#!/usr/bin/env python3
Logging utilities for use with OPERA PGEs.
This module is adapted for OPERA from the NISAR PGE R2.0.0 util/logger.py
Original Authors: Alice Stanboli, David White
Adapted By: Scott Collins, Jim Hofman
import datetime
import inspect
import shutil
import time
from io import StringIO
from os.path import basename, isfile
import opera.util.time as time_util
from opera.util import error_codes
from .error_codes import ErrorCode, ERROR_CODE_PGE_OFFSET
from .time import get_iso_time
from .usage_metrics import get_os_metrics
INFO = "Info"
DEBUG = "Debug"
WARNING = "Warning"
CRITICAL = "Critical"
"""Constants for logging levels"""
[docs]def write(log_stream, severity, workflow, module, error_code, error_location,
description, time_tag=None):
Low-level logging function. May be called directly in lieu of PgeLogger class.
log_stream : io.StringIO
The log stream to write to.
severity : str
The severity level of the log message.
workflow : str
Name of the workflow where the logging took place.
module : str
Name of the module where the logging took place.
error_code : int or ErrorCode
The error code associated with the logged message.
error_location : str
File name and line number where the logging took place.
description : str
Description of the logged event.
time_tag : str, optional
ISO format time tag to associate to the message. If not provided,
the current time is used.
if not time_tag:
time_tag = time_util.get_current_iso_time()
message_str = f'{time_tag}, {severity}, {workflow}, {module}, ' \
f'{str(error_code)}, {error_location}, "{description}"\n'
[docs]def default_log_file_name():
Returns a path + filename that can be used for the log file right away.
To minimize the risk of errors opening a log file, the initial log filename
does not rely on anything read from a run config file, SAS output file, etc.
Therefore, this filename does not follow the file naming convention.
Later (elsewhere), after everything is known, the log file will be renamed.
file_path : str
Path to the default log file name.
log_datetime_str = time_util.get_time_for_filename(datetime.datetime.now())
file_path = f"pge_{log_datetime_str}.log"
return file_path
[docs]def get_severity_from_error_code(error_code):
Determines the log level (Critical, Warning, Info, or Debug) based on the
provided error code.
error_code : int or ErrorCode
The error code to map to a severity level.
severity : str
The severity level associated to the provided error code.
error_code_offset = error_code % ERROR_CODE_PGE_OFFSET
if error_code_offset < error_codes.DEBUG_RANGE_START:
return INFO
if error_code_offset < error_codes.WARNING_RANGE_START:
return DEBUG
if error_code_offset < error_codes.CRITICAL_RANGE_START:
return WARNING
[docs]def standardize_severity_string(severity):
Returns the severity string in a consistent way.
severity : str
The severity string to standardize.
severity : str
The standardized severity string.
severity = severity.strip().title() # first char uppercase, rest lowercase.
# Convert some potential log level name variations
if severity == 'Warn':
severity = WARNING
if severity == 'Error':
severity = CRITICAL
return severity
[docs]class PgeLogger:
Class to help with the PGE logging.
Advantages over the standalone write() function:
* Opens and closes the log file for you
* The class's write() function has fewer arguments that need to be provided.
def __init__(self, workflow=None, error_code_base=None, log_filename=None):
Constructor opens the log file as a stream
workflow : str, optional
Name of the workflow this logger is associated to. Defaults to "pge".
error_code_base : int, optional
The base error code value to associated to the logger. This gives
the logger a de-facto severity level. Defaults to the Info level
log_filename : str, optional
Path to write the log's contents to on disk. Defaults to the value
provided by default_log_file_name().
self.start_time = time.monotonic()
self.log_count_by_severity = self._make_blank_log_count_by_severity_dict()
self.log_filename = log_filename
if not log_filename:
self.log_filename = default_log_file_name()
# open as an empty stream that will be kept in memory
self.log_stream = StringIO()
self._workflow = (workflow
if workflow else f"pge_init::{basename(__file__)}")
self._error_code_base = (error_code_base
if error_code_base else PgeLogger.LOGGER_CODE_BASE)
def workflow(self):
"""Return specific workflow"""
return self._workflow
def workflow(self, workflow: str):
self._workflow = workflow
def error_code_base(self):
"""Return the error code base from error_codes.py"""
return self._error_code_base
def error_code_base(self, error_code_base: int):
self._error_code_base = error_code_base
[docs] def close_log_stream(self):
Writes the log summary to the log stream
Writes the log stream to a log file and saves the file to disk
Closes the log stream
if self.log_stream and not self.log_stream.closed:
with open(self.log_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
shutil.copyfileobj(self.log_stream, outfile)
[docs] def get_log_count_by_severity(self, severity):
Gets the number of messages logged for the specified severity
severity : str
The severity level to get the log count of. Should be one of
info, debug, warning, critical (case-insensitive).
log_count : int
The number of messages logged at the provided severity level.
severity = standardize_severity_string(severity)
count = self.log_count_by_severity[severity]
return count
except KeyError:
self.warning("PgeLogger", ErrorCode.LOGGING_REQUESTED_SEVERITY_NOT_FOUND,
f"No messages logged with severity: '{severity}' ")
return 0
def _make_blank_log_count_by_severity_dict():
return {
INFO: 0,
[docs] def get_log_count_by_severity_dict(self):
"""Returns a copy of the dictionary of log counts by severity."""
return self.log_count_by_severity.copy()
[docs] def increment_log_count_by_severity(self, severity):
Increments the logged message count of the provided severity level.
severity : str
The severity level to increment the log count of. Should be one of
info, debug, warning, critical (case-insensitive).
severity = standardize_severity_string(severity)
count = 1 + self.log_count_by_severity[severity]
self.log_count_by_severity[severity] = count
except KeyError:
self.warning("PgeLogger", ErrorCode.LOGGING_COULD_NOT_INCREMENT_SEVERITY,
f"Could not increment severity level: '{severity}' ")
[docs] def write(self, severity, module, error_code_offset, description,
Write a message to the log.
severity : str
The severity level to log at. Should be one of info, debug, warning,
critical (case-insensitive).
module : str
Name of the module where the logging took place.
error_code_offset : int
Error code offset to add to this logger's error code base value
to determine the final error code associated with the log message.
description : str
Description message to write to the log.
additional_back_frames : int, optional
Number of call-stack frames to "back up" to in order to determine
the calling function and line number.
severity = standardize_severity_string(severity)
caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back
for _ in range(additional_back_frames):
caller = caller.f_back
location = caller.f_code.co_filename + ':' + str(caller.f_lineno)
write(self.log_stream, severity, self.workflow, module,
self.error_code_base + error_code_offset,
location, description)
[docs] def info(self, module, error_code_offset, description):
Write an info-level message to the log.
module : str
Name of the module where the logging took place.
error_code_offset : int
Error code offset to add to this logger's error code base value
to determine the final error code associated with the log message.
description : str
Description message to write to the log.
self.write(INFO, module, error_code_offset, description,
[docs] def debug(self, module, error_code_offset, description):
Write a debug-level message to the log.
module : str
Name of the module where the logging took place.
error_code_offset : int
Error code offset to add to this logger's error code base value
to determine the final error code associated with the log message.
description : str
Description message to write to the log.
self.write(DEBUG, module, error_code_offset, description,
[docs] def warning(self, module, error_code_offset, description):
Write a warning-level message to the log.
module : str
Name of the module where the logging took place.
error_code_offset : int
Error code offset to add to this logger's error code base value
to determine the final error code associated with the log message.
description : str
Description message to write to the log.
self.write(WARNING, module, error_code_offset, description,
[docs] def critical(self, module, error_code_offset, description):
Write a critical-level message to the log.
Since critical messages should be used for unrecoverable errors, any
time this log level is invoked a RuntimeError is raised with the
description provided to this function. The log file is closed and
finalized before the exception is raised.
module : str
Name of the module where the logging took place.
error_code_offset : int
Error code offset to add to this logger's error code base value
to determine the final error code associated with the log message.
description : str
Description message to write to the log.
Raised when this method is called. The contents of the description
parameter is provided as the exception string.
self.write(CRITICAL, module, error_code_offset, description,
raise RuntimeError(description)
[docs] def log(self, module, error_code_offset, description, additional_back_frames=0):
Logs any kind of message.
Determines the log level (Critical, Warning, Info, or Debug) based on
the provided error code offset.
module : str
Name of the module where the logging took place.
error_code_offset : int
Error code offset to add to this logger's error code base value
to determine the final error code associated with the log message.
description : str
Description message to write to the log.
additional_back_frames : int, optional
Number of call-stack frames to "back up" to in order to determine
the calling function and line number.
severity = get_severity_from_error_code(error_code_offset)
self.write(severity, module, error_code_offset, description,
additional_back_frames=additional_back_frames + 1)
[docs] def get_warning_count(self):
"""Returns the number of messages logged at the warning level."""
return self.get_log_count_by_severity(WARNING)
[docs] def get_critical_count(self):
"""Returns the number of messages logged at the critical level."""
return self.get_log_count_by_severity(CRITICAL)
[docs] def move(self, new_filename):
This function is useful when the log file has been given a default name,
and needs to be assigned a name that meets the PGE file naming conventions.
new_filename : str
The new filename (including path) to assign to this log file.
self.log_filename = new_filename
[docs] def get_stream_object(self):
"""Return the stingIO object for the current log."""
return self.log_stream
[docs] def get_file_name(self):
"""Return the file name for the current log."""
return self.log_filename
[docs] def append(self, source):
Appends text from another file to this log file.
source : str
The source text to append. If the source refers a file name, the
contents of the file will be appended. Otherwise, the provided
text is appended as is.
if isfile(source):
with open(source, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as source_file_object:
source_contents = source_file_object.read().strip()
source_contents = source.strip()
# Parse the contents to append to see if they conform to the expected log
# formatting for OPERA
for log_line in source_contents.split('\n'):
parsed_line = self.parse_line(log_line)
write(self.log_stream, *parsed_line)
severity = parsed_line[0]
# If the line does not conform to the expected formatting, just append as-is
except ValueError:
self.log_stream.write(log_line + "\n")
[docs] def parse_line(self, line):
Parses the provided formatted log line into its component parts according
to the log formatting style for OPERA.
line : str
The log line to parse
parsed_line : tuple
The provided log line parsed into its component parts.
If the line cannot be parsed according to the OPERA log formatting style.
line_components = line.split(',', maxsplit=6)
if len(line_components) < 7:
raise ValueError('Line does not conform to expected formatting style')
# Remove leading/trailing whitespace from all parsed fields
line_components = tuple(str.strip(line_component) for line_component in line_components)
description) = line_components
# Convert time-tag to expected iso format
time_tag = get_iso_time(datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(time_tag))
# Standardize the error string
severity = standardize_severity_string(severity)
# Remove redundant quotes from log descriptions
description = description.strip('"').strip("'")
# Standardize on single quotes within log descriptions
description = description.replace('"', "'")
# Map the error code based on message severity
error_code = {
# Add the error code base
error_code += self.error_code_base
# Return a tuple of the parsed, standardized log line
return severity, workflow, module, error_code, error_location, description, time_tag
except Exception as err:
raise ValueError(
f'Failed to parse log line "{line}" reason: {str(err)}'
[docs] def log_one_metric(self, module, metric_name, metric_value,
Writes one metric value to the log file.
module : str
Name of the module where the logging took place.
metric_name : str
Name of the metric being logged.
metric_value : object
Value to associate to the logged metric.
additional_back_frames : int
Number of call-stack frames to "back up" to in order to determine
the calling function and line number.
# msg = "{}: {}".format(metric_name, metric_value)
msg = f"{metric_name}: {metric_value}"
self.log(module, ErrorCode.SUMMARY_STATS_MESSAGE, msg,
additional_back_frames=additional_back_frames + 1)
[docs] def write_log_summary(self):
Writes a summary at the end of the log file, which includes totals
of each message logged for each severity level, OS-level metrics,
and total elapsed run time (since logger creation).
module_name = "PgeLogger"
# totals of messages logged
copy_of_log_count_by_severity = self.log_count_by_severity.copy()
for severity, count in copy_of_log_count_by_severity.items():
metric_name = "overall.log_messages." + severity.lower()
self.log_one_metric(module_name, metric_name, count)
# overall OS metrics
metrics = get_os_metrics()
for metric_name, value in metrics.items():
self.log_one_metric(module_name, "overall." + metric_name, value)
# Overall elapsed time
elapsed_time_seconds = time.monotonic() - self.start_time
self.log_one_metric(module_name, "overall.elapsed_seconds",