Source code for opera.pge.base.runconfig

#!/usr/bin/env python3


Module for parsing and validating run configuration files for OPERA PGEs.

This module is adapted for OPERA from the NISAR PGE R2.0.0 util/
Original Author: David White
Adapted By: Scott Collins

import os
from os.path import abspath, basename, isabs, isdir, isfile, join

from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import yamale

import yaml

BASE_PGE_SCHEMA = resource_filename('opera', 'pge/base/schema/base_pge_schema.yaml')
"""Path to the Yamale schema applicable to the PGE portion of each RunConfig"""

[docs]class RunConfig: """ Class used to parse and validate run configuration files for OPERA PGEs. RunConfig files are written in YAML, and contain distinct configuration sections for both the PGE and SAS executables. Schema-based validation is performed via the Yamale library ( Attributes ---------- _filename : str Name of the file parsed to create the RunConfig _run_config : dict Parsed contents of the provided RunConfig file _pge_config : dict Short-cut to the PGE-specific section of the parsed RunConfig _sas_config : dict Short-cut to the SAS-specific section of the parsed RunConfig """ def __init__(self, filename): self._filename = filename self._run_config = self._parse_run_config_file(filename) self._pge_config = self._run_config['Groups']['PGE'] # SAS section may not always be present, during testing for example self._sas_config = self._run_config['Groups'].get('SAS') @staticmethod def _parse_run_config_file(yaml_filename): """ Loads a run configuration YAML file. Returns the loaded data as a Python object. Parameters ---------- yaml_filename : str Path to the RunConfig YAML file to parse. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the parsed config does not define a top-level "RunConfig" entry """ with open(yaml_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as stream: dictionary = yaml.safe_load(stream) try: return dictionary['RunConfig'] except KeyError as key_error: raise RuntimeError( f'Unable to parse {yaml_filename}, expected top-level RunConfig entry' ) from key_error @staticmethod def _parse_algorithm_parameters_run_config_file(yaml_filename): """ Loads an algorithm parameter run configuration YAML file. Returns the loaded data as a Python object. Parameters ---------- yaml_filename : str Path to the runconfig YAML file to parse. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the parsed config does not define dictionary. """ with open(yaml_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as stream: dictionary = yaml.safe_load(stream) if dictionary: if 'runconfig' in dictionary: return dictionary['runconfig'] else: return dictionary else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to parse {yaml_filename}')
[docs] def validate(self, pge_schema_file=BASE_PGE_SCHEMA, strict_mode=True): """ Validates the RunConfig using a combination of the base PGE schema, and the specific SAS schema defined by the RunConfig itself. Parameters ---------- pge_schema_file : str, optional The Yamale schema file for the PGE portion of the RunConfig. Defaults to the base PGE schema. Inheritors of RunConfig that overload this method may use this argument to provide their own tailored schema. strict_mode : bool, optional Toggle for Yamale validation strict mode. When enabled, unexpected elements not defined by the schema will raise validation errors. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the SAS schema defined by the parsed RunConfig cannot be located. YamaleError If the RunConfig does not validate against the combined PGE/SAS schema. """ # Load the schema for the PGE portion of the RunConfig, which should # be fixed across all PGE-SAS combinations pge_schema = yamale.make_schema(pge_schema_file) # If there was a SAS section included with the parsed config, pull # in its schema before validating. Otherwise, only the base PGE schema # will be used. if self.sas_config is not None: # Determine the SAS schema file to load from the provided RunConfig sas_schema_filepath = self.sas_schema_path if isfile(sas_schema_filepath): sas_schema = yamale.make_schema(sas_schema_filepath) # Link the SAS schema to the PGE as an "include" # Note that the key name "sas_configuration" must match the include statement # reference in the base PGE schema. pge_schema.includes['sas_configuration'] = sas_schema else: raise RuntimeError( f'Can not validate RunConfig {}, as the associated SAS ' f'schema ({sas_schema_filepath}) cannot be located.' ) # Yamale expects its own formatting of the parsed config, hence the need # to call "make_data()" here. runconfig_data = yamale.make_data(self.filename) # Finally, validate the RunConfig against the combined PGE/SAS schema yamale.validate(pge_schema, runconfig_data, strict=strict_mode)
def __getattribute__(self, item): """ Wrapper function for all attribute access attempts on instances of RunConfig. Used to provide consistent error handling for when an expected file is missing from a RunConfig. Parameters ---------- item : str Name of the attribute to be accessed. Returns ------- attribute : object The accessed attribute. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the attribute requests fails (from missing field in RunConfig). """ try: return object.__getattribute__(self, item) except KeyError as error: raise RuntimeError( f'Expected field {str(error)} is missing from RunConfig ' f'{abspath(self.filename)}' ) from error @property def filename(self) -> str: """Returns the of the file parsed to create the RunConfig""" return self._filename @property def name(self) -> str: """Returns the name of the RunConfig file""" return self._run_config['Name'] # PGENameGroup @property def pge_name(self) -> str: """Returns the PGE Name from the PGE Name Group""" return self._pge_config['PGENameGroup']['PGEName'] # InputFilesGroup @property def input_files(self) -> list: """Returns the path from the Input Files Group""" return self._pge_config['InputFilesGroup']['InputFilePaths'] # DynamicAncillaryFilesGroup @property def ancillary_file_map(self) -> dict: """Returns the Ancillary File Map from the Dynamic Ancillary Files Group""" return self._pge_config['DynamicAncillaryFilesGroup']['AncillaryFileMap'] # ProductPathGroup @property def output_product_path(self) -> str: """Returns the Output Product Path from the Product Path Group""" return self._pge_config['ProductPathGroup']['OutputProductPath'] @property def scratch_path(self) -> str: """Returns the Scratch Path from the Product Path Group""" return self._pge_config['ProductPathGroup']['ScratchPath'] # PrimaryExecutable @property def product_identifier(self) -> str: """Returns the Product Identifier from the Primary Executable Category""" return self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable']['ProductIdentifier'] @property def product_version(self) -> str: """Returns the Product Version from the Primary Executable Category""" return self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable']['ProductVersion'] @property def composite_release_id(self) -> str: """Returns the Composite Release ID (CRID) from the Primary Executable Category""" return self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable']['CompositeReleaseID'] @property def sas_program_path(self) -> str: """Returns the Program Path from a Primary Executable Category""" return self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable']['ProgramPath'] @property def sas_program_options(self) -> str: """Returns the Program Options (arguments) to a Primary Executable""" return self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable']['ProgramOptions'] @property def error_code_base(self) -> int: """Returns the Error Code Base for a particular Primary Executable""" return self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable']['ErrorCodeBase'] @property def sas_schema_path(self) -> str: """Returns the path to the Schema file for a Primary Executable""" sas_schema_path = self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable']['SchemaPath'] return ( sas_schema_path if isabs(sas_schema_path) else resource_filename('opera', sas_schema_path) ) @property def algorithm_parameters_schema_path(self) -> str: """Returns the path to the optional algorithm parameter Schema file for DSWX-S1""" algorithm_parameters_schema_path = self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable']['AlgorithmParametersSchemaPath'] if algorithm_parameters_schema_path is None: return None else: return ( algorithm_parameters_schema_path if isabs(algorithm_parameters_schema_path) else resource_filename('opera', algorithm_parameters_schema_path) ) @property def algorithm_parameters_file_config_path(self) -> str: """Returns the path to the algorithm parameters run configuration file""" # ADT is inconsistent with how they define this location across different SAS, # so check all known permutations try: dynamic_ancillary_file_group = self._sas_config['runconfig']['groups']['dynamic_ancillary_file_group'] except KeyError: try: dynamic_ancillary_file_group = self._sas_config['dynamic_ancillary_file_group'] except KeyError: return None # ADT is inconsistent with how they define this location across different SAS, # so check all known permutations try: algorithm_parameters_file_config_path = dynamic_ancillary_file_group['algorithm_parameters_file'] except KeyError: try: algorithm_parameters_file_config_path = dynamic_ancillary_file_group['algorithm_parameters'] except KeyError: return None return ( algorithm_parameters_file_config_path if isabs(algorithm_parameters_file_config_path) else os.path.abspath(algorithm_parameters_file_config_path) ) @property def iso_template_path(self) -> str: """Returns the ISO Template Path for a Primary Executable""" iso_template_path = self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable'].get('IsoTemplatePath', None) if iso_template_path is None: return None return ( iso_template_path if isabs(iso_template_path) else resource_filename('opera', iso_template_path) ) @property def iso_measured_parameter_descriptions(self) -> str: """Returns the ISO Measured Parameters description file Path for a Primary Executable""" iso_descriptions_path = self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable'].get('IsoMeasuredParameterDescriptions', None) if iso_descriptions_path is None: return None return ( iso_descriptions_path if isabs(iso_descriptions_path) else resource_filename('opera', iso_descriptions_path) ) @property def data_validity_start_date(self) -> str: """Returns the DataValidityStartDate value for the Primary Executable""" return self._pge_config['PrimaryExecutable'].get('DataValidityStartDate', None) # QAExecutable @property def qa_enabled(self) -> bool: """Returns a boolean indicating the state of QAExecutable: enabled/disabled""" return bool(self._pge_config['QAExecutable']['Enabled']) @property def qa_program_path(self) -> str: """Return the path to a QA Executable""" return self._pge_config['QAExecutable']['ProgramPath'] @property def qa_program_options(self) -> str: """Return program options (arguments) for an executable command""" return self._pge_config['QAExecutable']['ProgramOptions'] @property def debug_switch(self) -> bool: """Returns a boolean indicating the debugging state: enabled/disabled.""" return bool(self._pge_config['DebugLevelGroup']['DebugSwitch']) @property def execute_via_shell(self) -> bool: """Returns a boolean indicating the state of ExecuteViaShell: enabled/disabled""" return bool(self._pge_config['DebugLevelGroup'].get('ExecuteViaShell', False)) @property def product_type(self) -> str: """Returns the product type as defined in the SAS portion of the RunConfig""" return self.sas_config['runconfig']['groups']['primary_executable']['product_type'] @property def sas_config(self) -> dict: """Returns the short-cut to the SAS-specific section of the parsed RunConfig""" return self._sas_config
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict: """Returns the entire parsed RunConfig in its dictionary representation""" return self._run_config
[docs] def get_input_filenames(self): """ Iterates over the input_file list from the runconfig and returns a list of all files. Files in the list are immediately included in the returned list. Directories in the list will be examined and any files found will be added to the list. Returns ------- input_file : list of str The expanded list of input files determined from the RunConfig setting. The list is sorted prior to being returned. Raises ------ OSError If anything that is not a file or directory is encountered while traversing the set of input file locations. """ preliminary_file_list = self.input_files input_files = [] def __is_input_file(filename): """Helper function for filtering out directories and hidden files""" return isfile(filename) and not basename(filename).startswith('.') for item in preliminary_file_list: if __is_input_file(item): input_files.append(item) elif isdir(item): for dir_item in os.listdir(item): path = join(item, dir_item) # for now only look for files at first level if __is_input_file(path): input_files.append(path) input_files.sort() return input_files
[docs] def get_ancillary_filenames(self): """ Returns a list of all ancillary filenames listed in the DynamicAncillaryFilesGroup section of the run config file. The returned list only has the filenames, not the types of the files. Returns ------- ancillary_filenames : list of str List of all ancillary filenames listed in the RunConfig under the DynamicAncillaryFilesGroup section. """ result = list() for ancillary_mapping in self.ancillary_file_map.values(): if isinstance(ancillary_mapping, list): result.extend(ancillary_mapping) elif ancillary_mapping is not None: result.append(ancillary_mapping) return result
[docs] def get_output_product_filenames(self): """ Returns a sorted list of all product file paths currently written to the output location specified by the RunConfig. Any hidden files (starting with ".") are ignored, as well as any files within the designated "scratch" path (if it happens to be defined within the output product directory). """ output_product_path = abspath(self.output_product_path) scratch_path = abspath(self.scratch_path) output_products = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(output_product_path, topdown=False): for filename in filter(lambda name: not name.startswith('.'), filenames): product_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) if scratch_path not in product_path: output_products.append(product_path) return sorted(output_products)