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Monte Monitor

Monte Monitor (hereafter referred to as MM) is a graphical user interface that allows users to view and modify the states of slaves in a Monte Carlo simulation.


MM can be launched from the command line via:

''' ${TRICK_HOME}/bin/mm [options] '''

Pass --help for a description of available options. For additional launching options, see "Automatically Launching Applications".


The GUI pictured below may have a different look and feel based on the architecture of the machine on which it is running, but the functionality will remain the same.

Monte Monitor

Progress Bar

The progress bar displays a visual and textual representation of how far the Monte Carlo has progressed. The format is <resolved runs> / <total runs> (<percent resolved>).

Slave Table

The slave table displays information on each of the slaves. From left to right, this information is:

New Slave Field

The new slave field allows the user to add a new slave by machine name while the Monte Carlo is running. Note that slaves that fail to spawn for any reason (a bad machine name, for instance) will nevertheless appear in the slave table with a status of Initializing.

Connection Panel

The connection panel displays host and port information when MM is connected to a simulation, and allows the user to specify these parameters when disconnected.

Starting and Stopping

Slaves can be started and stopped while the Monte Carlo is running via the Monte Carlo and Slaves menus. Selecting a command from the Monte Carlo menu is equivalent to applying the same command from the Slaves menu to all slaves in the slave table. Stopping a slave will prevent any further runs from being dispatched to it after its current dispatch completes. Starting a slave will resume dispatches to it.