3. Task allocation algorithm for robotic networks with periodic connectivity

In this section, we propose a task allocation algorithm suitable for multi-agent systems with periodic or static network connectivity.

A full description of the algorithm is available in our paper, which also presents a distributed implementation through a shared-world approach.

The goal of the algorithm is to allocate computational tasks to agents while satisfying constraints on:

  • Logical dependencies between tasks: certain tasks require as input the outputs of other tasks;

  • Maximum latency of data products: the inputs to a task must be delivered to the agent performing it within a maximum latency from the moment they are computed;

  • Maximum computational load of computing agents;

  • Maximum throughout of communication links.

We cast the problem as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) in a network flow framework. Namely, data products transmitted from a task to another are modeled as a network flow with an origin at the agent performing the parent task and a destination at the the agent performing the child task.

The key modeling assumption of the task allocation algorithm is that the average available throughput on communication links is approximately constant over a representative time period \({T}\). With this assumption, the problem is modeled through a time-invariant graph, where nodes represent agents, edges represent communication links, and binary decision variables capture the allocation of tasks to agents.

3.1. Problem Parameters

The problem is parameterized by the following properties:

  • \({T}\), the time period of interest;

  • \({\mathbb{T}}\), the set of computational tasks to be allocated in the time period of interest;

  • \({R({{t}})}\), the set of tasks that require task \(t\)’s data products as inputs. Tasks \(\tau\in {R({{t}})}\) are denoted as children of \({t}\);

  • \({d_{{t}}}\), the size of the data product of task \(t\), in bits;

  • \({\mathbb{R}}\subseteq {\mathbb{T}}\), the set of required tasks that must be executed;

  • \({\mathbb{O}}= {\mathbb{T}}\setminus {\mathbb{R}}\), the set of optional tasks;

  • \({r({t})}\), the reward for planning the execution of optional tasks \({t}\in{\mathbb{O}}\);

  • \({\mathbb{N}}\), the set of available agents;

  • \({\mathbb{E}}\), the set of pairs of agents \((i, j)\) that can directly communicate through a radio link;

  • \({c_{{t}{i}}}\), the computational load (i.e., the average fraction of a CPU core, averaged over the time period \(T\)) required to perform task \(t\) once on agent \(i\);

  • \({e_{{t}{i}}}\), the average power required to perform task \(t\) once on node \(i\) over time \(T\), in W;

  • \({c^{\text{out}}_{ij}}\), the computational load (i.e., the fraction of a CPU core) required to encode one bit of information per second on the outbound stream on link \((i,j)\);

  • \({c^{\text{in}}_{ij}}\), the computational load to decode one bit of information per second from the inbound stream on \((i,j)\);

  • \({e^{\text{out}}_{ij}}\), the energy (in J/bit) required to encode and transmit one bit per second on the outbound stream on link \((i,j)\);

  • \({e^{\text{in}}_{ij}}\), the energy (in J/bit) required to decode one bit per second from the inbound stream on link \((i,j)\);

  • \({\overline{b}_{i,j}}\), the maximum available throughput (in bits/s) on the radio link \((i,j) \in {\mathbb{E}}\);

  • \({l_{i,j}}\), the light-speed latency of link \((i,j)\) (in s);

  • \({\overline{c}_{{i}}}\), the maximum computational load of node \(i\) (i.e., the number of CPU cores available at node \({i}\));

  • \({\overline{l}_{{t},\tau}}\) is the maximum acceptable latency (in s) for the data products of task \({t}\) required by task \(\tau\).

3.2. Optimization Variables

The optimization variables are:

  • \(X\), a matrix of Boolean variables of size \(|{\mathbb{N}}|\) by \(|{\mathbb{T}}|\). \(X(i,t)\) is set to 1 if task \(t\) is assigned to agent \(i\) and \(0\) otherwise;

  • \(C\), a matrix of real-valued variables of size \(|{\mathbb{E}}|\) by \(\sum_{t\in{\mathbb{T}}}|{R({t})}|\). \(C(i,j,t,\tau)\) is the amount of data products of task \(t\) (in bits per second) transmitted on link \((i,j)\) and that will be used as input by task \(\tau\);

  • \(B\), a matrix of real-valued variables of size \(|{\mathbb{E}}|\) by \(|{\mathbb{T}}|\). \(B(i,j,t)\) is the amount of bandwidth used by data products of task \(t\) on link \((i,j)\) (irrespective of the destination).

The variables \(C\) keep track of data products separately according to the requiring child task; this enables the proposed model to to (i) capture the average latency of the data products to multiple destinations (as discussed below) and (ii) represent logical dependencies between tasks by considering the requiring task as an “information sink”. However, identical data transmitted on the same link should not be duplicated, irrespective of the destination. Variables \(B\) capture the fact that, in a practical implementation, different data flows \(C\) containing the same underlying data product are de-duplicated and transmitted once per communication link.

3.3. Optimization Objective

The optimization objective is the weighted sum of two terms capturing (i) a reward for completing optional tasks and (ii) the power required to solve the problem. The individual cost functions can be captured as follows.

  • Maximize the sum of the rewards for completed optional tasks:

    \[R_r = \sum_{j\in{\mathbb{N}}} \sum_{t\in{\mathbb{T}}} {r(t)} X(j,t) \label{eq:MILPgoal}\]
  • Minimize the power cost of the problem:

    \[R_e = - \sum_{j\in{\mathbb{N}}} \sum_{t\in{\mathbb{T}}} {e_{tj}}X(j,t) + \sum_{(i,j)\in{\mathbb{E}}} \sum_{t\in{\mathbb{N}}} ({e^{\text{out}}_{ij}}+{e^{\text{in}}_{ij}}) B(i,j,t)\]

The optimization objective can then be expressed as \(R = \alpha R_r + (1-\alpha) R_e,\), where \(\alpha\) is the relative weight of the two reward functions. [eq:MILP:costs]

3.4. Problem Formulation

The problem can be posed as a mixed-integer linear program as follows.

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} &\max_{X, C, B} R \label{eq:MILP:cost}\\ &\text{subject to:}\nonumber \\ & \sum_{j\in {\mathbb{N}}} X(j,t) = 1 \qquad \forall t \in {\mathbb{R}}\label{eq:MILP:requiredtasks} \\ % & \sum_{j\in {\mathbb{N}}} X(j,t) \leq 1 \qquad \forall t \in {\mathbb{O}}\label{eq:MILP:optionaltasks} \\ % & X(j,t) \frac{{d_{t}}}{{T}} + \sum_{i: (i,j)\in{\mathbb{E}}} C(i,j,t,\tau) \geq X(j,\tau) \frac{{d_{t}}}{{T}} + \sum_{k:(j,k\in{\mathbb{E}}} C(j,k,t\tau) \quad \forall j \in {\mathbb{N}}, t\in{\mathbb{T}}, \tau \in {R({t})} \label{eq:MILP:prereqs} \\ % & B(i,j,t) \geq C(i,j,t,\tau) \quad \forall (i,j) \in {\mathbb{E}}, t\in {\mathbb{T}}, \tau\in {R({t})} \label{eq:MILP:multiplex}\\ % & \sum_{t\in{\mathbb{T}}} {c_{tj}} X(j,t) + \sum_{i: (i,j) \in{\mathbb{E}}}\sum_{t\in{\mathbb{T}}} {c^{\text{in}}_{ij}}B(i,j,t) \nonumber + \sum_{k: (j,k) \in{\mathbb{E}}}\sum_{t\in{\mathbb{T}}} {c^{\text{out}}_{jk}} B(j,k,t) \leq {\overline{c}_{j}} \qquad \forall j\in{\mathbb{N}}\label{eq:MILP:computation}\\ % &\sum_{t\in\ {\mathbb{T}}} B(i,j,t) \leq {\overline{b}_{i,j}} \qquad \forall (i,j) \in {\mathbb{E}}\label{eq:MILP:bandwidth}\\ %Note: we assume we transmit at the max bandwidth whenever available. % & \sum_{(i, j) \in{\mathbb{E}}} \left({l_{i,j}} + \frac{{d_{t}}}{{\overline{b}_{i,j}}}\right) C(i,j,t, \tau) \frac{{T}}{{d_{t}}} \leq {\overline{l}_{t,\tau}} \quad \forall t\in {\mathbb{T}}, \tau \in {R({t})} \label{eq:MILP:latency}\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

The first constraint ensures that all required tasks are allocated. The second constraint ensures that optional tasks are allocated at most once. The third constraint (discussed below) ensures that nodes only execute a task if they have access to the data products of its pre-requisites. The fourth constraint ensures that the variable \(D\) is an upper bound on the data throughput used by data products of task \(t\). The fifth constraint enforces that the computational capacity of each node is not exceeded. The sixth constraint ensures that the transmissions on a link do not exceed the available bandwidth. Finally, the seventh constraint (discussed below) guarantees that data products are delivered to dependent tasks within a maximum acceptable latency.

3.4.1. Prerequisites

The prerequisites constraint ensures that a copy of the data product of task \(t\) is created at the node where task \(t\) is performed, and it is consumed at the node where task \(\tau\) is performed. At other nodes, information can be relayed, but neither created nor destroyed.

3.4.2. Latency

The latency constraint ensures that the average latency of data products of task \(t\) used by task \(\tau\) is smaller than \(\overline{l}_{t,\tau}\). The latency for the data products of task \(t\) destined for task \(\tau\) on a given path \(p=\{(u,v), (v, w), \ldots, \}\) is \(\sum_{(i,j) \in p} ({l_{i,j}} + {d_{t}}/{\overline{b}_{i,j}})\). If data products are sent on multiple paths \(p_1, \ldots, p_m\), with path \(p_k\) carrying a fraction \(f_k\) of the data product, the average latency is:

\[\begin{aligned} l_{t,\tau} & = \sum_{k=1}^m f_k \sum_{(i,j)\in p_i} ({l_{i,j}} + {d_{t}}/{\overline{b}_{i,j}}) = \sum_{(i,j) \in {\mathbb{E}}} ({l_{i,j}} + {d_{t}}/{\overline{b}_{i,j}}) \sum_{k=1}^m 1_{(i,j)\in p_k} f_k\end{aligned}\]

The flow \(C(i,j,t,\tau)\) captures the sum of path flows on all paths carrying data products of \(t\) for task \(\tau\). The overall amount of flow on all paths is the size of the data product \(d_t\) divided by the time period \(T\). Accordingly, the average latency can be rewritten as

\[l_{t,\tau} = \sum_{(i,j) \in {\mathbb{E}}} ({l_{i,j}} + {d_{t}}/{\overline{b}_{i,j}}) C(i,j,t,\tau)\frac{{T}}{{d_{t}}}\]

in accordance with the latency constraint.

3.5. Implementation

The function JSONSolver provides an easy interface to the task allocation solver. For a full description of other available interfaces, see Task allocation algorithm for robotic networks with periodic connectivity: full implementation.

class mosaic_schedulers.schedulers.ti_milp.MOSAICTISolver.JSONSolver(JSONProblemDescription, Verbose=False, solver='GLPK', TimeLimit=None)[source]

Creates an instance of the time-invariant problem based on a problem input in the format described in the API reference.

  • JSONProblemDescription (str, optional) – a JSON description of the problem. See the API reference for a detailed description.

  • Verbose (bool, optional) – whether to print status and debug messages. Defaults to False

  • solver (str, optional) – the solver to use. Should be ‘GLPK’, ‘CPLEX’, or ‘SCIP’, defaults to ‘GLPK’.

  • TimeLimit (float, optional) – a time limit after which to stop the optimizer. Defaults to None (no time limit). Note that certain solvers (in particular, GLPK) may not honor the time limit.


AssertionError – if the JSONProblemDescription is not valid.


This solver does not support disjunctive prerequirements (do this task OR that task). If a problem with disjunctive prerequirement is passed, the solver will assert.


Solve the scheduling problem.


A solution in the JSON format described in the API reference.

Return type


3.6. References

Federico Rossi*, Tiago Stegun Vaquero*, Marc Sanchez Net, Maíra Saboia da Silva, and Joshua Vander Hook, “The Pluggable Distributed Resource Allocator (PDRA): a Middleware for Distributed Computing in Mobile Robotic Networks,” under review.