NASA Astrobee Robot Software  Astrobee Version:
Flight software for the Astrobee robots operating inside the International Space Station.
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Depth Odometry

Package Overview


The DepthOdometryNodlet subscribes to ROS messages for online use and publishes DepthOdometry messages.


The DepthOdometryWrapper joins input point clouds and intensity images with the same timestamp and passes the resulting depth image measurement to the chosen DepthOdometry class.


Base class for performing depth odometry using input depth image measurements. Child classes include ImageFeaturesWithKnownCorrespondencesAlignerDepthOdometry and PointToPlaneICPDepthOdometry.


Tracks image features between successive depth image measurements using only the intensity images of the measurements and performs alignement with the correspondending 3d points. Supports brisk, surf, and lucas kanade optical flow tracking and optimization-based point to point, point to plane, and symmetric point to plane 3d point aligment. See the point_cloud_common package for more details on aligment options and the vision_common package for more details on image feature tracking options.


Utilizes a chosen variant of point to plane ICP (nonsymmetric cost, symmetric cost, coarse to fine, etc.) to align successive depth image measurements. See the point_cloud_common package for more details on the point to plane ICP options.


  • /hw/depth\_haz/extended/amplitude\_int
  • /hw/depth\_haz/points


  • /loc/depth/odometry