MOSAIC schedulers


Federico Rossi, Tiago Stegun Vaquero, Joshua Vander Hook


4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109



Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)





Communication-aware dynamic task allocation in multi-robot systems


MOSAIC provides scheduling tools to allocate computational tasks to robots with heterogeneous computational capabilities and time-varying communication links.

This package contains three+1 scheduling and task allocation algorithm.

  • Time-varying scheduling algorithm (tv_milp). A mixed-integer programming algorithm for scheduling tasks in heterogeneous robotic networks with time-varying communication links. The scheduler can accommodate any non-cyclical dependencies between tasks and arbitrary time-varying communication links, handle optional tasks with associated rewards, and optimize cost functions including rewards for optional tasks, makespan, and energy usage. The scheduler is presented in [1].

  • Task allocation algorithm for robotic networks with periodic connectivity (ti_milp). A mixed-integer programming algorithm for task allocation in heterogeneous robotic networks with periodic communication links. The task allocation algorithm also accommodates any non-cyclical dependencies between tasks and handles optional tasks with associated rewards and maximum latency requirements; it can maximize reward from optional tasks or minimize energy use. The task allocation algorithm is presented in [2].

  • For benchmarking purposes, we also provide a lightly modified version of Topcuoglu, Hariri, and Wu’s Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time (HEFT) algorithm (heft).

  • A scheduling algorithm (ti_milp_heft) that uses the proposed task allocation algorithm to assign tasks to agents, and HEFT (with fixed task allocation) to schedule task execution.

For a full description of the algorithm, we refer the interested reader to our papers.


[1] Joshua Vander Hook, Tiago Vaquero, Federico Rossi, Martina Troesch, Marc Sanchez Net, Joshua Schoolcraft, Jean-Pierre de la Croix, and Steve Chien, “Mars On-Site Shared Analytics Information and Computing,” in Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 707-715, July 2019.

[2] Federico Rossi*, Tiago Stegun Vaquero*, Marc Sanchez Net, Maíra Saboia da Silva, and Joshua Vander Hook, “The Pluggable Distributed Resource Allocator (PDRA): a Middleware for Distributed Computing in Mobile Robotic Networks,” under review.

[3] H. Topcuoglu, S. Hariri and Min-You Wu, “Performance-effective and low-complexity task scheduling for heterogeneous computing,” in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 260-274, March 2002.

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