📄️ Operator Common Use Cases
Listed below are some example use cases that you may encounter during your onboarding process and daily activities as a Cumulus Operator.
📄️ Setup Kinesis Stream & CNM Message
Note: Keep in mind that you should only have to set this up once per ingest stream. Kinesis pricing is based on the shard value and not on amount of kinesis usage.
📄️ Create Rule In Cumulus
Once the above files are in place and the entries created in CMR and Cumulus, we are ready to begin ingesting data. Depending on the type of ingestion (FTP/Kinesis, etc) the values below will change, but for the most part they are all similar. Rules tell Cumulus how to associate providers and collections, and when/how to start processing a workflow.
📄️ Granule Workflows
Failed Granule
📄️ Trigger a Workflow Execution
To trigger a workflow, you need to create a rule. To trigger an ingest workflow, one that requires discovering and ingesting data, you will also need to configure the collection and provider and associate those to a rule.