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Version: v19.0.0


The LZARDS backup task takes an array of granules and initiates backup requests to the LZARDS API, which will be handled asynchronously by LZARDS.


For more information about LZARDS and the backup process go to the LZARDS Overview.


The LZARDS backup task is not automatically deployed with Cumulus. To deploy the task through the Cumulus module, first you must specify a lzards_launchpad_passphrase in your terraform variables (e.g. like so:

variable "lzards_launchpad_passphrase" {
type = string
default = ""

Then you can specify a value for your lzards_launchpad_passphrase in terraform.tfvars like so:

lzards_launchpad_passphrase = your-passphrase

Lastly, you need to make sure that the lzards_launchpad_passphrase is passed into the Cumulus module (in like so:

lzards_launchpad_passphrase  = var.lzards_launchpad_passphrase

In short, deploying the LZARDS task requires configuring a passphrase variable and ensuring that your TF configuration passes that variable into the Cumulus module.

Additional terraform configuration for the LZARDS task can be found in the cumulus module's file, where the the relevant variables are prefixed with lzards_. You can add these variables to your deployment using the same process outlined above for lzards_launchpad_passphrase.

Task Inputs


This task expects an array of granules as input.

For the specifics, see the Cumulus Tasks page entry for the schema.


This task does expect values to be set in the workflow_config CMA parameters for the workflows. A schema exists that defines the requirements for the task.

For the most recent config.json schema, please see the Cumulus Tasks page entry for the schema.

Task Outputs


The LZARDS task outputs a composite object containing:

  • the input granules array, and
  • a backupResults object that describes the results of LZARDS backup attempts.

For the specifics, see the Cumulus Tasks page entry for the schema.