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Version: v9.0.0

Naming Executions

By default, Cumulus will assign a random name to workflow executions. If desired, though, a configurable prefix can be added to those execution names.

Naming executions triggered by rules

Rules now have an optional executionNamePrefix property. If set, any workflows triggered directly by that rule will have an execution name that starts with that prefix.

Naming executions enqueued by the QueueGranules and QueuePdrs tasks

The QueueGranules and QueuePdrs tasks add executions to a queue to be run later. These two tasks now support an optional config property called executionNamePrefix. If specified, any executions enqueued by those tasks will have an execution name that begins with that prefix. The value of that prefix should be configured in the workflow that contains the QueueGranules or QueuePdrs step.

In the following excerpt, the QueueGranules config.executionNamePrefix property is set using the value configured in the workflow's meta.executionNamePrefix.

Setting executionNamePrefix config for QueueGranules using rule.meta

If you wanted to use a prefix of "my-prefix", you would create a rule with a meta property similar to this:

"executionNamePrefix": "my-prefix"

The value of meta.executionNamePrefix from the rule will be set as meta.executionNamePrefix in the workflow message.

Then, the workflow could contain a "QueueGranules" step with the following state, which uses meta.executionNamePrefix from the message as the value for the executionNamePrefix config to the "QueueGranules" step:

"QueueGranules": {
"Parameters": {
"cma": {
"event.$": "$",
"ReplaceConfig": {
"FullMessage": true
"task_config": {
"queueUrl": "${start_sf_queue_url}",
"provider": "{$.meta.provider}",
"internalBucket": "{$}",
"stackName": "{$.meta.stack}",
"granuleIngestWorkflow": "${ingest_granule_workflow_name}",
"executionNamePrefix": "{$.meta.executionNamePrefix}"
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "${queue_granules_task_arn}",
"Retry": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"IntervalSeconds": 2,
"MaxAttempts": 6,
"BackoffRate": 2
"Catch": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"ResultPath": "$.exception",
"Next": "WorkflowFailed"
"End": true