
SCRUB Output File Format

All SCRUB files that store analysis results must adhere to the following format for the contents of the file:

[tool][count] <[severity]> :[path to file]:[line number]: [query name]
    [warning description]
    [warning description continued]
  • Tool: A string indicator for the specific tool reporting the warnings
  • Count: The numeric count of the warning for the given tool
  • Severity: A severity assignment for the warning. Valid values are Low/Med/High
  • Path to file: The path to the file being referenced by the warning
  • Line number: The line number of the file being referenced by the warning
  • Query name [optional]: If applicable, the tool query name that generated the warning
  • Warning description: A detailed description of the warning. May be more than one line

Note: For analysis tools that include a web component for viewing analysis results, the warning description section will also include a URL where the detailed warning results may be viewed

Some important notes about the format:

  • The [path to file] value should be absolute for raw_results/<tool>_raw.scrub (pre-filtering) output files and should relative for <tool>.scrub (post-filtering) output files. The location should be relative to the SOURCE_DIR location as specified in scrub.cfg.
  • Each line of the warning description should be proceeded by 4 spaces, not a tab
  • Each individual warning should be separated by a single blank line

An example of a set of two warnings that adhere to this format:

Pre-Filtering (raw_results/codeql_raw.scrub):

codeql021 <Low> :/Users/lbarner/Desktop/scrub/test/c_testcase/testcasesupport/std_thread.c:57: Unchecked function argument
    Functions should check their arguments before their first use.
    This use of parameter thread has not been checked.

codeql022 <Low> :/Users/lbarner/Desktop/scrub/test/c_testcase/testcasesupport/std_thread.c:112: Unchecked function argument
    Functions should check their arguments before their first use.
    This use of parameter thread has not been checked.

Post-Filtering (codeql.scrub):

codelql021 <Low> :testcasesupport/std_thread.c:57: Unchecked function argument
    Functions should check their arguments before their first use.
    This use of parameter thread has not been checked.

codeql022 <Low> :testcasesupport/std_thread.c:112: Unchecked function argument
    Functions should check their arguments before their first use.
    This use of parameter thread has not been checked.

List of Output Files

The following section provides a description of the structure of the .scrub output directory located at SOURCE_DIR as specified in the scrub.cfg configuration file:

|  VERSION                          (Version of SCRUB that generated results)
|  scrub.cfg                        (Copy of user-provided configuration file)
|  SCRUBAnalysisFilteringList       (List of source files that will be included in analysis)
|  SCRUBCollaboratorFiltering List  (List of source files that will be uploaded to Collaborator)
|  compiler.scrub                   (Filtered, aggregate results from all compilers)
|  p10.scrub                        (Filtered, aggregate results from all P10 analysis engines)
|  [tool].scrub                     (Filtered results file for each tool)
|  ...
|--raw_results                      (Directory containing unfiltered, SCRUB-formatted results)
|    [tool]_p10_raw.scrub           (Unfiltered, SCRUB-formatted P10 results for each tool)
|    [tool]_raw.scrub               (Unfiltered, SCRUB-formatted results for each tool)
|    ...
|--log_files                        (Directory containing log files generated during SCRUB execution)
|    filtering.log                  (Log file for results filtering post-processing step)
|    [tool].log                     (Log file for analysis tool execution)
|--[tool]_analysis                  (Directory containing intermediary files generated during tool analysis)
|    intermediary files
|--analysis_scripts                 (Directory containing parsed tool analysis scripts)
|    [tool].sh