NASA Astrobee Robot Software  Astrobee Version:
Flight software for the Astrobee robots operating inside the International Space Station.
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DDS Profile and Types

This directory contains all xml files used to define the DDS entities needed for the visualizer DDS mode.

Files description


This xml defines the QoS Profiles as well as the DDS Entities and Types needed for the visualizer. From line 1 to 993, it is a copy from the file located in astrobee/astrobee/config/communications/dds/RAPID_QOS_PROFILES. From then on it defines all entities and types needed.

Future improvements

  • Get the RAPID_QOS_PROFILES dynamically.
  • Get the correct partition name depending on the Astrobee name (Bumble, Honey, Queen).

Free-flyer types

EkfState.xml, GncControlState.xml, GncFamCmdState.xml, LogSample.xml and PmcCmdState.xml are custom DDS type definitions for the freeflyer ROS messages.

Once you build the astrobee project you should be able to find an update copy of this files in astrobee_build/native/communications/dds_msgs/idl

Common types

BaseTypes.xml, Header.xml and Message.xml are common types for the free-flyer ones. This files have been taken from */usr/etc/rtiRoutingService* once the astrobee repo was cloned and installed.