Source code for

import numpy as np
from typing import List
from math import cos,sin,radians,degrees,pi,atan2,sqrt,atan
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
from ..helper import bezier,line2D,ray2D,arc,ray2D_intersection,exp_ratio,convert_to_ndarray,derivative,dist,pw_bezier2D,bisect
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy

[docs] class airfoil2D(): """Design a 2D Airfoil using bezier curves """ '''Initial values''' alpha1:float # Leading edge flow angle alpha2:float # Trailing edge flow angle stagger:float # Angle from Leading Edge to Trailing edge chord:float # Length from leading edge to trailing edge camberBezier: bezier # Bezier curve descrbing the camberline cambBezierX: List[float] # Coordinates of the camber bezier curve control points cambBezierY: List[float] ssBezier:bezier # Bezier curve describing the suction side ssBezierX:List[float] # Coordinates of the suction side bezier curve control points ssBezierY:List[float] psBezier:bezier psBezierX:List[float] psBezierY:List[float] def __init__(self,alpha1,alpha2,axial_chord,stagger): """Constructor for Airfoil2D Args: alpha1 (float): inlet metal angle of the blade 0 to 90 deg alpha2 (float): outlet metal angle of the blade 0 to 90 deg axial_chord (float): Axial chord of the blade stagger (float): stagger angle measured from trailing edge to leading edge """ self.alpha1 = alpha1 self.alpha2 = alpha2 self.stagger = stagger self.chord = axial_chord/cos(radians(self.stagger)) self.__create_camber() def __create_camber(self): """Create the camberline of the blade Called by the constructor to automatically build the camberline """ # Creates the airfoil camberline x2 = 0 y2 = 0 # Assumes CCW, call flip to convert to CW x1 = -self.chord*sin(radians(self.stagger)) y1 = self.chord*cos(radians(self.stagger)) r1 = ray2D(x1,y1,-sin(radians(self.alpha1)),-cos(radians(self.alpha1))) r2 = ray2D(x2,y2,-sin(radians(self.alpha2)),cos(radians(self.alpha2))) # Find intersection Point [x,y,_,_] = ray2D_intersection(r1,r2) self.cambBezierX = [x1,x,x2] self.cambBezierY = [y1,y,y2] b = bezier(self.cambBezierX,self.cambBezierY) self.camberBezier = b # Save the bezier curve
[docs] def custom_camber(self,x:float,y:float): """Creates a custom bezier curve camberline from 3 points [LEPoint, (x,y), TEPoint] Usage: Example profile.custom_camber(0.5,0.5) Args: x (float): arbitrary x coordinate y (float): arbitrary y coordinate """ x1 = -self.chord * sin(self.stagger) y1 = self.chord * cos(self.stagger) x2 = 0 y2 = 0 self.cambBezierX = [x1,x,x2] self.cambBezierY = [y1,y,y2] self.camberBezier = bezier(self.cambBezierX,self.cambBezierY)
[docs] def le_thickness_add(self,thickness:float,counter_rotation:bool=False): """Adds thickness to leading edge either on pressure side or suction side. If counter rotation is false, thickness is added to the suction side Args: thickness (float): float value for defining a bezier curve thickness counter_rotation (bool, optional): switches the side for the bezier curve initial thickness. Defaults to False. """ self.le_thickness = thickness*self.chord self._counter_rotation=counter_rotation # self basically swaps the pressure side and suction size self.ssBezierX = [] self.ssBezierX.append(self.cambBezierX[0]) # First point is always the start of the camberline self.ssBezierY = [] self.ssBezierY.append(self.cambBezierY[0]) self.psBezierX = [] self.psBezierX.append(self.cambBezierX[0]) self.psBezierY = [] self.psBezierY.append(self.cambBezierY[0]) # Add Thickness to the suction side if (not counter_rotation): theta_ss = 180-self.alpha1 self.ssBezierX.append(self.ssBezierX[0]+cos(radians(theta_ss))*self.le_thickness) self.ssBezierY.append(self.ssBezierY[0]+sin(radians(theta_ss))*self.le_thickness) else: theta_ps = -self.alpha1 self.psBezierX.append(self.psBezierX[0]+cos(radians(theta_ps))*self.le_thickness) self.psBezierY.append(self.psBezierY[0]+sin(radians(theta_ps))*self.le_thickness) b = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY) self.ssBezier = b b = bezier(self.psBezierX,self.psBezierY) self.psBezier = b
[docs] def le_thickness_match(self): """Matches the second derivative by changing the thickness of the opposite side Args: Returns: float: error in matching the second derivative """ # Point that controls the thickness is index [1] x = np.zeros(3) y = np.zeros(3) xx = np.zeros(3) yy = np.zeros(3) t1 = 0.001 t2 = 0.002 x[0] = self.cambBezierX[0] y[0]= self.cambBezierY[0] [x[1], y[1]] = self.ssBezier.get_point(t1) # Derivative on the suction side (Needs to match) [x[2], y[2]] = self.ssBezier.get_point(t2) dydx1 = derivative.derivative_2(x,y) theta_ps = -self.alpha1 def nest_ps_derivative2(h): self.psBezierX[1] = self.psBezierX[0]+cos(radians(theta_ps))*h self.psBezierY[1] = self.psBezierY[0]+sin(radians(theta_ps))*h self.psBezier = bezier(self.psBezierX,self.psBezierY) xx[0] = x[0] yy[0] = y[0] [xx[1],yy[1]] = self.psBezier.get_point(t1) # Gets the second derivative near the leading edge [xx[2],yy[2]] = self.psBezier.get_point(t2) dydx2 = derivative.derivative_2(xx,yy) err = abs(dydx2[1] - dydx1[1]) return err def nest_ss_derivative2(h): self.ssBezierX[1] = self.ssBezierX[0]+cos(radians(theta_ps))*h self.ssBezierY[1] = self.ssBezierY[0]+sin(radians(theta_ps))*h self.ssBezier = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY) xx[0] = x[0] yy[0] = y[0] [xx[1],yy[1]] = self.ssBezier.get_point(0.001) [xx[2],yy[2]] = self.ssBezier.get_point(0.002) dydx2 = derivative.derivative_2(xx,yy) err = abs(dydx2[1] - dydx1[1]) return err if (not self._counter_rotation): temp = minimize_scalar(nest_ps_derivative2,bounds=(0,self.le_thickness*30),method="bounded") h = temp.x if (nest_ps_derivative2(h) > 1): h = self.le_thickness self.psBezierX[1] = self.psBezierX[0]+cos(radians(theta_ps))*h # Changes the second point to match the second derivative at the leading edge self.psBezierY[1] = self.psBezierY[0]+sin(radians(theta_ps))*h self.psBezier = bezier(self.psBezierX,self.psBezierY) else: h = minimize_scalar(nest_ss_derivative2,bounds=(0,self.le_thickness*30),method="bounded") if (nest_ss_derivative2>1): h = self.le_thickness self.ssBezierX[1] = self.ssBezierX[0]+cos(radians(theta_ps))*h self.ssBezierY[1] = self.ssBezierY[0]+sin(radians(theta_ps))*h self.ssBezier = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY)
[docs] def te_create(self,radius:float,wedge_ss:float,wedge_ps:float): """Creates the trailing edge using a semi-circle Args: radius (float): circle radius wedge_ss (float): wedge angle on the suction side wedge_ps (float): wedge angle on the pressure side """ self.te_radius = radius self.te_wedge_ss = wedge_ss self.te_wedge_ps = wedge_ps b = self.camberBezier [x, y] = b.get_point(1) # Get the last point [dx, dy] = b.get_point_dt(1) theta = degrees(atan2(dy,dx)) if (theta>0): theta = theta-90 else: theta = theta+90 # Pressure side t = self.t_ps[-2] [xc,yc] = self.camberBezier.get_point([t-0.01, t, t+0.01]) m2 = derivative.derivative_1(xc,yc) m2 = -1/m2[2] xc = xc[2] yc = yc[2] x_wedge_ps = x+cos(radians(theta-wedge_ps))*radius y_wedge_ps = y+sin(radians(theta-wedge_ps))*radius alpha_start = theta-wedge_ps angle = alpha_start+360-(theta+180+wedge_ps) alpha_stop = alpha_start -angle alpha_mid = (alpha_start + alpha_stop)/2 self.TE_ps_arc = arc(x,y,radius,alpha_start,alpha_mid) # Pressure Side - Match first derivative # Compute first derivative on the arc [xx,yy] = self.TE_ps_arc.get_point([0,0.01,0.02]) dydx1 = derivative.derivative_1(xx,yy) m = dydx1[0] xo = (y_wedge_ps-yc-m*x_wedge_ps+m2*xc)/(m2-m) yo = y_wedge_ps-m*(x_wedge_ps-xo) #yo = (y_wedge_ps-m*x_wedge_ps)/(1+m*yc/xc) #xo = -yo*yc/xc # mc = (yo-y_wedge_ps)/(xo-x_wedge_ps) # Check self.psBezierX[-2] = xo[0] # set the last bezier point on the pressure side such that it matches the slope of the TE Arc self.psBezierY[-2] = yo[0] self.psBezierX[-1] = x_wedge_ps[0] self.psBezierY[-1] = y_wedge_ps[0] b = bezier(self.psBezierX,self.psBezierY) # Extends the bezier curve self.psBezier = b # Suction side if (int(max(self.t_ss))<1): # in case a camber percent (i.e. 0.7) is set t = self.t_ss[-1] else: t = self.t_ss[-2] [xc,yc] = self.camberBezier.get_point([t-0.01, t, t+0.01]) m2 = derivative.derivative_1(xc,yc) m2 = -1/m2[1] xc = xc[1] yc = yc[1] # find the perpendicular line slope x_wedge_ss = x+cos(radians(theta+180+wedge_ss))*radius y_wedge_ss = y+sin(radians(theta+180+wedge_ss))*radius alpha_start = theta-wedge_ss angle = alpha_start+360-(theta+180+wedge_ss) alpha_stop = alpha_start-angle alpha_mid = (alpha_start + alpha_stop)/2 self.TE_ss_arc = arc(x,y,radius,alpha_stop,alpha_mid) # Suction side - Match first derivative # Compute first derivative on the arc [xx,yy] = self.TE_ss_arc.get_point([0,0.01,0.02]) dydx1 = derivative.derivative_1(xx,yy) m = dydx1[0] xo = (y_wedge_ss-yc-m*x_wedge_ss+m2*xc)/(m2-m) # interception of the 2nd to last point yo = y_wedge_ss-m*(x_wedge_ss-xo) # mc = (yo-y_wedge_ss)/(xo-x_wedge_ss) # Check self.ssBezierX[-2] = xo[0] self.ssBezierY[-2] = yo[0] self.ssBezierX[-1] = x_wedge_ss[0] self.ssBezierY[-1] = y_wedge_ss[0] b = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY) self.ssBezier = b
[docs] def ss_thickness_add(self,thicknessArray:List[float],camberPercent:float=None,thickness_loc:List[float]=None,expansion_ratio:float=1.2): """Adds thickness to the suction side by specifying bezier control points Args: thicknessArray (List[float]): thickness along the suction side. Example: [0.2400, 0.2000, 0.1600, 0.1400] camberPercent (float, optional): Percent camber where straightening of the suction side happens. Defaults to None. thickness_loc (List[float], optional): Location where thickness is applied. Defaults to None. expansion_ratio (float, optional): If thickness location is specified then this is not necessary otherwise thickness_loc is calculated by the expansion ratio. Defaults to 1.2. """ if (thickness_loc is None): if expansion_ratio: # if expansion ratio is specified t = exp_ratio(expansion_ratio,len(thicknessArray)+2,camberPercent) # Allocate 2 extra points for continunity at the trailing edge and for flow guidance # Define location of bezier control points from 0 to # camberPercent else: t = thickness_loc else: t = thickness_loc # Manual custom definition self.SS_thickness = np.array(thicknessArray) self.t_ss = t self.ss_exp_ratio = expansion_ratio thicknessArray = self.SS_thickness*self.chord # t - array # thicknessArray - distance from camber as an array # Check if camber is defined # Need to add leading and trailing edge points if (self.ssBezierX is None): self.ssBezierX = np.zeros((len(t)+2,1)) self.ssBezierY = self.ssBezierX self.ssBezierX[0] = self.cambBezierX[0] self.ssBezierY[0] = self.cambBezierY[0] self.ssBezierX[-1] = self.cambBezierX[-1] self.ssBezierY[-1] = self.cambBezierY[-1] else: indx = len(self.ssBezierX)+1 b = self.camberBezier for i in range(0,len(t)): ## Compute the angle perpendicular [x, y] = b.get_point(t[i]) if (t[i] == 0): theta = 180-self.alpha1 elif (t[i]==1): theta = self.alpha2-180 else: [dx, dy] = b.get_point_dt(t[i]) theta = degrees(atan(-dx/dy)) ## Compute the bezier thickness if (i>=len(thicknessArray)): self.ssBezierX.append(0) self.ssBezierY.append(0) else: t_ray = thicknessArray[i] xn = x-cos(radians(theta))*t_ray yn = y-sin(radians(theta))*t_ray self.ssBezierX.append(xn[0]) self.ssBezierY.append(yn[0]) self.ssBezier = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY)
# Adds thickness to pressure side
[docs] def ps_thickness_add(self,thicknessArray:List[float],expansion_ratio:float=1.2): """Add thickness to the pressure side Args: thicknessArray (List[float]): thickness along the suction side. Example: [0.2400, 0.2000, 0.1600, 0.1400] expansion_ratio (float, optional): determines the spacing of the thickness array from leading edge. Defaults to 1.2. """ # 3 Extra points is added to account for the Leading Edge being # computed and last 2 are for the trailing edge ps_height_loc = exp_ratio(expansion_ratio,len(thicknessArray)+2,0.95) ps_height_loc = np.append(ps_height_loc,[1]) t = convert_to_ndarray(ps_height_loc) self.PS_thickness = -1*np.array(thicknessArray) self.t_ps = t thicknessArray = self.PS_thickness*self.chord # t - array # thicknessArray - distance from camber as an array # Check if camber is defined # Need to add leading and trailing edge points # indx = len(self.psBezierX) b = self.camberBezier for i in range(len(t)): [x, y] = b.get_point(t[i]) ## Compute the angle perpendicular if (t[i] ==0): theta = -self.alpha1 elif (t[i]==1): theta = self.alpha2 else: [dx, dy] = b.get_point_dt(t[i]) theta = degrees(atan2(-dx,dy)) #if (theta>0) # theta = theta-90 #else # theta = theta+90 #end ## Compute the bezier thickness if (i==0): self.psBezierX.append(0) # These two points are computed self.psBezierY.append(0) elif (i>len(thicknessArray)): self.psBezierX.append(0) # These two points are computed self.psBezierY.append(0) else: t_ray = thicknessArray[i-1] xn = x+cos(radians(theta))*t_ray yn = y+sin(radians(theta))*t_ray self.psBezierX.append(xn[0]) self.psBezierY.append(yn[0]) self.psBezier = bezier(self.psBezierX,self.psBezierY)
[docs] def add_pitch(self,x_pitch:float): """Adds extra pitch by shifting the turbine blade over by a x direction Args: x_pitch (float): [description] """ # Pitch_Add Adds pitch or shifts turbine by x direction self.shift(x_pitch,0)
[docs] def shift(self,x:float,y:float): """Shifts the blade over by x or y direction. LE points +y where TE is at (0,0) Be sure to take into account the rotation of the blade Args: x (float): amount to shift the blade by in x direction y (float): amount to shift the bade by in y direction """ self.cambBezierX = convert_to_ndarray(self.cambBezierX) self.cambBezierY = convert_to_ndarray(self.cambBezierY) self.psBezierX = convert_to_ndarray(self.psBezierX) self.psBezierY = convert_to_ndarray(self.psBezierY) self.ssBezierX = convert_to_ndarray(self.ssBezierX) self.ssBezierY = convert_to_ndarray(self.ssBezierY) self.cambBezierX = self.cambBezierX + x self.cambBezierY = self.cambBezierY + y self.camberBezier = bezier(self.cambBezierX,self.cambBezierY) if isinstance(self.psBezier, pw_bezier2D): self.psBezier = self.psBezier.shift(x,y) else: self.psBezierX = self.psBezierX + x self.psBezierY = self.psBezierY + y self.psBezier = bezier(self.psBezierX,self.psBezierY) if isinstance(self.ssBezier, pw_bezier2D): self.ssBezier = self.ssBezier.shift(x,y) else: self.ssBezierX = self.ssBezierX + x self.ssBezierY = self.ssBezierY + y self.ssBezier = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY) self.TE_ps_arc.x = self.TE_ps_arc.x + x self.TE_ps_arc.y = self.TE_ps_arc.y + y self.TE_ss_arc.x = self.TE_ss_arc.x + x self.TE_ss_arc.y = self.TE_ss_arc.y + y
[docs] def get_centroid(self): """Returns the centroid of the airfoil Returns: float,float: centroid x and y coordinates (x,y) """ n = 100 t = np.linspace(0,1,n) [x1,y1] = self.psBezier.get_point(t) [x2,y2] = self.ssBezier.get_point(t) # [x3,y3] = self.TE_ss_arc.get_point(t) # [x4,y4] = self.TE_ps_arc.get_point(t) xc = sum(x1+x2)/(2*n) yc = sum(y1+y2)/(2*n) return xc,yc
def flip_cw(self): # FLIP Flips the turbine from CCW to CW design xc = 0 self.CCW = 0 # Flip the Camber for i in range(0,len(self.cambBezierX)): dx = xc -self.cambBezierX(i) self.cambBezierX[i] = xc+dx self.camberBezier = bezier(self.cambBezierX,self.cambBezierY) for i in range(0,len(self.psBezierX)): dx = xc -self.psBezierX(i) self.psBezierX[i] = xc+dx self.psBezier = bezier(self.psBezierX,self.psBezierY) if (type(self.ssBezier) == 'pw_bezier2D'): for i in range(0,len(self.ssBezier.bezierArray)): for j in range(0,len(self.ssBezier.bezierArray[i].x)): dx = xc - self.ssBezier.bezierArray[i].x[j] self.ssBezier.bezierArray[i].x[j] = xc+dx for i in range(0,len(self.ssBezierX)): dx = xc - self.ssBezierX[i] self.ssBezierX[i] = xc+dx else: for i in range(0,len(self.ssBezierX)): dx = xc -self.ssBezierX[i] self.ssBezierX[i] = xc+dx self.ssBezier = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY) dx = xc - self.TE_ss_arc.x self.TE_ss_arc.x = xc+dx dx = xc - self.TE_ps_arc.x self.TE_ps_arc.x = xc+dx # ps_arc_start = self.TE_ps_arc.alpha_start # ps_arc_stop = self.TE_ps_arc.alpha_stop self.TE_ps_arc.alpha_start = 180-self.TE_ps_arc.alpha_start self.TE_ps_arc.alpha_stop = -self.TE_ps_arc.alpha_stop+180 self.TE_ss_arc.alpha_start = -self.TE_ss_arc.alpha_start-180 self.TE_ss_arc.alpha_stop = -self.TE_ss_arc.alpha_stop - 180
[docs] def flip(self): """Swaps the leading edge with trailing edge """ y1c = self.cambBezierY[0] x1c = self.cambBezierX[0] for i in range(len(self.cambBezierX)): self.cambBezierX[i] = x1c - self.cambBezierX[i] self.cambBezierY[i] = y1c - self.cambBezierY[i] self.camberBezier = bezier(self.cambBezierX,self.cambBezierY) self.TE_ps_arc.x = x1c - self.TE_ps_arc.x self.TE_ps_arc.y = y1c - self.TE_ps_arc.y self.TE_ps_arc.alpha_start = self.TE_ps_arc.alpha_start+180 self.TE_ps_arc.alpha_stop = self.TE_ps_arc.alpha_stop+180 self.TE_ss_arc.x = x1c - self.TE_ss_arc.x self.TE_ss_arc.y = y1c - self.TE_ss_arc.y self.TE_ss_arc.alpha_start = self.TE_ss_arc.alpha_start+180 self.TE_ss_arc.alpha_stop = self.TE_ss_arc.alpha_stop+180 # Flip Pressure side y1ps = self.psBezierY[0] x1ps = self.psBezierX[0] for i in range(0,len(self.psBezierX)): self.psBezierX[i] = x1ps - self.psBezierX[i] self.psBezierY[i] = y1ps - self.psBezierY[i] self.psBezier = bezier(self.psBezierX,self.psBezierY) # Flip Suction side if (type(self.ssBezier) == 'pw_bezier2D'): y1ss = self.ssBezier.bezierArray[0].y[0] x1ss = self.ssBezier.bezierArray[0].x[0] for i in range(0,len(self.ssBezier.bezierArray)): for j in range(0,len(self.ssBezier.bezierArray[i].x)): self.ssBezier.bezierArray[i].x[j] = x1ss - self.ssBezier.bezierArray[i].x[j] self.ssBezier.bezierArray[i].y[j] = y1ss - self.ssBezier.bezierArray[i].y[j] for i in range(0,len(self.ssBezierX)): self.ssBezierX[i] = x1ss - self.ssBezierX[i] self.ssBezierY[i] = y1ss - self.ssBezierY[i] else: y1ss = self.ssBezierY[0] x1ss = self.ssBezierX[0] for i in range(0,len(self.ssBezierX)): self.ssBezierX[i] = x1ss - self.ssBezierX[i] self.ssBezierY[i] = y1ss - self.ssBezierY[i] self.ssBezier = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY)
# Gets the axial chord of the foil
[docs] def get_axial_chord(self): """returns the axial chord Returns: float: axial_chord """ return self.chord*cos(radians(self.stagger))
[docs] def flow_guidance(self,s_c): """Straightens out the suction side. This method can agressively straighten out the suction side Args: s_c (float): pitch to chord ratio, used to compute where the throat starts. Returns: """ self.s_c = s_c # Compute where throat starts in terms of ts (suction side) [_,_,_,_,_,_,ts] = self.channel_get(self,self.s_c) # Find the point at ts (suction side) [x,y] = self.ssBezier.get_point(ts) # Create a line from self point to the end of the ss bezier # curve bl = bezier([x, self.ssBezierX[-1]],[y,self.ssBezierY[-1]]) # Bezier line m_bl = (self.ssBezierY[-1]-y)/(self.ssBezierX[-1]-x) # First derivative of the bezier line and trailing edge must match b2 = y-m_bl*x ## Define the piecewise ss bezier d = dist(self.ssBezierX[0],self.ssBezierY[0],x,y) # Remove points from ssBezier indx_d = 0 for i in range(1,len(self.ssBezierX)): d2 = dist(self.ssBezierX[0],self.ssBezierY[0],self.ssBezierX[i],self.ssBezierY[i]) if (d2>d): indx_d = i break # SS bezier normal - point on camber line before throat [xc1, yc1] = self.camberBezier.get_point(self.t_ss(i-3)-0.001) [xc, yc] = self.camberBezier.get_point(self.t_ss(i-3)) [xc2, yc2] = self.camberBezier.get_point(self.t_ss(i-3)+0.001) m_normal = -(xc2-xc1)/(yc2-yc1) b1 = yc-m_normal*xc sBezier = 1/(-m_normal+m_bl) * np.array([-m_normal,m_bl, -1, 1]) * [b2,b1] t = sqrt((sBezier[1]-xc)^2 + (sBezier[0]-yc)^2) thicknessArray = self.SS_thickness thicknessArray[i-2] = t/self.chord # Much faster way to find the thickness self.ssBezierX = self.ssBezierX[1:2] # Clear out the rest of the suction side self.ssBezierY = self.ssBezierY[0:1] self.ss_thickness_add(self.ss_exp_ratio,thicknessArray) self.te_create(self.te_radius,self.te_wedge_ss,self.te_wedge_ps) ## Change TE Angle on SS to meet first derivative def match_te_deriv(wedge): self.te_create(self.te_radius,wedge,self.te_wedge_ps) bl = bezier([x, self.ssBezierX[-1]],[y,self.ssBezierY[-1]]) m_bl = (self.ssBezierY[-1]-y)/(self.ssBezierX[-1]-x) # First derivative at TE must match # Compute first deriv of TE and of bl [x1, y1] = self.TE_ss_arc.get_point(0) [x2, y2] = self.TE_ss_arc.get_point(0.01) m_te = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) dm = m_bl-m_te return dm wedge_min = self.te_wedge_ss-20 wedge_max = self.te_wedge_ss+20 [wedge_ss,_] = bisect.bisect(match_te_deriv,wedge_min,wedge_max) self.te_create(self.te_radius,wedge_ss,self.te_wedge_ps) ## Initialize piecewise bezier self.ssBezierX = np.array([self.ssBezierX[1:indx_d-1], x]) # Modify the bezier points to include an intersection point self.ssBezierY = np.array([self.ssBezierY[1:indx_d-1], y]) bs = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY) self.ssBezier = pw_bezier2D([bs,bl])
# FlowGuidance2 # Use if SS is defined from 0 to a camber percent
[docs] def flow_guidance2(self,n:int=8): """This function straightens out the suction side by specifying n bezier control points instead of a straight line. Args:. n (int): number of control points, increase this to make straightening more aggressive. Defaults to 8. """ self.ssBezierX = convert_to_ndarray(self.ssBezierX) self.ssBezierY = convert_to_ndarray(self.ssBezierY) self.psBezierX = convert_to_ndarray(self.psBezierX) self.psBezierY = convert_to_ndarray(self.psBezierY) x1 = self.ssBezierX[-2] y1 = self.ssBezierY[-2] # Find ending point on trailing edge ss side [x2, y2] = self.TE_ss_arc.get_point(0) # Create a line from x1 to x2 bl = bezier([x1, x2[0]],[y1, y2[0]]) # Append points on the line at equal distance spacing to # ssBezierX,ssBezierY -> define new ssBezier [x, y] = bl.get_point(np.linspace(0,1,n)) self.ssBezierX = np.append(self.ssBezierX[0:-2],x) self.ssBezierY = np.append(self.ssBezierY[0:-2],y) self.ssBezier = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY)
[docs] def flow_guidance3(self,s_c:float,n:int): """Straightens out the suction side. Computes the intersection point of the throat and draws a line, adds bezier points along the line Args: s_c (float): pitch-to-chord ratio n (int): number of bezier control points """ self.ssBezierX = convert_to_ndarray(self.ssBezierX) self.ssBezierY = convert_to_ndarray(self.ssBezierY) self.psBezierX = convert_to_ndarray(self.psBezierX) self.psBezierY = convert_to_ndarray(self.psBezierY) self.s_c = s_c # Compute where throat starts in terms of ts (suction side) [_, _, _, _, _, _,ts] = self.channel_get(self,self.s_c) # Limit suction side to ts t = exp_ratio(self.ss_exp_ratio,len(self.SS_thickness)+2,ts) indx = 2 b = self.camberBezier for i in range(len(t)): ## Compute the angle perpendicular [x, y] = b.get_point(t[i]) if (t[i] ==0): theta = 180-self.alpha1 elif (t[i]==1): theta = self.alpha2-180 else: [dx, dy] = b.get_point_dt(t[i]) theta = atan(radians(-dx/dy)) ## Compute the bezier thickness if (i>=len(t)-1): self.ssBezierX[indx] = 0 self.ssBezierY[indx] = 0 else: t_ray = self.SS_thickness[i]*self.chord xn = x-cos(radians(theta))*t_ray yn = y-sin(radians(theta))*t_ray self.ssBezierX[indx] = xn self.ssBezierY[indx] = yn indx=indx+1 # Find the point at ts (suction side) x1 = self.ssBezierX[i] y1 = self.ssBezierY[i] [x2, y2] = self.TE_ss_arc.get_point(0) # Create a line from self point to the end of the ss bezier # curve bl = bezier([x1, x2],[y1, y2]) # Append points on the line at equal distance spacing to # ssBezierX,ssBezierY -> define new ssBezier [x, y] = bl.get_point(np.linspace(0,1,n)) self.ssBezierX = np.append(self.ssBezierX[0:-3],x) self.ssBezierY = np.append(self.ssBezierY[0:-3],y) self.ssBezier = bezier(self.ssBezierX,self.ssBezierY)
[docs] def plot_camber(self): """Plots the camber of the airfoil Returns: None """ tplot = np.linspace(0,1,50) # plt.ion() marker_style = dict(markersize=8, markerfacecoloralt='tab:red') [xcamber, ycamber] = self.camberBezier.get_point(tplot) fig = plt.figure(num=1, clear=True) plt.plot(xcamber,ycamber, color='black', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) plt.plot(self.camberBezier.x,self.camberBezier.y, color='red', marker='o',linestyle='--',**marker_style) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal')
[docs] def plot2D(self): """Plots the airfoil Returns: None """ t = np.linspace(0,1,200) # plt.ion() [xcamber, ycamber] = self.camberBezier.get_point(t) [xPS, yPS] = self.psBezier.get_point(t) [xSS, ySS] = self.ssBezier.get_point(t) fig = plt.figure(num=1,clear=True) plt.plot(xcamber,ycamber, color='black', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) plt.plot(xPS,yPS, color='blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) plt.plot(xSS,ySS, color='red', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) plt.plot(self.psBezier.x,self.psBezier.y, color='blue', marker='o',markerfacecolor="None",markersize=8) plt.plot(self.ssBezier.x,self.ssBezier.y, color='red', marker='o',markerfacecolor="None",markersize=8) # Plot the line from camber to the control points # suction side for indx in range(0,len(self.ssBezierX)): x = self.ssBezierX[indx] y = self.ssBezierY[indx] d = dist(x,y,xcamber,ycamber) min_indx = np.where(d == np.amin(d))[0][0] plt.plot([x,xcamber[min_indx]],[y,ycamber[min_indx]], color='black', linestyle='dashed') # pressure side for indx in range(0,len(self.psBezierX)): x = self.psBezierX[indx] y = self.psBezierY[indx] d = dist(x,y,xcamber,ycamber) min_indx = np.where(d == np.amin(d))[0][0] plt.plot([x,xcamber[min_indx]],[y,ycamber[min_indx]], color='black', linestyle='dashed') # Plot the Trailing Edge t = np.linspace(0,1,20) [x, y] = self.TE_ps_arc.get_point(t) plt.plot(x,y, color='blue', linestyle='solid') [x, y] = self.TE_ss_arc.get_point(t) plt.plot(x,y, color='red', linestyle='solid') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal')
[docs] def plot2D_channel(self,pitchChordRatio:float): """plots the 2D airfoil in a channel with another airfoil given a pitch to chord ratio Args: pitchChordRatio (float): pitch to chord ratio (spacing between airfoils relative to the chord) Returns: plt.figure: [description] """ # outputs the Area/A* t = np.linspace(0,1,100) t_te = np.linspace(0,1,20) [xcamber, ycamber] = self.camberBezier.get_point(t) [xPS, yPS] = self.psBezier.get_point(t) [xSS, ySS] = self.ssBezier.get_point(t) [x,y] = self.TE_ss_arc.get_point(t_te) xSS = np.append(xSS,x) ySS = np.append(ySS,y) [x,y] = self.TE_ps_arc.get_point(t_te) xPS = np.append(xPS,x) yPS = np.append(yPS,y) [s, x_ss, x_ps, y_ss, y_ps,turb2] = self.channel_get(pitchChordRatio) bcamber2=turb2.camberBezier bPS2 = turb2.psBezier bSS2 = turb2.ssBezier [xcamber2, ycamber2] = bcamber2.get_point(t) [xPS2, yPS2] = bPS2.get_point(t) [xSS2, ySS2] = bSS2.get_point(t) [x,y] = turb2.TE_ss_arc.get_point(t) xSS2 = np.append(xSS2,x) ySS2 = np.append(ySS2,y) [x,y] = turb2.TE_ps_arc.get_point(t) xPS2 = np.append(xPS2,x) yPS2 = np.append(yPS2,y) # Plot turbine and pitch fig= plt.figure(num=1, clear=True) plt.plot(xcamber,ycamber, color='black', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5) plt.plot(xPS,yPS, color='blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=1.5) plt.plot(xSS,ySS, color='red', linestyle='solid', linewidth=1.5) plt.plot(xcamber2,ycamber2, color='black', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5) plt.plot(xPS2,yPS2, color='blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=1.5) plt.plot(xSS2,ySS2, color='red', linestyle='solid', linewidth=1.5) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # Throat plt.plot([x_ss[0],x_ps[0]],[y_ss[0],y_ps[0]], color='black', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.1) plt.plot([x_ss[-1],x_ps[-1]],[y_ss[-1],y_ps[-1]], color='black', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.1) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.gca().set_xlim(1.05*min([min(xSS),min(xSS2),min(xPS),min(xPS2)]),1.05*max([max(xSS),max(xSS2),max(xPS),max(xPS2)])) plt.gca().set_ylim(1.05*min([min(ySS),min(ySS2),min(yPS),min(yPS2)]),1.05*max([max(ySS),max(ySS2),max(yPS),max(yPS2)]))
[docs] def plot_derivative2(self,xlim=[0,1],ylim=[-400,400]): """Plots the second derivative of the airfoil. References: Args: xlim (list, optional): Plot x-axis. Defaults to [0,1]. ylim (list, optional): Plot y-axis. Defaults to [-400,400]. """ t = np.linspace(0,1,100) [xs,ys] = self.ssBezier.get_point(t,equal_space=True) [xp,yp] = self.psBezier.get_point(t,equal_space=True) ds2 = np.zeros(len(xs)-1) dp2 = np.zeros(len(xs)-1) alens = np.zeros(len(xs)-1) # len along the ss and ps side alenp = np.zeros(len(xs)-1) for i in range(1,len(xs)-1): alens[i] = sqrt((ys[i]-ys[i-1])**2+(xs[i]-xs[i-1])**2)+alens[i-1] alenp[i] = sqrt((yp[i]-yp[i-1])**2+(xp[i]-xp[i-1])**2)+alenp[i-1] #dx^2 / dy^2 ds2[i]=2*xs[i-1]/((ys[i]-ys[i-1])*(ys[i+1]-ys[i-1])) \ -2*xs[i]/((ys[i+1]-ys[i])*(ys[i]-ys[i-1])) \ +2*xs[i+1]/((ys[i+1]-ys[i])*(ys[i+1]-ys[i-1])) dp2[i]=2*xp[i-1]/((yp[i]-yp[i-1])*(yp[i+1]-yp[i-1])) \ -2*xp[i]/((yp[i+1]-yp[i])*(yp[i]-yp[i-1])) \ +2*xp[i+1]/((yp[i+1]-yp[i])*(yp[i+1]-yp[i-1])) # Suction side # plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(num=1) plt.plot(alens/np.max(alens),ds2, color='red', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) plt.plot(alenp/np.max(alenp),dp2, color='blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylim) handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend(handles, ['d^2y/dx^2 suction side','d^2y/dx^2 pressure side']) plt.xlabel('s(x)/s') plt.ylabel('d^2y/dx^2')
[docs] def thickness(self): """Calculates the location and value of maximum thickness along with average thickness Returns: int: along camberline of max thickness float: max thickness float: average thickness """ t = np.linspace(0,1,100) [xss, yss] = self.ssBezier.get_point(t) [xps, yps] = self.psBezier.get_point(t) # Points are equally spaced # Compute minimum distance for each point on SS d=100*np.ones((len(xss),1)) min_ps_point=np.ones((len(xss),1)) xx_ps=xss yy_ps=xss for i in range(1,len(xss)): for j in range(i,len(xps)): temp=sqrt((xss[i]-xps[j])**2+(yss[i]-yps[j])**2) if (temp<d[i]): d[i]=temp min_ps_point[i] = j xx_ps[i] = xps[j] yy_ps[i] = yps[j] # Find max thickness [max_thickness,indx] = max(d) # gives value and index # Find avg thickness avg_thickness = np.mean(d) return indx, max_thickness, avg_thickness
[docs] def channel_get(self,s_c): """Gets adjacent airfoil Args: s_c (float): pitch to chord ratio Returns: List[float]: pitch in between airfoils numpy.ndarray: x coordinate of the suction side numpy.ndarray: x coordinate of the pressure side numpy.ndarray: y coordinate of the suction side numpy.ndarray: y coordinate of the pressure side airfoil2D: the adjacent airfoil """ turb2 = copy.deepcopy(self) turb2.add_pitch(s_c*self.chord) # Generate a bunch of points on the Pressure side (Turbine2) t_ss = np.linspace(0,1,100) t_ps = np.linspace(0,1,100) if (self._counter_rotation): [x2,y2] = turb2.psBezier.get_point(t_ps) [x1,y1] = self.ssBezier.get_point(t_ss) # Pressure side to suction side else: [x1,y1] = self.psBezier.get_point(t_ps) [x2,y2] = turb2.ssBezier.get_point(t_ss) # Pressure side to suction side s = np.zeros(len(t_ss)); x_ss = np.zeros(len(t_ss)); y_ps = np.zeros(len(t_ss)) x_ps = np.zeros(len(t_ss)); y_ss = np.zeros(len(t_ss)); t_ss_min = np.zeros(len(t_ss)) # Compute Minimum distance for i in range(len(t_ps)): # compute distance from pressure to suction dArray = dist(x1[i],y1[i],x2,y2) # Takes a point on pressure side and # compute the distance to # all points on the suction side min_indx = np.where(dArray == np.amin(dArray)) s[i] = dArray[min_indx] x_ps[i] = x1[i] y_ps[i] = y1[i] x_ss[i] = x2[min_indx] y_ss[i] = y2[min_indx] t_ss_min[i] = t_ss[min_indx] t_ss = t_ss_min[-1] # TODO Need to check if this is the most efficient way of doing it return s,x_ss,x_ps,y_ss,y_ps,turb2
[docs] def le_radius_estimate(self): ''' Assumes the blade's leading edge thickness, suction side, pressure side are already defined. ''' pass
# t = np.linspace(0,1,100) # [xps,yps] = self.psBezier.get_point(t) # [xss,yss] = self.ssBezier.get_point(t) # xcam = (xss+xps)/2.0 # ycam = (yss+yps)/2.0 # ps_spline = CubicSpline(np.flip(yps),np.flip(xps)) # ss_spline = CubicSpline(np.flip(yss),np.flip(xss)) # cam_spline = CubicSpline(np.flip(ycam),np.flip(xcam)) # y = np.linspace(ycam[0],ycam[-1],100) # xps_interp = ps_spline(y) # xss_interp = ss_spline(y) # x_cam = cam_spline(y) # temp_ps = np.abs(np.diff(xps_interp)*np.diff(x_cam)) # temp_ss = np.abs(np.diff(xss_interp)*np.diff(x_cam)) # blade_area = np.cumsum(temp_ps+temp_ss) # # Positioning the Leading Edge Circle # dx_LE = self.cambBezierX[1] - self.cambBezierX[0] # dy_LE = self.cambBezierY[1] - self.cambBezierY[0] # m = sqrt(dx_LE*dx_LE+dy_LE*dy_LE) # dx_LE = dx_LE/m # Normalize the vector at the leading edge # dy_LE = dy_LE/m # # pspline_ss = pspline(xss,yss) # # pspline_ps = pspline(xps,yps) # def find_blade_area(r): # y_temp = dy_LE * r # y = np.linspace(ycam[0],ycam[0] + y_temp,50) # # temp_ps = np.abs(np.diff(ps_spline(y)-cam_spline(y))*np.diff(y)) # # temp_ss = np.abs(np.diff(ss_spline(y)-cam_spline(y))*np.diff(y)) # x_ps = ps_spline(y) # ps_area_trapz = np.abs(np.trapz(y,x_ps)) # x_ss = ss_spline(y) # ss_area_trapz = np.abs(np.trapz(y,x_ss)) # blade_area = np.abs(ps_area_trapz-ss_area_trapz) # rectangle integration method # return blade_area # def find_radius(r): # # Step 1: Pick a radius, get the circle area # circle_area = pi*r*r # # Check for circle intersection with pressure side # blade_area = find_blade_area(r) # return find_blade_area(r)-circle_area # res = minimize_scalar(find_radius,bounds=(self.le_thickness/2,self.le_thickness*2),method="bounded",tol=1e-6) # r = 0.002 # res.x # find_blade_area(r) # # find_radius(r) # # Debug: Plotting Functions # # fig,ax = plt.subplots() # ax.plot(xps,yps, color='blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) # ax.plot(xss,yss, color='red', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) # ax.plot(xcam,ycam, color='black', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) # x = r*np.cos(np.linspace(0,2*pi,50)) # y = r*np.sin(np.linspace(0,2*pi,50)) # ax.plot(xcam[0]+dx_LE*r+x,ycam[0]+dy_LE*r+y, color='orange', linestyle='solid', linewidth=1) # ax.set_aspect('equal') # # for i in np.linspace(0,self.le_thickness,5): # # Plot the circles in direction of dy and dx # dy = dy_LE*i # dx = dx_LE*i # r = np.sqrt(dy*dy+dx*dx) # x = r*np.cos(np.linspace(0,2*pi,50)) # y = r*np.sin(np.linspace(0,2*pi,50)) # ax2.plot(xcam[0]+dx_LE*i+x,ycam[0]+dy_LE*i+y, color='orange', linestyle='solid', linewidth=1) # yy = np.linspace(y[0],y[-1],1000) # for i in np.linspace(0,self.le_thickness,200): # dy = dy_LE*i # dx = dx_LE*i # radius = np.sqrt(dy*dy + dx*dx) # circle_area.append(pi*radius*radius*180/360) # fig,(ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2) # ax1.plot(y[1:],blade_area, color='red', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) # ax1.plot(yy[1:],circle_area, color='blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) # ax2.plot(xps,yps, color='blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) # ax2.plot(xss,yss, color='red', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) # ax2.plot(xcam,ycam, color='black', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2) # for i in np.linspace(0,self.le_thickness,5): # # Plot the circles in direction of dy and dx # dy = dy_LE*i # dx = dx_LE*i # r = np.sqrt(dy*dy+dx*dx) # x = r*np.cos(np.linspace(0,2*pi,50)) # y = r*np.sin(np.linspace(0,2*pi,50)) # ax2.plot(xcam[0]+dx_LE*i+x,ycam[0]+dy_LE*i+y, color='orange', linestyle='solid', linewidth=1) # ax2.set_aspect('equal') #