Paraview SubfigureΒΆ

The "Paraview" class of subfigure is used to set up Paraview, specifically pvpython, to create figures for each solution. This pvpython program, which is part of Paraview, executes a Python script within the solution folder.

The script has access to the file conditions.json within each solution folder, which can be used to determine the freestream Mach number, etc. within the Python script.

The full list of options is shown below.

S: dict

Dictionary of settings for Paraview subfigure

Type: {"Tecplot"} | str

Subfigure type

Header: {""} | str

Heading placed above subfigure (bold, italic)

Position: "t" | "c" | {"b"}

Vertical alignment of subfigure

Alignment: "left" | {"center"}

Horizontal alignment

Width: {0.5} | float

Width of subfigure as a fraction of page text width

Layout: {"layout.py"} | str

Name of Python script to copy to folder and run with pvpython

ImageFile: {"export.png"} | str

Name of file created by executing script

Format: {"png"} | str

Format of image created

Command: {"pvpython"} | str

Command used to open layout; can be set to "python" to just run a raw Python script to create a figure