NASA Astrobee Robot Software  Astrobee Version:
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Graph Factors

Package Overview

The graph factors package provides a set of graph factors for use with a GTSAM graph optimizer. See the GraphOptimizer package for more information on their usage.



The LocPoseFactor is simply a gtsam::PriorFactor<gtsam::Pose3> that enables the differention of a pose prior from a localization map-based image feature factor.


The LocProjectionFactor is almost a direct copy of the gtsam::ProjectionFactor except it does not optimize for the 3D feature point location.


The PoseRotationFactor constrains two gtsam::Pose3 nodes using their relative rotation.


The PointToHandrailEndpointFactor constrains a gtsam::Pose3 using a handrail endpoint detection in the sensor frame compared with the closest handrail endpoint from a know handrail.


The PointToLineFactor constrains a gtsam::Pose3 using a point detection in the sensor frame compared with a line in the world frame.


The PointToLineSegmentFactor constrains a gtsam::Pose3 using a point detection in the sensor frame compared with a line segment in the world frame. This factor contains a discontinuity in the Jacobian as there is zero error along the line segment axis if the point is between line segment endpoints and non-zero error otherwise. An option to use a SILU (Sigmoid Linear Unit) approximation is provided for this case.


The PointToPlaneFactor constrains a gtsam::Pose3 using a point detection in the sensor frame compared with a plane in the world frame.


The RobustSmartProjectionFactor adds to the gtsam::SmartProjectionFactor by providing a robust huber kernel. Additionally, it fixes some issues in the SmartProjectionFactor allowing for a rotation-only fallback when using the JacobianSVD option and allows for proper serialization of the factor.