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Explore blog posts to discover compelling open science success stories and gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of transparent and collaborative research. Engaging with these narratives provides a firsthand account of the positive impact open science can have on various fields, inspiring a deeper appreciation for its principles and potential benefits.

AI for Earth: How NASA's Artificial Intelligence and Open Science Efforts Combat Climate Change (External Link)

As extreme weather events increase around the world due to climate change, the need for further research into our warming planet has...

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Unveiling the Sun: NASA’s Open Data Approach to Solar Eclipse Research (External Link)

As the world eagerly anticipates the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, NASA is preparing for an extraordinary opportuni...

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Open Science: Contributing to a Culture of Inclusivity for the Next Generation (External Link)

To me, open science represents the easily available, worldwide access to data and science for future generations to expand on. Ackno...

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NASA's Science Discovery Engine Transforms Science Accessibility (External Link)

As a key component of NASA’s Open Source Science Initiative (OSSI), the Science Discovery Engine (SDE) offers a new, powerful discov...

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Science Explorer (SciX) Accelerates Open Science Discovery (External Link)

The launch of the Science Explorer (SciX) at the upcoming American Geophysical Union conference marks a significant leap in open sci...

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2023: Year of Open Science (External Link)

2023: A Year of Open Science! On 11 January 2023 the US White House - joined by 10 federal agencies, a coalition of more than 85 un...

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Open Science 101 (External Link)

TOPS aims to meet everyone where they are at on their open science journey. While some members of our growing community may have pra...

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Open Science Analysis Working Groups: Collaborating on the Future (External Link)

It’s a closely held belief among those who practice open science that it can lead to wonderful discoveries and collaborations that c...

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NEON: Combining Open Science and Wildfire Studies (External Link)

At the University of Colorado Boulder, a Fire Ecologist by the name of Dr. Jennifer Balch is studying how forests recover after wild...

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Xarray: Empowering Scientific Data Analysis within the NASA community (External Link)

Xarray is an open-source Python package that makes working with complex, multi-dimensional arrays elegant, intuitive, and efficient....

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With a large network of people, you can do a lot of fun things in science: Q&A with Dr. Afshin Beheshti on open science practices (External Link)

Dr. Afshin Beheshti is a bioinformatician and principal investigator at KBR at NASA’s Ames Research Center. With a background in phy...

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Q&A with Dr. Leo Singer on open science practices (External Link)

Dr. Leo Singer has been a research astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center since 2015, working on the General Coordinat...

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Q&A with Dr. Flavio Azevedo on open science practices (External Link)

Dr. Flavio Azevedo is a political psychologist and an associate researcher at the University of Cambridge. Primarily, his research i...

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Fostering the next generation and adapting to local realities: Q&A with Dr. Reina Camacho Toro on open science practices (External Link)

Dr. Reina Camacho Toro is an experimental particle physicist and a member of the ATLAS collaboration at CERN. Her research revolves ...

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Success Stories of Open Science Series: Learn by doing transparent, replicable, and understandable science: Q&A with Africa Ixmucane Flores-Anderson on open science practices (External Link)

Originally from Guatemala, Africa Ixmucane Flores-Anderson is a research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville who ha...

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