NASA Astrobee Robot Software  Astrobee Version:
Flight software for the Astrobee robots operating inside the International Space Station.
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Ground DDS ROS Bridge

The ground DDS ROS bridge acts like a translator between DDS and ROS. It listensto DDS telemetry coming from the robot and converts it to ROS messages. Currently it only supports converting the access control state, guest science data, dock camera compressed image, navigation camera compressed image, science camera compressed image, and the robot position messages. It also converts messages published on the ros command topic to a dds command and publishes them on the dds command topic. Please note that as of now, the ground dds ros bridge can only connect to one robot.

The ground bridge will need to be configured for your specific situation. Please see the next section for more information.


The ground dds ros bridge config file can be found here:


The following sections explain what may need to be changed in the file.

Connecting Robot

The ground bridge needs to know the name of the robot you want to connect to. The default is Bumble. If you need to change this, please open the config file and find the connecting_robot variable. Please change it to the name of the robot you wish to connect to. Make sure to capitalize the first letter of the name.

Domain id

The domain id for simulation is 37 and this is default value. If you need the space domain id for use during an activity, please ask your Astrobee point of contactor.


If you are running the ground bridge in simulation, you will probably want to use the namespace feature. When set to true, the ground bridge will publish messages received over DDS to ros using the robot name as the namespace. This will allow you to distigush topics/messages published by the core flight software versus topics/messages published by the ground bridge. By default, it is set to false.

Running the Ground DDS ROS Bridge

The ground bridge is not run by default in simulation. To run it, you'll need to set the ASTROBEE_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. In a terminal with the astrobee setup sourced, run:

ASTROBEE_CONFIG_DIR=$ASTROBEE_WS/src/astrobee/config/ rosrun ground_dds_ros_bridge ground_dds_ros_bridge_node