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Version: v9.9.0

Using the Thin Egress App for Cumulus distribution

The Thin Egress App (TEA) is an app running in Lambda that allows retrieving data from S3 using temporary links and provides URS integration.

Configuring a TEA deployment

TEA is deployed using Terraform modules. Refer to these instructions for guidance on how to integrate new components with your deployment.

The cumulus-template-deploy repository cumulus-tf/ contains a thin_egress_app for distribution.

The TEA module provides these instructions showing how to add it to your deployment and the following are instructions to configure the thin_egress_app module in your Cumulus deployment.

Create a secret for signing Thin Egress App JWTs

The Thin Egress App uses JWTs internally to authenticate requests and requires a secret stored in AWS Secrets Manager containing SSH keys that are used to sign the JWTs.

See the Thin Egress App documentation on how to create this secret with the correct values. It will be used later to set the thin_egress_jwt_secret_name variable when deploying the Cumulus module.


The Thin Egress App uses a bucket_map.yaml file to determine which buckets to serve. Documentation of the file format is available here.

The default Cumulus module generates a file at s3://${system_bucket}/distribution_bucket_map.json.

The configuration file is a simple json mapping of the form:

"daac-public-data-bucket": "/path/to/this/kind/of/data"

Please note: Cumulus only supports a one-to-one mapping of bucket->TEA path for 'distribution' buckets.

Optionally configure a custom bucket map

A simple config would look something like this:

my-protected: my-protected
my-public: my-public

- my-public

Please note: your custom bucket map must include mappings for all of the protected and public buckets specified in the buckets variable in cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars, otherwise Cumulus may not be able to determine the correct distribution URL for ingested files and you may encounter errors.

Optionally configure shared variables

The cumulus module deploys certain components that interact with TEA. As a result, the cumulus module requires that if you are specifying a value for the stage_name variable to the TEA module, you must use the same value for the tea_api_gateway_stage variable to the cumulus module.

One way to keep these variable values in sync across the modules is to use Terraform local values to define values to use for the variables for both modules. This approach is shown in the Cumulus core example deployment code.