NASA Astrobee Robot Software  Astrobee Version:
Flight software for the Astrobee robots operating inside the International Space Station.
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Using Astrobee Robot Telemetry Logs

The ISS Astrobee Facility has established an Astrobee ISS telemetry log public release folder.

Astrobee telemetry logs are also called "bag files" and use the rosbag format.

Understanding telemetry in context

This document focuses primarily on how to use Astrobee robot telemetry logs. However, for best understanding of an Astrobee ISS activity, you may benefit from context clues found in other information resources, including:

  • Debrief notes. Immediately following an ISS activity, the Astrobee ground team assembles debrief notes that review the activity objectives, which objectives succeeded or failed, what anomalies were observed and follow-up actions were required, etc. These notes are usually archived on the NASA-internal Free Flyer Ops wiki.
  • Action logs. During the activity, certain notes may be logged live, for example, as timestamped comments on a NASA-internal wiki page. Typical events noted in the log might include when the robot software was reset, when a crew procedure step started/finished, when an anomaly was observed, etc.
  • ISS crew procedures. Astronauts often perform setup/teardown tasks around an Astrobee activity (such as setting "nominal" light levels in the module, clearing clutter out of the module, installing Astrobee payloads, setting up ISS camcorders to live stream the activity, etc.). For some activities, astronauts play a much larger role, such as manually flying an Astrobee around to collect imagery. The crew procedure will tell you what instructions the astronaut was following.
  • Ground procedures. The concept of operations for a typical Astrobee activity includes a team of operators on the ground playing multiple roles. These operators follow a ground procedure that often includes much more detail about the planned robot actions than the crew procedure. Astrobee ground procedures follow a table format which includes a column for the operator to record notes. If the operator filled out this column, it can provide valuable context.
  • ISS imagery. Many Astrobee activities are recorded live by ISS camcorders pre-positioned by an astronaut. In other cases, astronauts may opportunistically grab a camera to capture some video or a few photos. After privacy review, this imagery can typically be found by searching for "astrobee" on the NASA-internal site Imagery Online. A third-party camera view can be invaluable for understanding what actually happened during an activity, especially if there were significant anomalies.
  • Post-activity data processing.
    • Certain simple processing steps are almost always applied to the telemetry logs before you receive them. For example:
      • Telemetry bag files that were split on the robot may have been merged into a single bag file.
      • Bag file problems such as missing message definition metadata may have been repaired.
    • However, other types of post-activity processing are performed on a case-by-case basis, and the results may not be included in the ISS log file you receive. For example:
      • It is common to log Astrobee NavCam imagery during an ISS activity so that post-activity processing can generate higher-quality position estimates using a costly bundle-adjustment algorithm that can't run in real-time onboard the robot. When this type of processing has been performed, you may prefer to request and use the higher-quality post-activity position estimate vs. the real-time position estimate logged on the ISS.
  • Research publications. If the activity results were published, the publications are often the best resource for detailed context.

In some cases, you may have access to the publicly released Astrobee telemetry log but not to these other resources documenting the ISS activity. Our data release processes are still evolving. For now, if you can't find a resource you need, feel free to ask for more information.

Basics of the bag format

Astrobee telemetry logs are also called "bag files" and use the rosbag format.

The ROS middleware framework allows a complex robot software architecture to be implemented in distributed fashion. Individual software components are implemented as nodes that communicate using anonymous publish/subscribe message passing.

Each message type has a format defined in a *.msg file that describes what fields are present in the message. When a node starts publishing a message, it first specifies both the message type and the "topic" name it will use for publishing. This same topic can be used by other nodes to subscribe and start receiving the message.

A ROS bag file includes two main types of information:

  • Metadata about what topics are included and the message type for each topic
  • The actual contents of the timestamped messages

Finding the right bag

In the Astrobee ISS telemetry log public release folder, the telemetry is packaged as ZIP archives, ordered by ISS activity date.

The ZIP archive file name includes the Astrobee robot serial number and robot name. For example, in "", "SN003_bumble" means Astrobee serial number 3, also known as "Bumble". If multiple robots were involved in an activity, there will be multiple ZIP files.

When a ZIP archive is unpacked, it may contain multiple bag files. To explain why, we should first note that Astrobee flight software is able to log two concurrent telemetry streams:

  1. The immediate stream contains relatively low-bandwidth housekeeping information useful for robot debugging. The list of topics logged in this stream stays fairly consistent over all Astrobee activities, only occasionally changing due to Astrobee baseline flight software upgrades. Bags that record the immediate stream typically have a filename ending in ars_default.bag. (Where "ars" stands for "Astrobee Robot Software".) Recording start/stop for this stream is usually related to starting or restarting the Astrobee baseline flight software.
  2. The delayed stream is configured much more dynamically. Typically, the Astrobee user defining the objectives of the activity will develop one or more logging profiles (i.e., lists of topics to log) that suit their objectives. During the course of a single ISS activity, ground operators can start and stop bag recording as well as switching logging profiles, as directed by the ground procedure. The tail end of the filename for each delayed stream bag file is also set by the operator. Recording start/stop is frequently used to separate the bag files relating to different procedure steps and give them meaningful names. Because high-bandwidth imagery logging can quickly exhaust Astrobee's onboard storage, delayed stream bag recording is often disabled for most of the activity.

To reiterate, these two streams are logged concurrently, so it is common to have an immediate bag file and a delayed bag file that cover overlapping time intervals, recording different topics. The fact that the two streams are stored in separate bag files is not a barrier to analyzing them together: if needed, we have tools that enable you to merge bag files in message timestamp order.

The first part of each bag filename gives the date and time when recording of the bag file started, specified in the UTC (also known as GMT) time zone used onboard the ISS. For long activities that generate many bag files, you will probably want to use context information such as the ground procedure to determine which bag files are relevant for your needs.

Install before working with bags

You can get both the ROS bag file tools and the message definitions necessary for working with Astrobee bag files by following the installation instructions for the Astrobee robot software: Install for general users

Depending on the activity, if there was guest science software installed and publishing additional message types, you may need to get the necessary message definitions by installing that software as well. For example, here are the ISAAC software installation instructions.

We also note that, if rosbag processing is all you need, it should suffice to do a minimal install of just the ff_msgs and ff_hw_msgs ROS packages from the astrobee repo without building the entire Astrobee software system and without installing all of its many third-party dependencies. And likewise, just the isaac_msgs and isaac_hw_msgs ROS packages from the isaac_msgs repo should suffice for ISAAC messages. (But that slimmed-down install process has not yet been tested and documented.)

Preparing the bag for analysis

As Astrobee flight software continues to evolve, its telemetry message definitions occasionally change in ways that break backward compatibility for analysis of archived telemetry bags.

We recommend "fixing" a bag (rewriting it for compatibility with the latest message definitions) before using it, as follows:

source $ASTROBEE_WS/devel/setup.bash
rosrun bag_processing 1.bag 2.bag
# should produce fixed output: 1.fix_all.bag 2.fix_all.bag

However, fixing the bag may not be needed if you plan to analyze it only with bagpy and not with the core ROS tools.

Figuring out what's in the bag

There are many broader tutorials on rosbag, and a full discussion is beyond the scope of this document.

However, here are a few shortcuts for finding what's in a bag:

  • rosbag info some.bag: Lists topics contained in the bag, their message types, and other information.
  • rosmsg info package_name/MsgType: Lists the fields contained in a message type.

You can also browse an overview of Astrobee message types in these folders:

Common bag processing tasks

Converting a bag to CSV format

The following example CSV export uses a bag from the publicly released ZIP archive

source $ASTROBEE_WS/devel/setup.bash
# generate a smaller bag containing only the topic of interest (filtering out any bad message types)
rosrun bag_processing $BAG -a /loc/pose loc_pose.bag
# export to CSV
rostopic echo -b loc_pose.bag -p /loc/pose > loc_pose.csv

Combining different message topics based on their timestamps

Often we want to analyze two message topics together, combining the fields of messages on both topics that were received around the same time. For example, we might want to join sensor measurement messages with pose messages to generate combined sensor+pose records that can be used to plot a map.

We provide the script to perform this task on exported CSV files. The following example uses a bag from the publicly released ZIP archive

source $ASTROBEE_WS/devel/setup.bash
rosrun bag_processing $BAG -a /hw/wifi hw_wifi.bag
rostopic echo -b hw_wifi.bag -p /hw/wifi > hw_wifi.csv
rosrun bag_processing $BAG -a /loc/pose loc_pose.bag
rostopic echo -b loc_pose.bag -p /loc/pose > loc_pose.csv
rosrun bag_processing hw_wifi.csv loc_pose.csv wifi_plus_pose.csv

Displaying imagery found within a bag file

Try using the rqt_image_view or rqt_bag tools.

TODO: Test and provide a detailed example with an Astrobee bag.

Exporting imagery found within a bag file

There are multiple tutorials about how to do this with ROS bags. Not clear what is the best method. Or an internal example we could build from: the Astrobee Facility has a script that extracts imagery in order to generate a movie for NASA imagery release review.

TODO: Test and provide a detailed example with an Astrobee bag.

Potential issues

Incomplete bag metadata

When processing a bag file, you may see an error message like this:

genmsg.msg_loader.MsgNotFound: Cannot locate message [Header]: unknown package [std_msgs] on search path [{}]

It typically indicates that the bag file metadata is missing some required message definition information, most commonly due to a known bug with messages published by nodes using rosjava, which we use on the Astrobee HLP).

If you encounter this problem, first make sure you fixed the bag as described above.

If that doesn't work, you can try filtering out the bad topics instead of trying to fix their message definitions:

source $ASTROBEE_WS/devel/setup.bash
rosrun bag_processing in.bag -r "/gs/*" -r /hw/cam_sci/compressed fixed.bag

And this command may help determine which topics are problematic in case more topics need to be fixed with the filtering approach:

source $ASTROBEE_WS/devel/setup.bash
rosrun bag_processing in.bag

As our processes improve, we hope to ensure future bag files have this metadata issue fixed before public data release, so you will not have to deal with it.

Bags containing messages with outdated message definitions

When processing a bag file, you may see an error message indicating that some messages need to be migrated.

This is because, as Astrobee flight software continues to evolve, its telemetry message definitions occasionally change in ways that break backward compatibility for analysis of archived telemetry bags.

If you encounter this problem, fix the bag as described above.

Timestamp clock skew

Astrobee has multiple processors (the LLP, MLP, and HLP) that have independent clocks. We describe the difference between their times as clock skew.

In some cases, clock skew can be large enough to impact your telemetry analysis when trying to combine messages logged on different processors. For example, you might want to determine the robot's position when it captured a SciCam image (logged on the HLP) using pose messages (logged on the MLP). In that case, clock skew between HLP and MLP would introduce a position error proportional to the robot's velocity times the clock skew time delta.

Astrobee's processor clocks are nominally kept in sync using the Network Time Protocol (NTP), but that synchronization has not always been reliable. NTP is designed for hosts with long uptimes and tries to bring them into sync gradually. It tends not to work as well in the Astrobee context where each processor's clock starts completely uninitialized (the clocks are not battery backed), and robot operations don't allow much time for sync before starting important telemetry logging.

Astrobee processes for mitigating clock skew have gradually improved, including:

  • Improved startup procedures do a better job of forcing the clocks to sync precisely at startup. Older bags are likely to suffer more clock skew.
  • Astrobee immediate stream bag files now include clock skew measurements. You can analyze clock skew with the script. In theory, you could also use these measurements to correct for clock skew, but that has not been implemented.

Note that the same clock skew issues can also arise between Astrobee's processors and:

  • The processor of a payload installed in the Astrobee
  • Another Astrobee
  • Other timestamped data, such as ISS camcorder video

In these cases, you can check procedures and notes for the activity to determine if any special measures were taken to prevent or to measure clock skew.