NASA Astrobee Robot Software  0.19.1
Flight software for the Astrobee robots operating inside the International Space Station.
Install for NASA users

Usage instructions for NASA users

Make sure your system is up-to-date and:

sudo apt-get install build-essential git

Machine setup


If you are using a VM with a username that does not match your NDC username, please configure the following variable:

export NDC_USERNAME=your_ndc_username

Access to the Astrobee Debian server

The custom debian packages are currently distributed by the server. This server is currently on the ARC TI private network. It is critical to be able to reach this server to install the pre-built custom debian. If none of the solutions below allow you to reach, you can use the instructions on how to build the Debian dependencies manually following the instructions (Dependencies section).

If on the ARC TI private network

This is the typical case for all wired computers in ARC TI, and simplifies your life greatly.

Verify that you are in this situation with the command below should succeed (certificate will be added later; remove the Release.gpg file after being fetched).

wget -v --no-check-certificate

Before running the scripts in scripts/setup below, set this variable:

export NO_TUNNEL=1

If not on the ARC TI private network

If you are outside the NASA ARC private network, to reach

  1. Use VPN to act like if you were inside the ARC TI private network and obtain the correct kerberos credentials inside the VM with the following command (note the capitalization): kinit $NDC_USERNAME@NDC.NASA.GOV
  2. setup your .ssh/config to do ssh forwarding. A tutorial on this method is available at:

For either solution, please verify that you can SSH to without entering your password (m can be used to tunnel to

ssh $

The command should succeed without entering your password. Once this is verified, exit this session on m with <ctrl>+D.

  • These notes apply to and

Checkout the project source code

At this point you need to decide where you'd like to put the source code (ASTROBEE_WS) on your machine:

export ASTROBEE_WS=$HOME/astrobee

First, clone the flight software repository:

git clone --branch develop $ASTROBEE_WS/src
pushd $ASTROBEE_WS/src
git submodule update --init --depth 1 description/media
git submodule update --init --depth 1 submodules/platform

You can either choose which optional submodules to clone and log depth with:

git submodule update --init --depth 1 submodules/android
git submodule update --init --depth 1 submodules/avionics

Or checkout all the submodules as:

git submodule update --init --depth 1

(Note: re-enter your username and password for every submodule that is cloned) The android module is necessary for guest science code; the avionics and platform module is used when cross-compiling to test on the robot hardware.


Next, install all required dependencies:

Note: root access is necessary to install the compiled debian packages below

Note: Before running this please ensure that your system is completely updated by running 'sudo apt-get update' and then 'sudo apt-get upgrade'

cd src/scripts/setup

Configuring the build

Note for build setup

When compiling, the $WORKSPACE_PATH defines where the devel, build, logs and install directories are created. If you want to customize the install path then the $INSTALL_PATH can be defined. By default, the configure script uses the following paths:

  • native build path (WORKSPACE_PATH): $ASTROBEE_WS
  • native install path (INSTALL_PATH): $ASTROBEE_WS/install
  • armhf build path (WORKSPACE_PATH): $ASTROBEE_WS/armhf
  • armhf install path (INSTALL_PATH): $ASTROBEE_WS/armhf/opt/astrobee

You should set these values in your shell.

If you are satisfied with these paths, you can invoke the without the -p and -w options. For the simplicity of the instructions below, we assume that $WORKSPACE_PATH and $INSTALL_PATH contain the location of the build and install path for either native or armhf platforms.

Native vs Cross-Compile

At this point you need to decide whether you'd like to compile natively [native] (run code against a simulator) or cross-compile for an ARM target [armhf] (run the code on the robot itself). Please skip to the relevant subsection.

Native - Running the code on your computer with simulator

Native build

The configure script prepares your build directory for compiling the code. Note that is simply a wrapper around CMake that provides an easy way of turning on and off options. To see which options are supported, simply run -h.

./src/scripts/ -l
source ~/.bashrc

The configure script modifies your .bashrc to source setup.bash for the current ROS distribution and to set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. It is suggested to examine it and see if all changes were made correctly.

If you want to explicitly specify the workspace and/or install directories, use instead:

./scripts/ -l -p $INSTALL_PATH -w $WORKSPACE_PATH

Note: If a workspace is specified but not an explicit install directory, install location will be $WORKSPACE_PATH/install.

Building the code

To build, run catkin build in the $WORKSPACE_PATH. Note that depending on your host machine, this might take in the order of tens of minutes to complete the first time round. Future builds will be faster, as only changes to the code are rebuilt, and not the entire code base.

catkin build

Note: In low-memory systems, it is common to run out of memory while trying to compile ARS, which triggers a compilation error mentioning "arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)". A contributing factor is that catkin build by default runs multiple jobs in parallel based on the number of cores available in your environment, and all of these jobs draw on the same memory resources. If you run into this compile error, try compiling again with the -j1 option to restrict catkin to running one job at a time.

For more information on running the simulator and moving the robot, please see the Running the Astrobee Simulator.

Cross-compile - Running the code on a real robot

In order to do this, you will need to follow the cross-compile build instructions.

Cross-compile setup

If you are planning to compile code to run on the robot hardware, you will need to install a cross-compile chroot and toolchain. Select two directories for these:

export ARMHF_CHROOT_DIR=$HOME/arm_cross/rootfs
export ARMHF_TOOLCHAIN=$HOME/arm_cross/toolchain/gcc

Append these lines to your .bashrc file, as you will need these two variables every time you cross compile.

Next, download the cross toolchain and install the chroot:

cd $HOME/arm_cross

DIST=$(. /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME)
if [ ${DIST} == "kinetic" ]; then
    # Use pre-built toolchain for 16.04
    # Use packaged toolchain for 20.04
    sudo apt install -y gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
sudo apt install -y qemu-user-static multistrap

$ASTROBEE_WS/src/submodules/platform/rootfs/ ${DIST} dev $ARMHF_CHROOT_DIR

Cross-compile build

Cross compiling for the robot follows the same process, except the configure script takes a -a flag instead of -l.

./src/scripts/ -a

Or with explicit build and install paths:

./scripts/ -a -p $INSTALL_PATH -w $WORKSPACE_PATH

Warning: $INSTALL_PATH and $WORKSPACE_PATH used for cross compiling HAVE to be different than the paths for native build! See above for the default values for these.

Once the code has been built, it also installs the code to a singular location. CMake remembers what $INSTALL_PATH you specified, and will copy all products into this directory.

Install the code on the robot

Once the installation has completed, copy the install directory to the robot. This script assumes that you are connected to the Astrobee network, as it uses rsync to copy the install directory to ~/armhf on the two processors. It takes the robot name as an argument. Here we use p4d.

./src/scripts/ $INSTALL_PATH p4d

Here, p4d is the name of the robot, which may be different in your case.

You are now ready to run the code. This code launches a visualization tool, which starts the flight software as a background process.

python ./src/tools/gnc_visualizer/scripts/visualizer --proto4

Switching build profiles

To alternate between native and armhf profiles:

catkin profile set native
catkin profile set armhf

Further information

Please refer to the wiki.