Wavy Airfoil

class pyturbo.aero.airfoil_wavy(profileArray, profile_loc, height)[source]

Makes the surface of the airfoil: LE, TE, SS, PS wavy

stretch_thickness_chord(SSRatio, PSRatio, LERatio, TERatio, LE_wave_angle, TE_wave_angle, TE_smooth=0.85)[source]

Changes the thickness to chord ratio along the span of the blade

  • SSRatio (List[float]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • PSRatio (List[float]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • LERatio (List[float]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • TERatio (List[float]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • LE_wave_angle (List[float]) – 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.

  • TE_wave_angle (List[float]) – 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.

  • TE_smooth (float, optional) – This is the percntage along the surface of the blade to start smoothing the trailing edge. Defaults to 0.85.

stretch_thickness_chord_te(SSRatio, PSRatio, LERatio, TERatio, LE_wave_angle, TE_wave_angle, TE_smooth=0.9)[source]

Stretches blade but keeps the trailing edge constant

  • SSRatio (List[float]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • PSRatio (List[float]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • LERatio (List[float]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • TERatio (List[float]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • LE_wave_angle (List[float]) – 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.

  • TE_wave_angle (List[float]) – 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.

  • TE_smooth (float, optional) – This is the percntage along the surface of the blade to start smoothing the trailing edge. Defaults to 0.85.

whisker_blade(LERatio, TERatio, PSRatio, LE_wave_angle, TE_wave_angle, TE_smooth=0.9)[source]
Stretches blade but keeps the trailing edge constant. This code maintains the same cross sectional profile area.

The way it does this is by contracting or stretching the suction side

The following inputs are functions ranging from 0% span to 100% span, it can be any function

  • LERatio ([type]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • TERatio ([type]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • PSRatio ([type]) – list of float values for example sin(x)+1 where the 1 means no scaling

  • LE_wave_angle (List[float]) – 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.

  • TE_wave_angle (List[float]) – 0 to 90, 90 means perpendicular to metal angle.

  • TE_smooth (float, optional) – [description]. Defaults to 0.9.