opera.pge.base package
opera.pge.base.base_pge module
Module defining the Base PGE interfaces from which all other PGEs are derived.
- class opera.pge.base.base_pge.PgeExecutor(pge_name, runconfig_path, **kwargs)[source]
Main class for execution of a PGE, including the SAS layer.
The PgeExecutor class is primarily responsible for defining the interface for PGE execution and managing the actual execution of the SAS executable within a subprocess. PGE’s also define pre- and post-processing stages, which are invoked by PgeExecutor, but whose implementations are defined by use of Mixin classes.
The use of Mixin classes allows for flexibility of PGE design, where inheritors of PgeExecutor can compose a custom PGE by providing overloaded implementations of the Mixin classes to tailor the behavior of the pre- and post-processing phases, where necessary, while still inheriting any common functionality from this class.
- LEVEL = 'L0'
Processing Level for Base PGE Products (dummy value)
- NAME = 'BasePge'
Short name for the Base PGE
- PGE_VERSION = '6.0.0-er.1.0'
Version of the PGE (tracks repo version by default)
Name of the project associated to this PGE
- SAS_VERSION = '0.1'
Version of the SAS wrapped by this PGE (dummy value)
- class opera.pge.base.base_pge.PostProcessorMixin[source]
Mixin class which is responsible for handling all post-processing steps for the PGE. The post-processing phase is defined as all steps necessary after SAS execution has completed.
This class is intended for use as a Mixin for use with the PgeExecutor class and its inheritors, and as such, this class assumes access to the instance attributes defined by PgeExecutor.
Inheritors of PostProcessorMixin may provide overloaded implementations for any of the exiting pre-processing steps, and even provide additional steps as necessary.
- augment_measured_parameters(measured_parameters)[source]
Augment the measured parameters dict into a dict of dicts containing the needed fields for the MeasuredParameters section of the ISO XML file.
- Parameters:
measured_parameters (dict) – The GeoTIFF metadata from the output product. See get_geotiff_metadata()
- Returns:
augmented_parameters – The metadata fields converted to a list with name, value, types, etc
- Return type:
- class opera.pge.base.base_pge.PreProcessorMixin[source]
Mixin class which is responsible for handling all pre-processing steps for the PGE. The pre-processing phase is defined as all steps necessary prior to SAS execution.
This class is intended for use as a Mixin for use with the PgeExecutor class and its inheritors, and as such, this class assumes access to the instance attributes defined by PgeExecutor.
Inheritors of PreProcessorMixin may provide overloaded implementations for any of the exiting pre-processing steps, and even provide additional steps as necessary.
opera.pge.base.runconfig module
Module for parsing and validating run configuration files for OPERA PGEs.
This module is adapted for OPERA from the NISAR PGE R2.0.0 util/l1_l2_runconfig.py Original Author: David White Adapted By: Scott Collins
- opera.pge.base.runconfig.BASE_PGE_SCHEMA = '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/se-pipeline_release_6.0.0-er.1.0/src/opera/pge/base/schema/base_pge_schema.yaml'
Path to the Yamale schema applicable to the PGE portion of each RunConfig
- class opera.pge.base.runconfig.RunConfig(filename)[source]
Class used to parse and validate run configuration files for OPERA PGEs.
RunConfig files are written in YAML, and contain distinct configuration sections for both the PGE and SAS executables. Schema-based validation is performed via the Yamale library (https://github.com/23andMe/Yamale).
- _filename
Name of the file parsed to create the RunConfig
- Type:
- _run_config
Parsed contents of the provided RunConfig file
- Type:
- _pge_config
Short-cut to the PGE-specific section of the parsed RunConfig
- Type:
- _sas_config
Short-cut to the SAS-specific section of the parsed RunConfig
- Type:
- property algorithm_parameters_file_config_path: str
Returns the path to the algorithm parameters run configuration file
- property algorithm_parameters_schema_path: str
Returns the path to the optional algorithm parameter Schema file for DSWX-S1
- property ancillary_file_map: dict
Returns the Ancillary File Map from the Dynamic Ancillary Files Group
- property composite_release_id: str
Returns the Composite Release ID (CRID) from the Primary Executable Category
- property data_validity_start_date: str
Returns the DataValidityStartDate value for the Primary Executable
- property debug_switch: bool
- Type:
Returns a boolean indicating the debugging state
- property error_code_base: int
Returns the Error Code Base for a particular Primary Executable
- property execute_via_shell: bool
- Type:
Returns a boolean indicating the state of ExecuteViaShell
- property filename: str
Returns the of the file parsed to create the RunConfig
- get_ancillary_filenames()[source]
Returns a list of all ancillary filenames listed in the DynamicAncillaryFilesGroup section of the run config file. The returned list only has the filenames, not the types of the files.
- Returns:
ancillary_filenames – List of all ancillary filenames listed in the RunConfig under the DynamicAncillaryFilesGroup section.
- Return type:
list of str
- get_input_filenames()[source]
Iterates over the input_file list from the runconfig and returns a list of all files.
Files in the list are immediately included in the returned list.
Directories in the list will be examined and any files found will be added to the list.
- Returns:
input_file – The expanded list of input files determined from the RunConfig setting. The list is sorted prior to being returned.
- Return type:
list of str
- Raises:
OSError – If anything that is not a file or directory is encountered while traversing the set of input file locations.
- get_output_product_filenames()[source]
Returns a sorted list of all product file paths currently written to the output location specified by the RunConfig.
Any hidden files (starting with “.”) are ignored, as well as any files within the designated “scratch” path (if it happens to be defined within the output product directory).
- property input_files: list
Returns the path from the Input Files Group
- property iso_measured_parameter_descriptions: str
Returns the ISO Measured Parameters description file Path for a Primary Executable
- property iso_template_path: str
Returns the ISO Template Path for a Primary Executable
- property name: str
Returns the name of the RunConfig file
- property output_product_path: str
Returns the Output Product Path from the Product Path Group
- property pge_name: str
Returns the PGE Name from the PGE Name Group
- property product_identifier: str
Returns the Product Identifier from the Primary Executable Category
- property product_type: str
Returns the product type as defined in the SAS portion of the RunConfig
- property product_version: str
Returns the Product Version from the Primary Executable Category
- property qa_enabled: bool
- Type:
Returns a boolean indicating the state of QAExecutable
- property qa_program_options: str
Return program options (arguments) for an executable command
- property qa_program_path: str
Return the path to a QA Executable
- property sas_config: dict
Returns the short-cut to the SAS-specific section of the parsed RunConfig
- property sas_program_options: str
Returns the Program Options (arguments) to a Primary Executable
- property sas_program_path: str
Returns the Program Path from a Primary Executable Category
- property sas_schema_path: str
Returns the path to the Schema file for a Primary Executable
- property scratch_path: str
Returns the Scratch Path from the Product Path Group
- validate(pge_schema_file='/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/se-pipeline_release_6.0.0-er.1.0/src/opera/pge/base/schema/base_pge_schema.yaml', strict_mode=True)[source]
Validates the RunConfig using a combination of the base PGE schema, and the specific SAS schema defined by the RunConfig itself.
- Parameters:
pge_schema_file (str, optional) – The Yamale schema file for the PGE portion of the RunConfig. Defaults to the base PGE schema. Inheritors of RunConfig that overload this method may use this argument to provide their own tailored schema.
strict_mode (bool, optional) – Toggle for Yamale validation strict mode. When enabled, unexpected elements not defined by the schema will raise validation errors.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the SAS schema defined by the parsed RunConfig cannot be located.
YamaleError – If the RunConfig does not validate against the combined PGE/SAS schema.