.ndarray): radius values of those points
(tuple): tuple containing:
- **yss** (numpy.ndarray): y direction
- **zss** (numpy.ndarray): z direction
- **thss** (numpy.ndarray): theta direction
# Jorge's Program
for i in range(0,len(rth)):
return yss,zss,thss
def __check_camber_intersection__(self,ray,camber_x,camber_y):
bIntersect = False
for p in range(len(camber_x)-1): # check if ray intersects with
camber_line = line2D([camber_x[p],camber_y[p]],[camber_x[p+1],camber_y[p+1]])
[t,bIntersect] = camber_line.intersect_ray(ray)
if (bIntersect):
if (t==0 and (ray.x == camber_line.p[0] and ray.y == camber_line.p[1])): # if ray starting point is the same as line, don't count it
bIntersect = False
elif (t<0): # if ray time vector is negative then it doesn't intersect
bIntersect = False
return bIntersect
def __check_ss_ray_intersection__(self,ray,ss_x,ss_y):
checks to see if the ray intersects the suction side
bIntersect = False
for p in range(0,len(ss_x)-1): # check if ray intersects with
ss_line = line2D([ss_x[p], ss_y[p]],[ss_x[p+1], ss_y[p+1]])
[t,u,bIntersect] = ss_line.intersect_ray(ray)
if (bIntersect):
if (t==0 and (ray.x == ss_line.p[0]) and ray.y == ss_line.p[1]): # if ray starting point is the same as line, don't count it
bIntersect = False
elif (u<0): # if ray time vector is negative then it doesn't intersect
bIntersect = False
return bIntersect
def __check_ps_ray_intersection__(self,ray,ps_x,ps_y):
checks to see if the ray intersects the pressure side
bIntersect = False
for p in range(0,len(ps_x)-1): # check if ray intersects with
ps_line = line2D([ps_x[p],ps_y[p]],[ps_x[p+1], ps_y[p+1]])
[t,u,bIntersect] = ps_line.intersect_ray(ray)
if (bIntersect):
if (t==0 and (ray.x == ps_line.p[0] and ray.y == ps_line.p[1])): # if ray starting point is the same as line, don't count it
bIntersect = False
elif (u<0): # if ray time vector is negative then it doesn't intersect
bIntersect = False
return bIntersect
def get_cross_section_normal(self,ss_x:np.ndarray,ss_y:np.ndarray,ps_x:np.ndarray,ps_y:np.ndarray):
"""Gets the normal of a cross section for a given profile
ss_x (np.ndarray): x - suction side points of a given profile
ss_y (np.ndarray): y - suction side points of a given profile
ps_x (np.ndarray): x - pressure side points of a given profile
ps_y (np.ndarray): y - pressure side points
(tuple): tuple containing:
- **ss_nx** (np.ndarray): normal vector on suction side
- **ss_ny** (np.ndarray): normal vector on suction side
- **ps_nx** (np.ndarray): normal vector on pressure side
- **ps_ny** (np.ndarray): normal vector on pressure side
npts = len(ss_x)
# Get Normal Vectors
ss_nx = np.zeros(npts)
ss_ny = np.zeros(npts)
ps_nx = np.zeros(npts)
ps_ny = np.zeros(npts)
camber_x = (ss_x + ps_x)/2.0
camber_y = (ss_y + ps_y)/2.0
for i in range(npts):
if (i==0):
dx_1 = ss_x[i+1]-ss_x[i]
dy_1 = ss_y[i+1]-ss_y[i]
dx_2 = ps_x[i+1]-ps_x[i]
dy_2 = ps_y[i+1]-ps_y[i]
elif (i==npts-1):
dx_1 = ss_x[i-1]-ss_x[i]
dy_1 = ss_y[i-1]-ss_y[i]
dx_2 = ps_x[i-1]-ps_x[i]
dy_2 = ps_y[i-1]-ps_y[i]
dx_1 = 1/2*(ss_x[i+1]-ss_x[i-1])
dy_1 = 1/2*(ss_y[i+1]-ss_y[i-1])
dx_2 = 1/2*(ps_x[i+1]-ps_x[i-1])
dy_2 = 1/2*(ps_y[i+1]-ps_y[i-1])
abs1 = np.linalg.norm([-dy_1,dx_1])
abs2 = np.linalg.norm([-dy_2,dx_2])
ss_nx[i] = -dy_1/abs1
ss_ny[i] = dx_1/abs1
ps_nx[i] = -dy_2/abs2
ps_ny[i] = dx_2/abs2
# Use ray-ray intersection to make sure normals will not intersect
for j in range(len(ps_x)):
ss_ray = ray2D(ss_x[j],ss_y[j],ss_nx[j],ss_ny[j])
ps_ray = ray2D(ps_x[j],ps_y[j],ps_nx[j],ps_ny[j])
if (self.__check_camber_intersection__(ss_ray,camber_x,camber_y)):
ss_nx[j] = -ss_nx[j]
ss_ny[j] = -ss_ny[j]
if (self.__check_camber_intersection__(ps_ray,camber_x,camber_y)):
ps_nx[j] = -ps_nx[j]
ps_ny[j] = -ps_ny[j]
return ss_nx,ss_ny,ps_nx,ps_ny
def spanwise_spline_fit(self):
Fits the blade with splines that run along the profiles
Helps with the wavy design
[nprofiles,npts] = self.shft_xps.shape
self.spline_xps = []
self.spline_yps = []
self.spline_zps = []
self.spline_xss = []
self.spline_yss = []
self.spline_zss = []
t = np.linspace(0,1,nprofiles)
for p in range(npts):
self.spline_xps.append(PchipInterpolator(t,self.shft_xps[:,p])) # Percent, x
self.IsSplineFitted = True
def spanwise_spline_fit_shell(self,shell_thickness:float,smooth:float=0.1):
"""Applies a shell in the spanwise direction. Creates a new blade inside the current blade. Helps with heat pipe design
shell_thickness (float): how much material to remove from the blade
smooth (float, optional): How much smoothing should be performed. Defaults to 0.1.
self.IsSplineFittedShell = False
shell_xss = []
shell_yss = []
shell_xps = []
shell_yps = []
[nprofiles,_] = self.shft_xps.shape
t = np.linspace(0,1,nprofiles)
for profile in range(nprofiles):
percent_profile = profile/nprofiles
[ss_x,ss_y,_,ps_x,ps_y,_] = self.get_shell_2D(percent_profile,shell_thickness,smooth)
shell_xss = convert_to_ndarray(shell_xss)
shell_yss = convert_to_ndarray(shell_yss)
shell_xps = convert_to_ndarray(shell_xps)
shell_yps = convert_to_ndarray(shell_yps)
self.shell_xss = []; self.shell_yss = []; self.shell_zss = []
self.shell_xps = []; self.shell_yps = []; self.shell_zps = []
[nprofiles,npts] = shell_xss.shape
for p in range(npts):
self.shell_xss.append(PchipInterpolator(t,shell_xss[:,p])) # Percent, x
self.IsSplineFittedShell = True
def get_cross_section(self,percent_span:float):
"""Get an arbirtary cross section at percent span. Doesn't factor into account the shift caused by the channel. Assumes the blade hasn't been placed inside of a channel.
percent_span (float): percent span to get the cross section
(tuple): tuple containing:
- **xss** (numpy.ndarray): suction side x coordinate
- **yss** (numpy.ndarray): suction side y coordinate
- **zss** (numpy.ndarray): suction side z coordinate
- **xps** (numpy.ndarray): pressure side x coordinate
- **yps** (numpy.ndarray): pressure side y coordinate
- **zps** (numpy.ndarray): pressure side z coordinate
[_,npts] = self.xss.shape
if (not self.IsSplineFitted):
xps = np.zeros(npts); yps = np.zeros(npts); zps = np.zeros(npts)
xss = np.zeros(npts); yss = np.zeros(npts); zss = np.zeros(npts)
for i in range(npts):
xps[i] = self.spline_xps[i](percent_span)
yps[i] = self.spline_yps[i](percent_span)
zps[i] = self.spline_zps[i](percent_span)
xss[i] = self.spline_xss[i](percent_span)
yss[i] = self.spline_yss[i](percent_span)
zss[i] = self.spline_zss[i](percent_span)
camber_x = (xps+xss)/2.0
camber_y = (yps+yss)/2.0
return xss,yss,zss,xps,yps,zps,camber_x,camber_y
def get_shell_2D(self,percent_span:float,shell_thickness:float,smooth:float=0.1,shell_points:int=80):
"""Gets the 2D shell for a given % span
percent_span (float): where along the span do you want the shell the blade
shell_thickness (float): offset from the outer wall
smooth (float, optional): what percentage of the points do you want to use to smooth the design. Defaults to 0.1.
shell_points (int, optional): number of points to describe the shell. Defaults to 80.
(tuple): tuple containing:
- **ss_x** (numpy.ndarray): suction side tangential (x) coordinates
- **ss_y** (numpy.ndarray): suction side axial (y) coordinates
- **ss_z** (numpy.ndarray): suction size radial (z) coordinates
- **ps_x** (numpy.ndarray): pressure side tangential (x) coordinates
- **ps_y** (numpy.ndarray): pressure side axial (y) coordinates
- **ps_z** (numpy.ndarray): pressure side axial (z) coordinates
if (not self.IsSplineFittedShell):
[ss_x,ss_y,ss_z,ps_x,ps_y,ps_z,_,_] = self.get_cross_section(percent_span)
[ss_nx,ss_ny,ps_nx,ps_ny] = self.get_cross_section_normal(ss_x,ss_y,ps_x,ps_y)
ss_x_new = ss_x + ss_nx * shell_thickness
ss_y_new = ss_y + ss_ny * shell_thickness
ps_x_new = ps_x + ps_nx * shell_thickness
ps_y_new = ps_y + ps_ny * shell_thickness
# Create a spline for suction and pressure side, check whether they intersect
ss_spline = pspline(np.flip(ss_y_new),np.flip(ss_x_new)) # Points need to be in increasing order
ps_spline = pspline(np.flip(ps_y_new),np.flip(ps_x_new))
intersect1 = pspline_intersect(ss_spline,ps_spline,0,0.5) # Check for intersection at the beginning
intersect2 = pspline_intersect(ss_spline,ps_spline,0.7,1.0) # Check for intersection at the end
if (intersect1[0]!=-1.0): # near leading edge
pt1,_ = ss_spline.get_point(intersect1[0])
intersect1_yss = pt1[0,1]
pt2,_ = ps_spline.get_point(intersect1[1])
intersect1_yps = pt2[0,1]
ss_x_new = ss_x_new[ss_y_new<intersect1_yss]
ss_y_new = ss_y_new[ss_y_new<intersect1_yss]
ps_x_new = ps_x_new[ps_y_new<intersect1_yps]
ps_y_new = ps_y_new[ps_y_new<intersect1_yps]
if (intersect2[0]!=-1.0): # trailing edge
pt1,_ = ss_spline.get_point(intersect2[0])
intersect2_yss = pt1[0,1]
pt2,_ = ps_spline.get_point(intersect2[1])
intersect2_yps = pt2[0,1]
ss_x_new = ss_x_new[ss_y_new>intersect2_yss]
ss_y_new = ss_y_new[ss_y_new>intersect2_yss]
ps_x_new = ps_x_new[ps_y_new>intersect2_yps]
ps_y_new = ps_y_new[ps_y_new>intersect2_yps]
# Make sure the start and end points are the same
# Make sure LE and TE start and end at the same point.
startPointX = (ss_x_new[0] + ps_x_new[0])/2.0 # First X coordinate of all the profiles
startPointY = (ss_y_new[0] + ps_y_new[0])/2.0 # First Y coordinate of all the profiles
endPointX = (ss_x_new[-1] + ps_x_new[-1])/2.0 # last x-coordinate of all the profiles
endPointY = (ss_y_new[-1] + ps_y_new[-1])/2.0 # last y-coordinate of all the profiles
ss_x_new[0] = startPointX; ps_x_new[0] = startPointX
ss_y_new[0] = startPointY; ps_y_new[0] = startPointY
ss_x_new[-1] = endPointX; ps_x_new[-1] = endPointX
ss_y_new[-1] = endPointY; ps_y_new[-1] = endPointY
# Interpolate the curves
t = np.linspace(0,1,shell_points)
ss_spline = pspline(ss_x_new,ss_y_new,method=spline_type.pchip)
ps_spline = pspline(ps_x_new,ps_y_new,method=spline_type.pchip)
pt,_ = ss_spline.get_point(t)
ss_x_new = pt[:,0]; ss_y_new = pt[:,1]
pt,_ = ps_spline.get_point(t)
ps_x_new = pt[:,0]; ps_y_new = pt[:,1]
# Smooth the shell at the leading edge
x = np.append(np.flip(ss_x_new[0:math.floor(shell_points*smooth)]),ps_x_new[1:math.floor(shell_points*smooth)])
y = np.append(np.flip(ss_y_new[0:math.floor(shell_points*smooth)]),ps_y_new[1:math.floor(shell_points*smooth)])
# Fit with bezier curve
t = np.linspace(0,1,math.floor(shell_points*smooth)*2)
b = bezier(x,y)
[x,y] = b.get_point(t,equal_space=False)
d = dist(x,y,ss_x[0],ss_y[0])
min_indx = np.where(d== np.amin(d))[0][0]
ss_x_temp = x[0:min_indx+1]
ss_y_temp = y[0:min_indx+1]
ps_x_temp = x[min_indx:len(x)]
ps_y_temp = y[min_indx:len(y)]
ss_spline = pspline(ss_x_temp,ss_y_temp)
ps_spline = pspline(ps_x_temp,ps_y_temp)
t = np.linspace(0,1,math.floor(shell_points*smooth))
pt1,_ = ss_spline.get_point(t)
ss_x_new[0:math.floor(shell_points*smooth)] = np.flip(pt1[:,0])
ss_y_new[0:math.floor(shell_points*smooth)] = np.flip(pt1[:,1])
pt2,_ = ps_spline.get_point(t)
ps_x_new[0:math.floor(shell_points*smooth)] = pt2[:,0]
ps_y_new[0:math.floor(shell_points*smooth)] = pt2[:,1]
# Smooth the shell at the trailing edge
x = np.append(ss_x_new[(shell_points-math.floor(shell_points*smooth)):shell_points],np.flip(ps_x_new[(shell_points-math.floor(shell_points*smooth)):]))
y = np.append(ss_y_new[(shell_points-math.floor(shell_points*smooth)):shell_points],np.flip(ps_y_new[(shell_points-math.floor(shell_points*smooth)):]))
# Fit with bezier curve
t = np.linspace(0,1,math.floor(shell_points*smooth)*2)
b = bezier(x,y)
[x,y] = b.get_point(t,equal_space=False)
d = dist(x,y,ss_x[-1],ss_y[-1])
min_indx = np.where(d== np.amin(d))[0][0]
ss_x_temp = x[0:min_indx+1]
ss_y_temp = y[0:min_indx+1]
ps_x_temp = x[min_indx:len(x)]
ps_y_temp = y[min_indx:len(y)]
ss_spline = pspline(ss_x_temp,ss_y_temp,method=spline_type.pchip)
ps_spline = pspline(ps_x_temp,ps_y_temp,method=spline_type.pchip)
t = np.linspace(0,1,int(len(x)/2))
pt1,_ = ss_spline.get_point(t)
ss_x_new[shell_points-math.floor(shell_points*smooth):shell_points] = pt1[:,0]
ss_y_new[shell_points-math.floor(shell_points*smooth):shell_points] = pt1[:,1]
pt2,_ = ps_spline.get_point(t)
ps_x_new[(shell_points-math.floor(shell_points*smooth)):shell_points] = np.flip(pt2[:,0])
ps_y_new[(shell_points-math.floor(shell_points*smooth)):shell_points] = np.flip(pt2[:,1])
ps_x_new = np.zeros(shell_points); ps_y_new = np.zeros(shell_points); ps_z = np.zeros(shell_points)
ss_x_new = np.zeros(shell_points); ss_y_new = np.zeros(shell_points); ss_z = np.zeros(shell_points)
for i in range(shell_points):
ps_x_new[i] = self.shell_xss[i](percent_span)
ps_y_new[i] = self.shell_yss[i](percent_span)
ps_z[i] = self.shell_zss[i](percent_span)
ss_x_new[i] = self.shell_xps[i](percent_span)
ss_y_new[i] = self.shell_yps[i](percent_span)
ss_z[i] = self.shell_zps[i](percent_span)
return ss_x_new,ss_y_new,ss_z,ps_x_new,ps_y_new,ps_z
def rotate(self,cx:float,cy:float,angle:float=0):
"""Rotate all shifted profiles about the leading edge including control profiles
cx (float): rotation point x coordinate
cy (float): rotation point y coordinate
angle (float, optional): clockwise angle to rotate. Defaults to 0.
# Rotate each profile
R = np.array([[cosd(angle), -sind(angle)],[sind(angle),cosd(angle)]])
for i in range(nprofiles):
dx = self.shft_xss[i,:] - cx
dy = self.shft_yss[i,:] - cy
self.shft_xss[i,:] = (dx*cosd(angle) - dy*sind(angle)) + cx
self.shft_yss[i,:] = (dx*sind(angle) + dy*cosd(angle)) + cy
dx = self.shft_xps[i,:] - cx
dy = self.shft_yps[i,:] - cy
self.shft_xps[i,:] = (dx*cosd(angle) - dy*sind(angle)) + cx
self.shft_yps[i,:] = (dx*sind(angle) + dy*cosd(angle)) + cy
for i in range(self.control_x_ps.shape[1]):
dx = self.control_x_ps[i,:] - cx
dy = self.control_y_ps[i,:] - cy
self.control_x_ps[i,:] = (dx*cosd(angle) - dy*sind(angle)) + cx
self.control_y_ps[i,:] = (dx*sind(angle) + dy*cosd(angle)) + cy
dx = self.control_x_ss[i,:] - cx
dy = self.control_y_ss[i,:] - cy
self.control_x_ss[i,:] = (dx*cosd(angle) - dy*sind(angle)) + cx
self.control_y_ss[i,:] = (dx*sind(angle) + dy*cosd(angle)) + cy
def center_le(self):
"""centers the blade by placing leading edge at 0,0
xc = self.shft_xss[0,0]
yc = self.shft_yss[0,0]
zc = self.shft_zss[0,0]
self.shft_xss = self.shft_xss-xc
self.shft_yss = self.shft_yss-yc
self.shft_zss = self.shft_zss-zc
self.shft_xps = self.shft_xps-xc
self.shft_yps = self.shft_yps-yc
self.shft_zps = self.shft_zps-zc
self.control_x_ps = self.control_x_ps - xc
self.control_y_ps = self.control_y_ps - yc
self.control_z_ps = self.control_z_ps - zc
self.control_x_ss = self.control_x_ss - xc
self.control_y_ss = self.control_y_ss - yc
self.control_z_ss = self.control_z_ss - zc
self.b3.x = self.b3.x - xc
self.b3.y = self.b3.y - yc
self.b3.z = self.b3.z - zc
self.te_center_x = self.te_center_x - xc
self.te_center_y = self.te_center_y - yc
self.zz = self.zz - xc
def plot_shell_2D(self,percent_span:float,shell_thickness:float):
"""Plots the 2D shell used for placement of heat pipes
percent_span (float): percent span where shell occurs
shell_thickness (float): thickness to remove from the blade
(matplotlib.figure): matplotlib figure object
[ss_x,ss_y,_,ps_x,ps_y,_,_,_] = self.get_cross_section(percent_span)
ss_x_new,ss_y_new,ss_z_new,ps_x_new,ps_y_new,ps_z_new = self.get_shell_2D(percent_span,shell_thickness)
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
return fig
def get_circumference(self,ss_x:np.ndarray,ss_y:np.ndarray,ps_x:np.ndarray,ps_y:np.ndarray):
"""returns the circumferene of a 2D airfoil profile
ss_x (np.ndarray): suction size x
ss_y (np.ndarray): suction side y
ps_x (np.ndarray): pressure side x
ps_y (np.ndarray): pressure side y
(tuple): tuple containing:
- **ss_len** (float): suction side length
- **ps_len** (float): pressure side length
ss_len = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.diff(ss_x)*np.diff(ss_x) + np.diff(ss_y)*np.diff(ss_y)))
ps_len = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.diff(ps_x)*np.diff(ps_x) + np.diff(ps_y)*np.diff(ps_y)))
return ss_len,ps_len
def export_stl(self,filename:str="blade.stl"):
"""Exports the finished blade to STL
filename (str, optional): Name of the STL file . Defaults to "blade.stl".
x = np.concatenate([self.shft_xss, np.flip(self.shft_xps[:,1:-1],axis=1)],axis=1)
y = np.concatenate([self.shft_yss, np.flip(self.shft_yps[:,1:-1],axis=1)],axis=1)
z = np.concatenate([self.shft_zss, np.flip(self.shft_zps[:,1:-1],axis=1)],axis=1)
# Create triangles
nspan = x.shape[0] # number of spans
nv = x.shape[1]*nspan # number of verticies
faces = list()
# Bottom triangles
i=0 # span 0
for j in range(int(x.shape[1]/2)):
v1 = j
v2 = j+1
v3 = x.shape[1] - (j+1)
v1 = j + 1
v2 = x.shape[1] - (j+2)
v3 = x.shape[1] - (j+1)
# Construct side wall triangles
for i in range(1,x.shape[0]): # Spans
for j in range(x.shape[1]): # points for each span
# Blue triangle
v1 = (i-1)*x.shape[1]+(j-1)
v2 = (i-1)*x.shape[1]+j
v3 = i*x.shape[1] + j-1
# red triangle
v1 = (i-1)*x.shape[1]+j
v2 = i*x.shape[1] + j
v3 = i*x.shape[1] + j-1
if j == x.shape[1]-1 and i<x.shape[0]-1:
# Blue triangle
v1 = (i-1)*x.shape[1]+(x.shape[1]-1)
v2 = (i-1)*x.shape[1]+j-1
v3 = i*x.shape[1] + x.shape[1]-1
# red triangle
v1 = (i-1)*x.shape[1]+x.shape[1]
v2 = i*x.shape[1] + x.shape[1]
v3 = i*x.shape[1] + x.shape[1]-1
# Top triangles
for j in range(int(x.shape[1]/2)):
v1 = j
v2 = j+1
v3 = x.shape[1] - (j+1)
v1 = j + 1
v2 = x.shape[1] - (j+2)
v3 = x.shape[1] - (j+1)
x = x.flatten()
y = y.flatten()
z = z.flatten()
vertices = np.array([x,y,z]).transpose()
faces = np.array(faces)
blade = mesh.Mesh(np.zeros(faces.shape[0], dtype=mesh.Mesh.dtype))
for i, f in enumerate(faces):
for j in range(3):
blade.vectors[i][j] = vertices[f[j],:]