External Code Interface (ECI)
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Error EIDs


#define ECI_TLM_LEN_ERR_EID   151
#define ECI_CMD_LEN_ERR_EID   152
#define ECI_QFULL_ERR_EID   153
#define ECI_UNK_MID_ERR_EID   154
#define ECI_SUB_CMD_MID_ERR_EID   157
#define ECI_SUB_TICK_MSG_ERR_EID   160
#define ECI_INV_CMD_CODE_ERR_EID   168
#define ECI_INIT_FAIL_ERR_EID   173

Detailed Description

EIDs relating to errors during code execution.

Macro Definition Documentation


Description: Application had an error saving data back to CDS
Text: "Error saving data in ECI_CDS[%d] to CDS", idx
Type: Error
Cause: CFE_ES_CopyToCDS() returns an error when writing data to CDS


Description: Application had an error restoring data from CDS
Text: "ECI_CDS[%d] failed to restore from CDS, Status = 0x%08X", idx, status
Type: Error
Cause: CFE_ES_RestoreFromCDS() returns an error when restoring data from CDS

#define ECI_CMD_LEN_ERR_EID   152

Description: Cmd pkt has mismatched length
Text: "Invalid cmd pkt: ID = 0x%X, Len = %d (Expected = %d)",
messageID, actualLength, expectedLength Type: Error
Cause: Command packet received as a reported length which does
agree with expected length


Description: MID in ECI_MsgRcv[idx] is a reserved value
Text: "Msg ID for CMD MID 0x%04X in ECI_MsgRcv[%d] is reserved value", MsgRcv[idx].MsgStruct->mid, idx
Type: Error


Description: Application had an error reading the command pipe
Text: "SB Command Pipe Read Error, ECI App will Exit."
Type: Error
Cause: CFE_SB_RcvMsg() returns an error while pending forever on the command pipe


Description: Error subscribing to Command message in ECI_MsgRcv[idx]
Text: "Error Subscribing to CMD MID 0x%04X in ECI_MsgRcv[%d] on CMD Pipe, Status = 0x%08X",
MsgRcv[idx].MsgStruct->mid, idx, status Type: Error
Cause: CFE_SB_Subscribe() returns an error when subscribing to tlm mid in ECI_MsgRcv[idx]

#define ECI_INIT_FAIL_ERR_EID   173

Description: Application error during SIL initialization
Text: "ECI Initialization Failed, ECI App Will Exit"
Type: Error
Cause: app_init() returns an error during initialization

#define ECI_INV_CMD_CODE_ERR_EID   168

Description: Application received cmd msg with an invalid command code
Text: ECI_INV_CMD_CODE_ERR_EID, CFE_EVS_ERROR, "Invalid Command Code: ID = 0x%X, CC = %d", messageID, commandCode
Type: Error
Cause: Application received a cmd message with a valid messageID, but with a command code that was not within


Description: Error getting parameter table address from cFE table services
Text: "Table Manage Cmd ERROR: Getting ECI Parameter Table Address(idx = %d) with %s, Status = 0x%08X",
(int)CmdPtr->Payload.Parameter, ECI_ParamTable[CmdPtr->Payload.Parameter].tblname, (int)Result Type: Error
Cause: After table update, app received error from CFE_TBL_GetAddress() for updated
table data.


Description: Received internal table management notification command from cFE table services
with invalid index parameter Text: "Table Manage Cmd ERROR: ECI Parameter Table idx (idx = %d) out of valid range (0 to %d)",
(int)CmdPtr->Payload.Parameter, (int)(SIZEOF_ARRAY(ECI_ParamTable) - 1) Type: Error
Cause: cFE table services sent an internal table management notification command with an invalid
index parameter for the ECI_ParamTable[] array.


Description: Error getting address for ECI_ParamTable[idx] after table data load
Text: "ERROR Getting Address from cFE Table Services from ECI_ParamTable[%d] (%s), Status = 0x%08X",
idx, ECI_ParamTable[idx].tblname, (int)status Type: Error
Cause: CFE_TBL_GetAddress() returns error for ECI_ParamTable[idx] after table load during initialization


Description: Error loading table ECI_ParamTable[idx] with default table file data
Text: "ERROR Loading ECI_ParamTable[%d] (%s), Status = 0x%08X",
idx, ECI_ParamTable[idx].tblname, (int)status Type: Error
Cause: CFE_TBL_Load() returns an error for ECI_ParamTable[idx]


Description: Error managing ECI_ParamTable[idx] after table data load
Text: "ERROR Managing ECI_ParamTable[%d] (%s), Status = 0x%08X",
idx, ECI_ParamTable[idx].tblname, (int)status Type: Error
Cause: CFE_TBL_Manage() returns error for ECI_ParamTable[idx] after table load during initialization


Description: Error registering table ECI_ParamTable[idx] with cFE table services
Text: "ERROR Registering ECI_ParamTable[%d], Status = 0x%08X", idx, (int)param_status
Type: Error
Cause: CFE_TBL_Register() returns an error for ECI_ParamTable[idx]

#define ECI_QFULL_ERR_EID   153

Description: Command Queue is full
Text: "Cmd Queue for mid 0x%04X is full. Msg dropped", MsgRcv[idx].MsgStruct->mid
Type: Error
Cause: Command queue for mid has filled-up during currently control cycle and cannot
accept another command message

#define ECI_SUB_CMD_MID_ERR_EID   157

Description: Error subscribing to the ECI_CMD_MID
Text: "Error Subscribing to ECI_CMD_MID 0x%04X, Status = 0x%08X", ECI_CMD_MID, status
Type: Error
Cause: CFE_SB_Subscribe() returns an error when subscribing to ECI_CMD_MID


Description: Error subscribing to ECI_SEND_HK_MID
Text: "ERROR Subscribing to ECI_SEND_HK_MID 0x%04X, Status = 0x%08X", ECI_SEND_HK_MID, status
Type: Error
Cause: CFE_SB_Subscribe() returns an error when subscribing to ECI_SEND_HK_MID


Description: Error subscribing to ECI_TBL_MANAGE_MID
Text: "ERROR Subscribing to ECI_TBL_MANAGE_MID 0x%04X, Status = 0x%08X",
ECI_TBL_MANAGE_MID, status Type: Error
Cause: CFE_SB_Subscribe() returns an error when subscribing to ECI_TBL_MANAGE_MID

#define ECI_SUB_TICK_MSG_ERR_EID   160

Description: Error subscribing to ECI_TICK_MID
Text: "Error Subscribing to ECI_TICK_MID 0x%04X, Status = 0x%08X", ECI_TICK_MID, status
Type: Error
Cause: CFE_SB_Subscribe() returns an error when subscribing to ECI_TICK_MID

#define ECI_TLM_LEN_ERR_EID   151

Description: Tlm pkt has mismatched length
Text: "Invalid tlm pkt: ID = 0x%X, Len = %d (Expected = %d)",
messageID, actualLength, expectedLength Type: Error
Cause: Telemetry packet received as a reported length which does
agree with expected length


Description: Error subscribing to telemetry message in ECI_MsgRcv[idx]
Text: "Error Subscribing to MsgID 0x%04X in ECI_MsgRcv[%d] on Data Pipe, Status = 0x%08X",
MsgRcv[idx].MsgStruct->mid, idx, status Type: Error
Cause: CFE_SB_Subscribe() returns an error when subscribing to cmd mid in ECI_MsgRcv[idx]

#define ECI_UNK_MID_ERR_EID   154

Description: Message with unsubscribed mid received
Text: "Msg with Invalid MID Received on %s: ID = 0x%X", (PipeType ? "DATA PIPE":"CMD PIPE"), mid
Type: Error
Cause: Message with unsubscribed mid received on app SB pipe