
HomeDocumentation Home → Web Server

Adding a Web Server to Your Sim

If Trick is configured with Civetweb, adding a web server to your simulation simply requires including the CivetServer sim module into your S_define file:

#include "sim_objects/"

Configuration of the Web Server

The following ( parameters are available to configure your web server:

Parameter Name Default Value Description
web.server.enable False Must be explicitly enabled
web.server.port "8888" Web servers “listen” port
web.server.document_root "www" Web servers document root
web.server.debug False Print Client/Server Communication.
web.server.ssl_enable False Encrypt traffic. Uses https instead of http.
web.server.path_to_ssl_cert "~/.ssl/server.pem" Path to your certificate. This is only used if ssl_enable = True
web.server.error_log_file "civet_server_error.log" CivetWeb error log file.

For your web server to be active, you must at least specify the following :

web.server.enable = True

To have your web server listen on port 8890, rather than 8888, you would specify:

web.server.port = "8890"

To serve files from a directory called my_document_root, rather than www:

web.server.document_root = "my_document_root"

To see client/server communication:

web.server.debug = True

When the Web Server Starts

The web server, if enabled, will start during sim initialization. When it does, it will look for the specified document root directory. By default that’s “www”. If root directory doesn’t exist, one will be created with a simple index.html file , a style sheet, and a couple of directories.

Connecting to Your Web Server

Assuming that you accepted the default port, connect to http://localhost:8888/ (https://localhost:8888/ if ssl_enable=True) from your web browser. This will display the index.html file in your root directory.

The Default Document Root Directory

The default document root directory that was initially created for you is minimal.


index.html is the file that’s displayed when you connect to http://localhost:8888/.

style.css is a CSS style-sheet that’s included by index.html to give it some pizzazz.

The apps directory contains links to some example html/javascript applications in $TRICK_HOME/trick_source/web/apps.

The images directory contains trick_icon.png.

You are encouraged to add to, modify, and/or delete these files and directories to best suite the needs of your project.

Continue to Configuring Trick with Civetweb