ISAAC  0.2.11
Flight software for the ISAAC project, adding functionality to the Astrobee robot, operating inside the International Space Station.
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cargo::CargoNode Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for cargo::CargoNode:
Collaboration diagram for cargo::CargoNode:

Public Types

enum  : FSM::Event {
  READY = (1<<0), GOAL_PICK = (1<<1), GOAL_DROP = (1<<2), GOAL_CANCEL = (1<<3),
  GOAL_PREEMPT = (1<<4), GOAL_PAUSE = (1<<5), GOAL_UNPAUSE = (1<<6), MOTION_SUCCESS = (1<<7),
  MOTION_FAILED = (1<<8), ARM_SUCCESS = (1<<9), ARM_FAILED = (1<<10), DETECT_SUCCESS = (1<<11),
  DETECT_FAILED = (1<<12), MANUAL_STATE_SET = (1<<13)

Protected Member Functions

void Initialize (ros::NodeHandle *nh)
void ConnectedCallback ()
void GroundConnectedCallback ()
bool SetStateCallback (ff_msgs::SetState::Request &req, ff_msgs::SetState::Response &res)
bool SetAnomalyCallback (isaac_msgs::SetCargoAnomaly::Request &req, isaac_msgs::SetCargoAnomaly::Response &res)
bool Move (CargoPose cargo_pose)
void MFeedbackCallback (ff_msgs::MotionFeedbackConstPtr const &feedback)
void MResultCallback (ff_util::FreeFlyerActionState::Enum result_code, ff_msgs::MotionResultConstPtr const &result)
bool Arm (uint8_t command)
void AFeedbackCallback (ff_msgs::ArmFeedbackConstPtr const &feedback)
void AResultCallback (ff_util::FreeFlyerActionState::Enum result_code, ff_msgs::ArmResultConstPtr const &result)
bool Detect ()
void DFeedbackCallback (isaac_msgs::DetectionFeedbackConstPtr const &feedback)
void DResultCallback (ff_util::FreeFlyerActionState::Enum result_code, isaac_msgs::DetectionResultConstPtr const &result)
void GoalCallback (isaac_msgs::CargoGoalConstPtr const &goal)
void Result (int32_t response, std::string const &msg="")
bool ReconfigureCallback (dynamic_reconfigure::Config &config)
void UpdateCallback (FSM::State const &state, FSM::Event const &event)
void PreemptCallback ()
void CancelCallback ()

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