Source code for pyturbo.helper.bezier

from typing import List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import comb
import scipy.interpolate as sp_intp
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import math 
from scipy.special import comb
from .arc import arclen3, arclen
from .convert_to_ndarray import convert_to_ndarray


[docs] class bezier(): n:int # Number of control points c:np.ndarray # bezier coefficients x:np.ndarray # x-control points y:np.ndarray # y-control points def __init__(self, x,y): self.n = len(x) self.c = np.zeros(self.n) self.x = convert_to_ndarray(x) self.y = convert_to_ndarray(y) for i in range(0,self.n): self.c[i] = comb(self.n-1, i, exact=False) # use floating point
[docs] def flip(self): ''' Reverses the direction of the bezier curve returns: flipped bezier curve ''' return bezier(np.flip(self.x),np.flip(self.y))
@property def get_x_y(self): return self.x,self.y
[docs] def get_curve_length(self) -> float: """Gets the curve length Returns: float: curve length """ [x,y] = self.get_point(np.linspace(0,1,100)) d = np.zeros((len(x),1)) for i in range(0,len(x)-1): d[i] = math.sqrt((x[i+1]-x[i])**2 + (y[i+1]-y[i])**2) return sum(d)[0] # Linear approximation of curve length
[docs] def __equal_space__(self,t:np.ndarray,x,y): """ Equally space points along a bezier curve using arc length Inputs """ arcL = arclen(x,y) mean_old = np.mean(arcL) mean_err = 1 while (mean_err>1.0E-3): target_len = np.sum(arcL)/len(t) # we want equal length csum = np.cumsum(arcL) f = sp_intp.PchipInterpolator(t,csum) t_start = np.min(t) t_end = np.max(t) f2 = lambda x,y: abs(f(x)-f(y)-target_len) for i in range(0,t.size-2): temp = minimize_scalar(f2,bounds=(t_start,t_end),method="bounded",tol=1e-6,args=(t_start)) t[i+1] = temp.x t_start = t[i+1] x,y = self.get_point(t,equal_space=False) arcL = arclen(x,y) mean_new = np.mean(arcL) mean_err = abs(mean_old-mean_new)/abs(mean_new) mean_old = mean_new return x,y
[docs] def get_point(self,t,equal_space=False): """ Get a point or points along a bezier curve Inputs: t - scalar, list, or numpy array equal_space - try to space points equally Outputs: Bx, By - scalar or numpy array """ t = convert_to_ndarray(t) Bx,By = np.zeros(t.size),np.zeros(t.size) for i in range(len(t)): tempx,tempy = 0.0, 0.0 for j in range(0,self.n): u = self.c[j]*pow(1-t[i], self.n-j-1)*pow(t[i],j) tempx += u*self.x[j] tempy += u*self.y[j] Bx[i],By[i] = tempx,tempy if (equal_space and len(Bx)>2): Bx,By = self.__equal_space__(t,Bx,By) return Bx,By return Bx,By
[docs] def plot2D(self,equal_space=False): """Creates a 2D Plot of a bezier curve Args: equal_space (bool, optional): Equally spaces the points using arc length. Defaults to False. figure_num (int, optional): if you want plots to be on the same figure. Defaults to None. """ t = np.linspace(0,1,100) [x,y] = self.get_point(t,equal_space) plt.plot(x, y,'-b') plt.plot(self.x, self.y,'or') plt.xlabel("x-label") plt.ylabel("y-label") plt.axis('scaled')
[docs] def get_point_dt(self,t): """ Gets the derivative """ if type(t) is not np.ndarray: t = np.array([t],dtype=float) # the brackets [] are really helpful. scalars have to be converted to array before passing tmin = np.min(t) tmax = np.max(t) Bx = np.zeros(len(t)) By = np.zeros(len(t)) for i in range(len(t)): tempx = 0; tempy = 0; if (t[i] == 1): # Use downwind tempx = self.x[-1] - self.x[-2] tempy = self.y[-1]- self.y[-2] elif (t[i] == 0): tempx = self.x[1] - self.x[0] tempy = self.y[1]- self.y[0] else: for j in range(self.n-1): # n-1 b = (comb(self.n-2,j,True)*t[i]**j) * (1-t[i])**(self.n-2-j) # Bn-1 tempx = tempx + b*(self.x[j+1]-self.x[j]) # Note: j+1 = j tempy = tempy + b*(self.y[j+1]-self.y[j]) tempx = tempx*(self.n-1) tempy = tempy*(self.n-1) Bx[i] = tempx By[i] = tempy return Bx,By
[docs] def rotate(self,angle:float): """Rotate Args: angle (float): _description_ """ angle = np.radians(angle) rot_matrix = np.array([[math.cos(angle) -math.sin(angle)],[math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)]]) ans = (rot_matrix*self.x.transpose()).transpose() self.x = ans[:,0] self.y = ans[:,1]
[docs] class bezier3: def __init__(self,x,y,z): self.n = len(x) self.x = convert_to_ndarray(x) self.y = convert_to_ndarray(y) self.z = convert_to_ndarray(z) self.c = np.zeros(self.n) for i in range(self.n): self.c[i] = comb(self.n-1, i, exact=False) # use floating point
[docs] def __equal_space__(self,t:np.ndarray,x:np.ndarray,y:np.ndarray,z:np.ndarray): """Equally space points along a bezier curve using arc length Args: t (np.ndarray): position along bezier curve. Example: t = np.linspace(0,1,100) x (np.ndarray): x-coordinate as numpy array y (np.ndarray): y-coordinates as numpy array z (np.ndarray): z-coordinates as numpy array Returns: (Tuple): containing - *x* (np.ndarray): new values of x that are equally spaced - *y* (np.ndarray): new values of y that are equally spaced """ arcL = arclen3(x,y,z) mean_old = np.mean(arcL) mean_err = 1 while (mean_err>1.0E-3): target_len = np.sum(arcL)/len(t) # we want equal length csum = np.cumsum(arcL) f = sp_intp.PchipInterpolator(t,csum) t_start = np.min(t) t_end = np.max(t) for i in range(0,t.size-2): f2 = lambda x: abs(f(x)-f(t_start)-target_len) temp = minimize_scalar(f2,bounds=(t_start,t_end),method="bounded",tol=1e-6) t[i+1] = temp.x t_start = t[i+1] x,y,z = self.get_point(t,equal_space=False) arcL = arclen3(x,y,z) mean_new = np.mean(arcL) mean_err = abs(mean_old-mean_new)/abs(mean_new) mean_old = mean_new return x,y,z
[docs] def get_point(self,t,equal_space = True): """Gets the point(s) at a certain percentage along the piecewise bezier curve Args: t (Union[List[float],float,np.ndarray]): percentage(s) along a bezier curve. You can specify a float, List[float], or a numpy array equal_space (bool, optional): Equally space points using arc length. Defaults to False. Returns: (Tuple): containing - *x* (np.ndarray): x-coordinates - *y* (np.ndarray): y-coordinates """ t = convert_to_ndarray(t) Bx,By,Bz = np.zeros(t.size),np.zeros(t.size),np.zeros(t.size) for i in range(len(t)): tempx,tempy,tempz = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 for j in range(0,self.n): u = self.c[j]*np.power(1-t[i], self.n-j-1)*pow(t[i],j) tempx += u*self.x[j] tempy += u*self.y[j] tempz += u*self.z[j] Bx[i],By[i],Bz[i] = tempx,tempy,tempz self.t = t if (equal_space and len(Bx)>2): Bx,By,Bz = self.__equal_space__(t,Bx,By,Bz) return Bx,By,Bz elif (len(Bx)==1): return Bx[0], By[0],Bz[0] # if it's just one point return floats return Bx,By,Bz
[docs] def get_point_dt(self,t:Union[float,List[float],np.ndarray]): """Returns the derivative at a particular percentage Args: t (Union[float,List[float],np.ndarray]): Percentage from 0 to 1 Returns: (Tuple): containing - *dx* (np.ndarray): dx_dt - *dy* (np.ndarray): dy_dt - *dz* (np.ndarray): dz_dt """ t = convert_to_ndarray(t) tmin = np.min(t) tmax = np.max(t) Bx = np.zeros((len(t),1)) By = np.zeros((len(t),1)) Bz = np.zeros((len(t),1)) for i in range(len(t)): tempx = 0; tempy = 0; tempz=0 if (t[i] == 1): # Use downwind tempx = self.x[-1] - self.x[-2] tempy = self.y[-1]- self.y[-2] elif (t[i] == 0): tempx = self.x(2) - self.x(1) tempy = self.y(2)- self.y(1) else: for j in range(self.n-1): # n-1 b = (comb(self.n-1,j,True)*t[i]**j) * (1-t[i])**(self.n-1-j) # Bn-1 tempx = tempx + b*(self.x[j+2]-self.x[j+1]) # Note: j+1 = j tempy = tempy + b*(self.y[j+2]-self.y[j+1]) tempz = tempz + b*(self.z[j+2]-self.z[j+1]) tempx = tempx*(self.n-1) tempy = tempy*(self.n-1) tempz = tempz*(self.n-1) Bx[i] = tempx By[i] = tempy Bz[i] = tempz return Bx,By,Bz
def time_this(original_function): def new_function(*args,**kwargs): import datetime before = x = original_function(*args,**kwargs) after = print("Elapsed Time = {0}".format(after-before)) return x return new_function @time_this def func_a(stuff): import time time.sleep(3)
[docs] class pw_bezier2D: def __init__(self,array:List[bezier]): """Initializes the piecewise bezier curve from an array of bezier curves Args: array (List[bezier]): Bezier curves as an array """ self.bezierArray = array x = np.zeros(len(self.bezierArray)+1) y = np.zeros(len(self.bezierArray)+1) dist = np.zeros(len(self.bezierArray)) tArray = np.zeros(len(self.bezierArray)) x[0] = self.bezierArray[0].x[0] y[0] = self.bezierArray[0].y[0] for i in range(len(self.bezierArray)): x[i+1] = self.bezierArray[i].x[-1] y[i+1] = self.bezierArray[i].y[-1] dist[i] = math.sqrt((x[i]-x[i+1])**2 + (y[i]-y[i+1])**2) dmax = np.sum(dist) for i in range(len(dist)): tArray[i]=np.sum(dist[0:i])/dmax self.tArray =tArray self.dist=dist self.dmax = dmax
[docs] def get_point(self,t:Union[List[float],float,np.ndarray],equal_space:bool=False): """Gets the point(s) at a certain percentage along the piecewise bezier curve Args: t (Union[List[float],float,np.ndarray]): percentage(s) along a bezier curve. You can specify a float, List[float], or a numpy array equal_space (bool, optional): Equally space points using arc length. Defaults to False. Returns: (Tuple): containing - *x* (np.ndarray): x-coordinates - *y* (np.ndarray): y-coordinates """ n = len(self.bezierArray) t = convert_to_ndarray(t) x = np.zeros(len(t)+(n-1)*(len(t)-1)) y = np.zeros(len(t)+(n-1)*(len(t)-1)) t_start=0; lenT = len(t) for i in range(0,n): # loop for each bezier curve [xx,yy] = self.bezierArray[i].get_point(t) if i == 0: x[0:lenT] = xx y[0:lenT] = yy t_start += lenT else: x[t_start:t_start+lenT-1] = xx[1:] y[t_start:t_start+lenT-1] = yy[1:] t_start += lenT-1 if len(t)>0: t = np.linspace(0,1,len(x)) x = sp_intp.interp1d(t,x)(np.linspace(0,1,lenT)) y = sp_intp.interp1d(t,y)(np.linspace(0,1,lenT)) return x,y if (equal_space and len(x)>2): x,y = self.__equal_space__(t,x,y) return x,y
[docs] def __equal_space__(self,t:np.ndarray,x:np.ndarray,y:np.ndarray): """Equally space points along a bezier curve using arc length Args: t (np.ndarray): position along bezier curve. Example: t = np.linspace(0,1,100) x (np.ndarray): x-coordinate as numpy array y (np.ndarray): y-coordinates as numpy array Returns: (Tuple): containing - *x* (np.ndarray): new values of x that are equally spaced - *y* (np.ndarray): new values of y that are equally spaced """ arcL = arclen(x,y) mean_old = np.mean(arcL) mean_err = 1 while (mean_err>1.0E-3): target_len = np.sum(arcL)/len(t) # we want equal length csum = np.cumsum(arcL) f = sp_intp.PchipInterpolator(t,csum) t_start = np.min(t) t_end = np.max(t) for i in range(0,t.size-2): f2 = lambda x: abs(f(x)-f(t_start)-target_len) temp = minimize_scalar(f2,bounds=(t_start,t_end),method="bounded",tol=1e-6) t[i+1] = temp.x t_start = t[i+1] x,y = self.get_point(t,equal_space=False) arcL = arclen(x,y) mean_new = np.mean(arcL) mean_err = abs(mean_old-mean_new)/abs(mean_new) mean_old = mean_new return x,y
def get_dt(self,t): t = convert_to_ndarray(t) t = t.sort(); js = 1; tadj = 0 dx = np.zeros((len(t),1)) dy = np.zeros((len(t),1)) for i in range(0,len(t)): for j in range(js,len(self.tArray)): if (t[i]<=self.tArray[j]): # Scale t ts = (t(i)-tadj) * self.dmax/self.dist[j] dx[i],dy[i] = self.bezierArray[j].get_point_dt(ts) break else: js = j+1 tadj = self.tArray[j] return dx,dy def shift(self,x,y): for i in range(0,len(self.bezierArray)): for j in range(0,len(self.bezierArray[i].x)): self.bezierArray[i].x[j] = self.bezierArray[i].x[j]+x self.bezierArray[i].y[j] = self.bezierArray[i].y[j]+y def plot(self): for i in range(0,len(self.bezierArray)): self.bezierArray[i].plot2D()