F´ Flight Software - C/C++ Documentation  devel
A framework for building embedded system applications to NASA flight quality standards.
Os Namespace Reference




class  FileMode
 FPP shadow-enum representing Os::File::Mode. More...
class  FileStatus
 FPP shadow-enum representing Os::File::Status. More...
class  TaskStatus
 FPP shadow-enum representing Os::Task::Status. More...
class  BareQueueHandle
class  BareTaskHandle
class  TaskRunner
class  Directory
struct  FileHandle
 base implementation of FileHandle More...
class  FileInterface
class  File
class  InterruptLock
class  IntervalTimer
class  IPCQueue
class  LocklessQueue
class  Log
class  QueueHandle
class  Mem
class  Mutex
class  BufferQueue
 A generic buffer queue data structure. More...
struct  FIFOQueue
class  MaxHeap
 A stable max heap data structure. More...
struct  PriorityQueue
class  Queue
class  QueueRegistry
class  QueueString
class  TaskHandle
 Task handle representation. More...
class  TaskInterface
class  Task
class  TaskRegistry
class  TaskLock
class  TaskString
class  ValidatedFile
 A validated file. More...
class  WatchdogTimer


enum  StatusFileType { FileType , HashFileType }


Queue::QueueStatus bareSendNonBlock (BareQueueHandle &handle, const U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE size, NATIVE_INT_TYPE priority)
Queue::QueueStatus bareSendBlock (BareQueueHandle &handle, const U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE size, NATIVE_INT_TYPE priority)
Queue::QueueStatus bareReceiveNonBlock (BareQueueHandle &handle, U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE capacity, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &actualSize, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &priority)
Queue::QueueStatus bareReceiveBlock (BareQueueHandle &handle, U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE capacity, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &actualSize, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &priority)
U64 getCpuUsed (U32 cpu_data[4])
U64 getCpuTotal (U32 cpu_data[4])
SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus openProcStatFile (FILE *&fp)
SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus readProcStatLine (FILE *fp, char proc_stat_line[LINE_SIZE])
SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus getCpuDataLine (FILE *fp, U32 cpu_index, char proc_stat_line[LINE_SIZE])
SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus parseCpuData (char proc_stat_line[LINE_SIZE], U32 cpu_data[4])
SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus getCpuData (U32 cpu_index, U32 cpu_data[4])
U64 getMemoryTotal (FwSizeType total_ram, FwSizeType memory_unit)
U64 getMemoryUsed (FwSizeType total_ram, FwSizeType free_ram, FwSizeType memory_unit)
bool checkCastingAndTypeErrors (FwSizeType total_ram, FwSizeType free_ram, FwSizeType memory_unit, const struct sysinfo &memory_info)
bool checkInvalidMemoryCalculation (FwSizeType total_ram, FwSizeType free_ram)
bool checkMultiplicationOverflow (FwSizeType total_ram, FwSizeType memory_unit)
Queue::QueueStatus sendNonBlockIPCStub (QueueHandle *queueHandle, const U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE size, NATIVE_INT_TYPE priority)
Queue::QueueStatus sendBlockIPCStub (QueueHandle *queueHandle, const U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE size, NATIVE_INT_TYPE priority)
Queue::QueueStatus receiveNonBlockIPCStub (QueueHandle *queueHandle, U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE capacity, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &actualSize, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &priority)
Queue::QueueStatus receiveBlockIPCStub (QueueHandle *queueHandle, U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE capacity, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &actualSize, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &priority)
kern_return_t vm_stat_helper (FwSizeType &used, FwSizeType &total)
 reads macOS virtual memory statistics for memory calculation More...
kern_return_t cpu_data_helper (processor_cpu_load_info_t &cpu_load_info, U32 &cpu_count)
 helper around raw CPU capture API More...
kern_return_t cpu_by_index (U32 cpu_index, FwSizeType &used, FwSizeType &total)
 Query for a single CPU's ticks information. More...
NATIVE_UINT_TYPE checkoutIndex (PriorityQueue *pQueue, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE depth)
void returnIndex (PriorityQueue *pQueue, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE depth, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE index)
Queue::QueueStatus sendNonBlock (QueueHandle *queueHandle, const U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE size, NATIVE_INT_TYPE priority)
Queue::QueueStatus sendBlock (QueueHandle *queueHandle, const U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE size, NATIVE_INT_TYPE priority)
Queue::QueueStatus receiveNonBlock (QueueHandle *queueHandle, U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE capacity, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &actualSize, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &priority)
Queue::QueueStatus receiveBlock (QueueHandle *queueHandle, U8 *buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE capacity, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &actualSize, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &priority)
File::Status computeHash (const char *fileName, Utils::HashBuffer &hashBuffer)
File::Status readHash (const char *hashFileName, Utils::HashBuffer &hashBuffer)
File::Status writeHash (const char *hashFileName, Utils::HashBuffer hashBuffer)
ValidateFile::Status translateStatus (File::Status status, StatusFileType type)

Detailed Description


 Interval timer provides timing over a set interval to the caller. It is one of the core Os  package supplied items.


Contains the common functions for interval timer. This set of functions makes no assumption on the format of the RawTime objects and thus it operates through functions that abstract that implementation away, or it is working on the raw values, as raw values.

Note: If the RawTime object is using U32 upper to store seconds and U32 lower to store nano seconds, then X86/IntervalTimer.cpp can be used, and the implementer need only fill in the getRawTime function for the specific OS.

File: Os/Log.hpp Description: this file provides an implementation of the Fw::Logger class that is backed by the Os abstraction layer.

File: Os/LogPrintf.cpp Description: an implementation on the Os::Log abstraction that routes log messages into standard printf calls.


The Posix implementation of the interval timer shares the same raw setup as other X86 implementations. That is: the lower U32 of the RawTime is nano-seconds, and the upper U32 of RawTime object is seconds. Thus only the "getRawTime" function differs from the base X86 version of this file.


Queues are used internally to F prime in order to support the messaging between components. The Queue class is used to abstract away from the standard OS-based queue, allowing F prime support multiple OSes in a consistent way.

Like most items in the OS package, the implementation is done in two parts. One part is the file QueueCommon.cpp. It contains the shared code for queues regardless of the OS. The other is a .cpp file containing the OS specific backends for defined functions. (i.e. Posix/Queue.cpp).


This file supports the core functions of the IntervalTimer for X86 implementations that support the following specification for the "RawTime" object:

RawTime.lower = nanoseconds of time RawTime.upper = seconds of time.

Any implementation that fills "RawTime" via this specification can use these basic implementations.

Note: this file is cloned from the original Linux implementation.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ StatusFileType


Definition at line 118 of file ValidateFileCommon.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ bareReceiveBlock()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::bareReceiveBlock ( BareQueueHandle handle,
U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  capacity,

Definition at line 159 of file Queue.cpp.

◆ bareReceiveNonBlock()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::bareReceiveNonBlock ( BareQueueHandle handle,
U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  capacity,

Definition at line 128 of file Queue.cpp.

◆ bareSendBlock()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::bareSendBlock ( BareQueueHandle handle,
const U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  priority 

Definition at line 86 of file Queue.cpp.

◆ bareSendNonBlock()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::bareSendNonBlock ( BareQueueHandle handle,
const U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  priority 

Definition at line 74 of file Queue.cpp.

◆ checkCastingAndTypeErrors()

bool Os::checkCastingAndTypeErrors ( FwSizeType  total_ram,
FwSizeType  free_ram,
FwSizeType  memory_unit,
const struct sysinfo &  memory_info 

Definition at line 123 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ checkInvalidMemoryCalculation()

bool Os::checkInvalidMemoryCalculation ( FwSizeType  total_ram,
FwSizeType  free_ram 

Definition at line 133 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ checkMultiplicationOverflow()

bool Os::checkMultiplicationOverflow ( FwSizeType  total_ram,
FwSizeType  memory_unit 

Definition at line 137 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ checkoutIndex()

NATIVE_UINT_TYPE Os::checkoutIndex ( PriorityQueue pQueue,

Definition at line 44 of file PriorityBufferQueue.cpp.

◆ computeHash()

File::Status Os::computeHash ( const char *  fileName,
Utils::HashBuffer hashBuffer 

< gets the size of the file (in bytes) at location path

Definition at line 8 of file ValidateFileCommon.cpp.

◆ cpu_by_index()

kern_return_t Os::cpu_by_index ( U32  cpu_index,
FwSizeType used,
FwSizeType total 

Query for a single CPU's ticks information.

Queries all CPU information but only deals with a single CPU's output. This is done because the load average is tracked sample to sample and the call pattern is cpu0, cpu1, ..., cpu last, wait for sample window, cpu0, ... and thus each call should update one CPU's sample or only the last cpu will have the benefit of the sampling window.

cpu_indexindex of current CPU being queried
usedfilled with CPU's used ticks count
totalfilled with CPU's total ticks
success/failure using kern_return_t

Definition at line 82 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ cpu_data_helper()

kern_return_t Os::cpu_data_helper ( processor_cpu_load_info_t &  cpu_load_info,
U32 &  cpu_count 

helper around raw CPU capture API

Calls for the CPU information from the machine, improving readability in cpu_by_index

cpu_load_infofilled with CPU data
cpu_countfilled with CPU count
success/failure using kern_return_t

Definition at line 63 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ getCpuData()

SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus Os::getCpuData ( U32  cpu_index,
U32  cpu_data[4] 

Definition at line 78 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ getCpuDataLine()

SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus Os::getCpuDataLine ( FILE *  fp,
U32  cpu_index,
char  proc_stat_line[LINE_SIZE] 

Definition at line 51 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ getCpuTotal()

U64 Os::getCpuTotal ( U32  cpu_data[4])

Definition at line 33 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ getCpuUsed()

U64 Os::getCpuUsed ( U32  cpu_data[4])

Definition at line 30 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ getMemoryTotal()

U64 Os::getMemoryTotal ( FwSizeType  total_ram,
FwSizeType  memory_unit 

Definition at line 116 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ getMemoryUsed()

U64 Os::getMemoryUsed ( FwSizeType  total_ram,
FwSizeType  free_ram,
FwSizeType  memory_unit 

Definition at line 119 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ openProcStatFile()

SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus Os::openProcStatFile ( FILE *&  fp)

Definition at line 37 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ parseCpuData()

SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus Os::parseCpuData ( char  proc_stat_line[LINE_SIZE],
U32  cpu_data[4] 

Definition at line 69 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ readHash()

File::Status Os::readHash ( const char *  hashFileName,
Utils::HashBuffer hashBuffer 

Definition at line 64 of file ValidateFileCommon.cpp.

◆ readProcStatLine()

SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus Os::readProcStatLine ( FILE *  fp,
char  proc_stat_line[LINE_SIZE] 

Definition at line 44 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ receiveBlock()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::receiveBlock ( QueueHandle queueHandle,
U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  capacity,

Definition at line 258 of file Queue.cpp.

◆ receiveBlockIPCStub()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::receiveBlockIPCStub ( QueueHandle queueHandle,
U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  capacity,

Definition at line 257 of file IPCQueueStub.cpp.

◆ receiveNonBlock()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::receiveNonBlock ( QueueHandle queueHandle,
U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  capacity,

Definition at line 202 of file Queue.cpp.

◆ receiveNonBlockIPCStub()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::receiveNonBlockIPCStub ( QueueHandle queueHandle,
U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  capacity,

Definition at line 201 of file IPCQueueStub.cpp.

◆ returnIndex()

void Os::returnIndex ( PriorityQueue pQueue,

Definition at line 60 of file PriorityBufferQueue.cpp.

◆ sendBlock()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::sendBlock ( QueueHandle queueHandle,
const U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  priority 

Definition at line 133 of file Queue.cpp.

◆ sendBlockIPCStub()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::sendBlockIPCStub ( QueueHandle queueHandle,
const U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  priority 

Definition at line 132 of file IPCQueueStub.cpp.

◆ sendNonBlock()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::sendNonBlock ( QueueHandle queueHandle,
const U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  priority 

Definition at line 95 of file Queue.cpp.

◆ sendNonBlockIPCStub()

Queue::QueueStatus Os::sendNonBlockIPCStub ( QueueHandle queueHandle,
const U8 buffer,
NATIVE_INT_TYPE  priority 

Definition at line 94 of file IPCQueueStub.cpp.

◆ translateStatus()

ValidateFile::Status Os::translateStatus ( File::Status  status,
StatusFileType  type 

Definition at line 123 of file ValidateFileCommon.cpp.

◆ vm_stat_helper()

kern_return_t Os::vm_stat_helper ( FwSizeType used,
FwSizeType total 

reads macOS virtual memory statistics for memory calculation

Queries the macOS kernel for virtual memory information. These items are returned in units of page-size and are then converted back into bytes.

Thanks to: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8782228/retrieve-ram-info-on-a-mac

usedused memory in bytes
totaltotal memory in bytes
: kern_return_t with success/failure straight from the kernel

Definition at line 33 of file SystemResources.cpp.

◆ writeHash()

File::Status Os::writeHash ( const char *  hashFileName,
Utils::HashBuffer  hashBuffer 

Definition at line 94 of file ValidateFileCommon.cpp.