📄️ Cumulus Backup and Restore
Deployment Backup and Restore
📄️ Dead Letter Queues
startSF SQS queue
📄️ Cumulus Dead Letter Archive
This documentation explains the Cumulus dead letter archive and associated functionality.
📄️ Execution Payload Retention
In addition to CloudWatch logs and AWS StepFunction API records, Cumulus automatically stores the initial and 'final' (the last update to the execution record) payload values as part of the Execution record in your RDS database and Elasticsearch.
📄️ Reconciliation Reports
Report Types
📄️ Ancillary Metadata Export
This feature utilizes the type key on a files object in a Cumulus granule. It uses the key to provide a mechanism where granule discovery, processing and other tasks can set and use this value to facilitate metadata export to CMR.
📄️ Cumulus Distribution Metrics
It is possible to configure Cumulus and the Cumulus Dashboard to display information about the successes and failures of requests for data. This requires the Cumulus instance to deliver Cloudwatch Logs and S3 Server Access logs to an ELK stack.
📄️ Writing logs for ESDIS Metrics
This feature is only available for Cumulus deployments in NGAP environments.
📄️ How to replay Kinesis messages after an outage
After a period of outage, it may be necessary for a Cumulus operator to reprocess or 'replay' messages that arrived on an AWS Kinesis Data Stream but did not trigger an ingest. This document serves as an outline on how to start a replay operation, and how to perform status tracking. Cumulus supports replay of all Kinesis messages on a stream (subject to the normal RetentionPeriod constraints), or all messages within a given time slice delimited by start and end timestamps.
📄️ How to replay SQS messages archived in S3