►NCFDP | |
CChecksum | Class representing a CFDP checksum |
►NDrv | |
CBlockDriverComponentBase | Auto-generated base for BlockDriver component |
CBlockDriverImpl | |
CByteStreamDriverModelComponentBase | Auto-generated base for ByteStreamDriverModel component |
CDataBuffer | |
CI2cStatus | |
CInputByteStreamPollPort | Input ByteStreamPoll port |
CInputByteStreamReadyPort | Input ByteStreamReady port |
CInputByteStreamRecvPort | Input ByteStreamRecv port |
CInputByteStreamSendPort | Input ByteStreamSend port |
CInputDataBufferPort | |
CInputGpioReadPort | Input GpioRead port |
CInputGpioWritePort | Input GpioWrite port |
CInputI2cPort | Input I2c port |
CInputI2cWriteReadPort | |
CInputSpiReadWritePort | Input SpiReadWrite port |
CIpSocket | Helper base-class for setting up Berkley sockets |
CLinuxGpioDriverComponentBase | Auto-generated base for LinuxGpioDriver component |
CLinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl | |
CLinuxI2cDriver | |
CLinuxI2cDriverComponentBase | Auto-generated base for LinuxI2cDriver component |
CLinuxSpiDriverComponentBase | Auto-generated base for LinuxSpiDriver component |
CLinuxSpiDriverComponentImpl | |
CLinuxUartDriver | |
CLinuxUartDriverComponentBase | Auto-generated base for LinuxUartDriver component |
COutputByteStreamPollPort | Output ByteStreamPoll port |
COutputByteStreamReadyPort | Output ByteStreamReady port |
COutputByteStreamRecvPort | Output ByteStreamRecv port |
COutputByteStreamSendPort | Output ByteStreamSend port |
COutputDataBufferPort | |
COutputGpioReadPort | Output GpioRead port |
COutputGpioWritePort | Output GpioWrite port |
COutputI2cPort | Output I2c port |
COutputI2cWriteReadPort | |
COutputSpiReadWritePort | Output SpiReadWrite port |
CPollStatus | |
CRecvStatus | |
CSendStatus | |
CSocketReadTask | Supports a task to read a given socket adaptation |
CSocketState | |
CStreamCrossover | |
CStreamCrossoverComponentBase | Auto-generated base for StreamCrossover component |
CTcpClientComponentImpl | |
CTcpClientSocket | Helper for setting up Tcp using Berkley sockets as a client |
CTcpServerComponentImpl | |
CTcpServerSocket | Helper for setting up Tcp using Berkley sockets as a server |
CUdpComponentImpl | |
CUdpSocket | Helper for setting up Udp using Berkley sockets as a client |
►NFppTest | |
►NTypes | |
CArrayType | |
CArrayTypes | |
CBoolType | |
CCmdStringType | |
CCmdStringTypes | |
CEmpty | |
CEnumType | |
CEnumTypes | |
CF32Type | |
CFormalParamsWithReturn | |
CInternalInterfaceStringType | |
CInternalInterfaceStringTypes | |
CLogStringType | |
CLogStringTypes | |
CPortStringType | |
CPortStringTypes | |
CPrimitiveTypes | |
CPrmStringType | |
CPrmStringTypes | |
CSerialType | |
CStructType | |
CStructTypes | |
CTlmStringType | |
CTlmStringTypes | |
CU32Type | |
►NFw | |
CActive | Active and inactive states |
CActiveComponentBase | |
CActiveComponentExitSerializableBuffer | |
CAmpcsEvrLogPacket | |
CBuffer | |
CByteArray | A variable-length byte array |
CCmdArgBuffer | |
CCmdPacket | |
CCmdResponse | Enum representing a command response |
CCmdStringArg | |
CComBuffer | |
CComPacket | |
CConstByteArray | A variable-length byte array with constant access |
CDeserialStatus | Deserialization status |
CDirection | Direction states |
CEightyCharString | |
CEnabled | Enabled and disabled states |
CExternalSerializeBuffer | |
►CFilePacket | A file packet |
CCancelPacket | The type of a cancel packet |
CDataPacket | The type of a data packet |
CEndPacket | The type of an end packet |
CHeader | The type of a packet header |
CPathName | The type of a path name |
CStartPacket | The type of a start packet |
CHealth | Health states |
CInputBufferGetPort | Input BufferGet port |
CInputBufferSendPort | Input BufferSend port |
CInputCmdPort | |
CInputCmdRegPort | |
CInputCmdResponsePort | |
CInputComPort | |
CInputLogPort | |
CInputLogTextPort | |
CInputPortBase | |
CInputPrmGetPort | |
CInputPrmSetPort | |
CInputSuccessConditionPort | |
CInputTimePort | |
CInputTlmGetPort | |
CInputTlmPort | |
CInternalInterfaceString | |
CLogAssertHook | |
CLogBuffer | |
CLogger | |
CLogic | Logic states |
CLogPacket | |
CLogSeverity | Enum representing event severity |
CLogStringArg | |
CMallocAllocator | |
CMemAllocator | |
CMmapAllocator | |
CObjBase | Brief class description |
COn | On and off states |
COpen | Open and closed states |
COutputBufferGetPort | Output BufferGet port |
COutputBufferSendPort | Output BufferSend port |
COutputCmdPort | |
COutputCmdRegPort | |
COutputCmdResponsePort | |
COutputComPort | |
COutputLogPort | |
COutputLogTextPort | |
COutputPortBase | |
COutputPrmGetPort | |
COutputPrmSetPort | |
COutputSuccessConditionPort | |
COutputTimePort | |
COutputTlmGetPort | |
COutputTlmPort | |
CParamBuffer | |
CParamString | |
CParamValid | Enum representing parameter validity |
CPassiveComponentBase | |
CPolyType | |
CPortBase | |
CQueuedComponentBase | |
CSerialBuffer | A variable-length serializable buffer |
CSerializable | Forward declaration |
CSerializableFile | The type of a packet header |
CSerializeBufferBase | |
CSerialStatus | Serialization status |
CString | |
CStringBase | |
CSuccess | Success/Failure |
CTextLogString | |
CTime | |
CTlmBuffer | |
CTlmPacket | |
CTlmString | |
CTrapHandler | |
►NOs | |
►NSystemResources | |
CCpuTicks | |
CMemUtil | |
CBareQueueHandle | |
CBareTaskHandle | |
CBufferQueue | A generic buffer queue data structure |
CDirectory | |
CEvent | |
CFIFOQueue | |
CFile | |
CInterruptLock | |
►CIntervalTimer | |
CRawTime | |
CIPCQueue | |
CLocklessQueue | |
CLog | |
CMaxHeap | A stable max heap data structure |
CMem | |
CMutex | |
CPriorityQueue | |
CQueue | |
CQueueHandle | |
CQueueRegistry | |
CQueueString | |
►CTask | Forward declaration |
CTaskRoutineWrapper | |
CTaskId | |
CTaskLock | |
CTaskRegistry | |
CTaskRunner | |
CTaskString | |
CValidatedFile | A validated file |
CWatchdogTimer | |
►NSvc | |
►NSendFileRequestPortStrings | |
CStringSize100 | |
CActiveLogger_Enabled | Enabled and disabled state |
CActiveLogger_FilterSeverity | |
CActiveLoggerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for ActiveLogger component |
CActiveLoggerImpl | |
CActiveRateGroup | Executes a set of components as part of a rate group |
CActiveRateGroupComponentBase | Auto-generated base for ActiveRateGroup component |
CActiveTextLoggerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for ActiveTextLogger component |
CActiveTextLoggerComponentImpl | Active text logger component class |
►CAMPCSSequence | A sequence in AMPCS format |
►CRecord | AMPCS sequence record |
CCmdLength | Command length |
COpcode | Opcode |
CTime | Time |
►CTimeFlag | Time flag |
CSerial | The serial representation of a time flag |
►CSequenceHeader | AMPCS sequence header |
CConstants | |
CAssertFatalAdapterComponentBase | Auto-generated base for AssertFatalAdapter component |
CAssertFatalAdapterComponentImpl | |
CBufferAccumulator | |
CBufferAccumulator_BlockMode | |
CBufferAccumulator_OpState | |
CBufferAccumulatorComponentBase | Auto-generated base for BufferAccumulator component |
CBufferLogger | |
CBufferLogger_LogState | |
CBufferLoggerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for BufferLogger component |
CBufferManagerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for BufferManager component |
►CBufferManagerComponentImpl | |
CBufferBin | |
CBufferBins | |
CBufferRepeater | |
CBufferRepeaterComponentBase | Auto-generated base for BufferRepeater component |
CBuffQueueDepth | Array of queue depths for Fw::Buffer types |
CCmdSequencer_BlockState | Sequencer blocking state |
CCmdSequencer_FileReadStage | The stage of the file read operation |
CCmdSequencer_SeqMode | The sequencer mode |
CCmdSequencerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for CmdSequencer component |
►CCmdSequencerComponentImpl | |
►CFPrimeSequence | A sequence that uses the F Prime binary format |
CCRC | Container for computed and stored CRC values |
►CSequence | A sequence with unspecified binary format |
CEvents | Sequence event reporting |
CHeader | A sequence header |
CRecord | A sequence record |
CCmdSplitter | |
CCmdSplitterComponentBase | Auto-generated base for CmdSplitter component |
CComLogger | |
CComLoggerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for ComLogger component |
CCommandDispatcherComponentBase | Auto-generated base for CommandDispatcher component |
CCommandDispatcherImpl | Command Dispatcher component class |
►CComQueue | |
CQueueConfigurationEntry | Configuration data for each queue |
CQueueConfigurationTable | Configuration table for each queue |
CComQueueComponentBase | Auto-generated base for ComQueue component |
CComQueueDepth | Array of queue depths for Fw::Com types |
CComSplitter | |
CComSplitterComponentBase | Auto-generated base for ComSplitter component |
CComStub | |
CComStubComponentBase | Auto-generated base for ComStub component |
CConsoleTextLoggerImpl | |
CDeframer | Generic deframing component using DeframingProtocol implementation for actual deframing |
CDeframerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for Deframer component |
CDeframingProtocol | Abstract base class representing a deframing protocol |
CDeframingProtocolInterface | Interface supplied to the deframing protocol |
CFatalHandlerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for FatalHandler component |
CFatalHandlerComponentImpl | |
CFileDownlink | |
CFileDownlinkComponentBase | Auto-generated base for FileDownlink component |
CFileManager | |
CFileManagerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for FileManager component |
CFileUplink | |
CFileUplinkComponentBase | Auto-generated base for FileUplink component |
CFprimeDeframing | Implements the F Prime deframing protocol |
CFprimeFraming | Implements the F Prime framing protocol |
CFramer | Generic framing component using FramingProtocol implementation for actual framing |
CFramerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for Framer component |
CFramingProtocol | Abstract class representing a framing protocol |
CFramingProtocolInterface | Interface supplied to the framing protocol |
CGenericHubComponentBase | Auto-generated base for GenericHub component |
CGenericHubComponentImpl | |
CGroundInterfaceComponentBase | Auto-generated base for GroundInterface component |
CGroundInterfaceComponentImpl | |
CHealthComponentBase | Auto-generated base for Health component |
►CHealthImpl | Health component implementation class |
CPingEntry | Struct for ping entry |
CInputCmdSeqCancelPort | |
CInputCmdSeqInPort | |
CInputCyclePort | |
CInputFatalEventPort | |
CInputPingPort | |
CInputPolyPort | |
CInputSchedPort | |
CInputSendFileCompletePort | |
CInputSendFileRequestPort | |
CInputWatchDogPort | |
CLinuxTimeImpl | |
CLinuxTimerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for LinuxTimer component |
CLinuxTimerComponentImpl | |
CLogFile | LogFile struct |
CMeasurementStatus | An enumeration for measurement status |
COutputCmdSeqCancelPort | |
COutputCmdSeqInPort | |
COutputCyclePort | |
COutputFatalEventPort | |
COutputPingPort | |
COutputPolyPort | |
COutputSchedPort | |
COutputSendFileCompletePort | |
COutputSendFileRequestPort | |
COutputWatchDogPort | |
CPassiveRateGroup | |
CPassiveRateGroupComponentBase | Auto-generated base for PassiveRateGroup component |
CPassiveTextLoggerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for PassiveTextLogger component |
CPolyDbComponentBase | Auto-generated base for PolyDb component |
CPolyDbImpl | PolyDb Component Class |
CPrmDb_PrmReadError | Parameter read error |
CPrmDb_PrmWriteError | Parameter write error |
CPrmDbComponentBase | Auto-generated base for PrmDb component |
CPrmDbImpl | Component class for managing parameters |
CQueueType | An enumeration of queue data types |
CRateGroupDriver | Implementation class for RateGroupDriver |
CRateGroupDriverComponentBase | Auto-generated base for RateGroupDriver component |
CSendFileResponse | Send file response struct |
CSendFileStatus | Send file status enum |
CStaticMemoryComponentBase | Auto-generated base for StaticMemory component |
CStaticMemoryComponentImpl | |
CSystemResourceEnabled | |
CSystemResources | |
CSystemResourcesComponentBase | Auto-generated base for SystemResources component |
CTimeComponentBase | Auto-generated base for Time component |
CTimerVal | Serializable class for carrying timer values |
CTlmChan | |
CTlmChanComponentBase | Auto-generated base for TlmChan component |
CTlmPacketizer | |
CTlmPacketizerChannelEntry | |
CTlmPacketizerComponentBase | Auto-generated base for TlmPacketizer component |
CTlmPacketizerPacket | |
CTlmPacketizerPacketList | |
CUdpReceiverComponentImpl | |
CUdpSenderComponentImpl | |
►Ntesting | |
►Ninternal | |
CActionImpl | |
CActionImpl< R(Args...), Impl > | |
CAssignAction | |
CBriefUnitTestResultPrinter | |
CBuiltInDefaultValue | |
CBuiltInDefaultValue< const T > | |
CBuiltInDefaultValue< T * > | |
CBuiltInDefaultValueGetter | |
CBuiltInDefaultValueGetter< T, false > | |
CByMoveWrapper | |
Cconjunction | |
Cconjunction< P1 > | |
Cconjunction< P1, Ps... > | |
CDefaultGlobalTestPartResultReporter | |
CDefaultPerThreadTestPartResultReporter | |
CDeleteArgAction | |
Cdisjunction | |
Cdisjunction< P1 > | |
Cdisjunction< P1, Ps... > | |
CDoAllAction | |
►CDoAllAction< FinalAction > | |
CUserConstructorTag | |
►CDoAllAction< InitialAction, OtherActions... > | |
CUserConstructorTag | |
CDoDefaultAction | |
CExcessiveArg | |
CFailureReporterInterface | |
CFunction | |
CFunction< R(Args...)> | |
CGoogleTestFailureReporter | |
CGTestFlagSaver | |
CIgnoreResultAction | |
►CImplBase | |
CHolder | |
CInvokeArgumentAction | |
CInvokeMethodAction | |
CInvokeMethodWithoutArgsAction | |
CInvokeWithoutArgsAction | |
Cis_callable_r_impl | |
Cis_callable_r_impl< void_t< call_result_t< F, Args... > >, R, F, Args... > | |
Cis_implicitly_convertible | |
CJsonUnitTestResultPrinter | |
CKindOf | |
CMaxBipartiteMatchState | |
CNaggyMockImpl | |
Cnegation | |
CNiceMockImpl | |
COsStackTraceGetter | |
COsStackTraceGetterInterface | |
CPrettyUnitTestResultPrinter | |
CRemoveConstFromKey | |
CRemoveConstFromKey< std::pair< const K, V > > | |
CReturnAction | |
CReturnAction< ByMoveWrapper< T > > | |
CReturnArgAction | |
CReturnNewAction | |
CReturnNullAction | |
CReturnPointeeAction | |
CReturnRefAction | |
CReturnRefOfCopyAction | |
CReturnRoundRobinAction | |
CReturnVoidAction | |
CSaveArgAction | |
CSaveArgPointeeAction | |
CScopedPrematureExitFile | |
CSetArgRefereeAction | |
CSetArgumentPointeeAction | |
CSetArrayArgumentAction | |
CSetErrnoAndReturnAction | |
CStlContainerView | |
CStlContainerView< ::std::tuple< ElementPointer, Size > > | |
CStlContainerView< Element[N]> | |
CStrictMockImpl | |
CTestEventRepeater | |
CTestPropertyKeyIs | |
CTestResultAccessor | |
CTestSuiteNameIs | |
CThisRefAdjuster | |
CTimer | |
CTraceInfo | |
CUnitTestImpl | |
CUnitTestOptions | |
CWithArgsAction | |
CWithoutMatchers | |
CXmlUnitTestResultPrinter | |
CAction | |
CAction< R(Args...)> | |
CActionInterface | |
CDefaultValue | |
CDefaultValue< T & > | |
CDefaultValue< void > | |
CMatcher | |
CNaggyMock | |
CNiceMock | |
COnceAction | |
COnceAction< Result(Args...)> | |
CPolymorphicAction | |
CStrictMock | |
►NTypes | |
CCircularBuffer | |
CQueue | |
►NUtils | |
CHash | A generic interface for creating and comparing hash values |
CHashBuffer | A container class for holding a hash buffer |
CLockGuard | |
CRateLimiter | |
CTokenBucket | |
CActiveTest | |
CArrayTest | |
CArrayToStringTest | |
CComponentAsyncCommandTest | |
CComponentCommandTest | |
CComponentEventTest | |
CComponentInternalInterfaceTest | |
CComponentParamCommandTest | |
CComponentTelemetryTest | |
CCounter | |
CEmpty | |
CEnumTest | |
CEnumToStringTest | |
CFormatTest | |
CMyString | |
CNonPrimitiveStructTest | |
COnTheFlyPrimeTable | |
CPassiveRateGroupImpl | Executes a set of components as part of a rate group |
CPassiveTest | |
CPreCalculatedPrimeTable | |
CPrimeTable | |
CPrimitiveStructTest | |
CQueue | |
CQueuedTest | |
CQueueNode | |
CSerialAsyncPortTest | |
CSerialPortTest | |
CSHA256state_st | |
CSHA512state_st | |
CSHAstate_st | |
CStringTest | |
CTypedAsyncPortTest | |
CTypedPortTest | |