Source code for opera.pge.disp_s1.disp_s1_pge

#!/usr/bin/env python3


Module defining the implementation for the Land-Surface Displacement (DISP) product
from Sentinel-1 A/B (S1-A/B) data.

import datetime
import glob
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
from collections import OrderedDict
from os import listdir
from os.path import abspath, basename, exists, getsize, join, splitext

import yaml
from opera.pge.base.base_pge import PgeExecutor
from opera.pge.base.base_pge import PostProcessorMixin
from opera.pge.base.base_pge import PreProcessorMixin
from opera.util.dataset_utils import parse_bounding_polygon_from_wkt
from opera.util.error_codes import ErrorCode
from opera.util.h5_utils import get_cslc_s1_product_metadata
from opera.util.h5_utils import get_disp_s1_product_metadata
from opera.util.h5_utils import MEASURED_PARAMETER_PATH_SEPARATOR
from opera.util.input_validation import validate_algorithm_parameters_config, validate_disp_inputs
from opera.util.render_jinja2 import render_jinja2
from opera.util.time import get_time_for_filename, get_catalog_metadata_datetime_str

[docs]class DispS1PreProcessorMixin(PreProcessorMixin): """ Mixin class responsible for handling all pre-processing steps for the DISP-S1 PGE. The pre-processing phase is defined as all steps necessary prior to SAS execution. In addition to the base functionality inherited from PreProcessorMixin, this mixin adds an input validation step to ensure that input(s) defined by the RunConfig exist and are valid. """ _pre_mixin_name = "DispS1PreProcessorMixin"
[docs] def run_preprocessor(self, **kwargs): """ Executes the pre-processing steps for DISP-S1 PGE initialization. The DispS1PreProcessorMixin version of this class performs all actions of the base PreProcessorMixin class, and adds an input validation step for the inputs defined within the RunConfig. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: dict Any keyword arguments needed by the pre-processor """ super().run_preprocessor(**kwargs) # If debug mode is enabled, skip the input validation, since we might # be working with only a partial set of inputs/ancillaries if not self.runconfig.debug_switch: validate_disp_inputs(self.runconfig, self.logger, validate_algorithm_parameters_config(, self.runconfig.algorithm_parameters_schema_path, self.runconfig.algorithm_parameters_file_config_path, self.logger)
[docs] def convert_troposphere_model_files(self): """ Convert grib (.grb) files to netCDF (.nc) Update the in-memory runconfig object such that the SAS/dynamic_ancillary_file_group/troposphere_files section now points to the converted .nc files in the scratch directory. """ # Retrieve the troposphere weather model file group (if provided) from # the run config file troposphere_model_files_list = \ self.runconfig.sas_config['dynamic_ancillary_file_group'].get('troposphere_files', {}) # Converted files will be stored in the scratch directory. scratch_dir = self.runconfig.sas_config['product_path_group']['scratch_path'] netcdf_file_list = [] for tropo_file in troposphere_model_files_list: if splitext(tropo_file)[-1] == '.grb': # change the extension to .nc netcdf_file = join(scratch_dir, splitext(basename(tropo_file))[0] + '.nc') # This list of will the new paths to the converted files in the in-memory runconfig file. grib_file_name = tropo_file result = [ "/opt/conda/envs/eccodes/bin/grib_to_netcdf", "-D", "NC_FLOAT", "-o", netcdf_file, grib_file_name, ], env={'ENV_NAME': 'eccodes', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/opt/conda/envs/eccodes/lib'}, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False, check=False, ) if result.returncode != 0: error_msg = ( f"Failed to convert GRIB file {tropo_file} to NetCDF, reason:\n" f"{result.stdout.decode()}" ) self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.GRIB_TO_NETCDF_CONVERSION_FAILED, error_msg) else: # no conversion necessary, carry NetCDF file along as-is netcdf_file = tropo_file netcdf_file_list.append(netcdf_file) # Update the in-memory runconfig instance self.runconfig.sas_config['dynamic_ancillary_file_group']['troposphere_files'] = netcdf_file_list
[docs]class DispS1PostProcessorMixin(PostProcessorMixin): """ Mixin class responsible for handling all post-processing steps for the DISP-S1 PGE. The post-processing phase is defined as all steps required after SAS execution has completed, prior to handover of output products to PCM. In addition to the base functionality inherited from PostProcessorMixin, this mixin adds an output validation step to ensure that the output file(s) defined by the RunConfig exist and are valid. """ _post_mixin_name = "DispS1PostProcessorMixin" _product_metadata_cache = {} _product_filename_cache = {} def _validate_output(self): """ Evaluates the output files generated from SAS execution to ensure: - That one expected .nc file exists in the output directory designated by the RunConfig and is non-zero in size - .png files corresponding to the expected output .nc product exists alongside and is non-zero in size - If the SAS runconfig has the product_path_group.save_compressed_slc flag set to True, validate that a "compressed_slcs" directory exists within the designated output directory, and that it is not empty - For each file within "compressed_slcs", ensure the file is non-zero in size """ output_dir = abspath(self.runconfig.output_product_path) # Validate .nc product file nc_files = glob.glob(join(output_dir, '*.nc')) if len(nc_files) == 0: error_msg = ("The SAS did not create any output file(s) with the " "expected '.nc' extension") self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.INVALID_OUTPUT, error_msg) product_type = self.runconfig.sas_config['primary_executable']['product_type'] if product_type == 'DISP_S1_FORWARD' and len(nc_files) > 1: error_msg = f"The SAS created too many files with the expected '.nc' extension: {nc_files}" self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.INVALID_OUTPUT, error_msg) for nc_file in nc_files: if not getsize(nc_file): error_msg = f"SAS output file {basename(nc_file)} exists, but is empty" self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.INVALID_OUTPUT, error_msg) # Validate .png file(s) nc_file_no_ext, ext = splitext(basename(nc_file)) png_files = [ join(output_dir, f'{nc_file_no_ext}.short_wavelength_displacement.png') ] for png_file in png_files: if not exists(png_file): error_msg = f"Expected SAS output file {basename(png_file)} does not exist" self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.INVALID_OUTPUT, error_msg) elif not getsize(png_file): error_msg = f"SAS output file {basename(png_file)} exists, but is empty" self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.INVALID_OUTPUT, error_msg) save_compressed_slc = self.runconfig.sas_config['product_path_group']['save_compressed_slc'] if save_compressed_slc: # Validate compressed_slcs directory comp_dir = join(output_dir, 'compressed_slcs') if not exists(comp_dir): error_msg = f"Expected SAS output directory '{basename(comp_dir)}' does not exist" self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.INVALID_OUTPUT, error_msg) comp_dir_list = listdir(comp_dir) if len(comp_dir_list) == 0: error_msg = f"Expected SAS output directory '{basename(comp_dir)}' exists, but is empty" self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.INVALID_OUTPUT, error_msg) # Validate each file in compressed_slcs directory for file_name in comp_dir_list: if not getsize(join(comp_dir, file_name)): error_msg = f"Compressed CSLC file '{basename(file_name)}' exists, but is empty" self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.INVALID_OUTPUT, error_msg) def _core_filename(self, inter_filename=None): """ Returns the core file name component for products produced by the DISP-S1 PGE. The core file name component of the DISP-S1 PGE consists of: <PROJECT>_<LEVEL>_<PGE NAME>_<Mode>_<FrameID>_<Polarization>_\ <ReferenceDateTime>_<SecondaryDateTime>_<ProductVersion>_\ <ProductGenerationDateTime> Callers of this function are responsible for assignment of any other product-specific fields, such as the file extension. Parameters ---------- inter_filename : str, optional The intermediate filename of the output product to generate the core filename for. This parameter may be used to inspect the file in order to derive any necessary components of the returned filename. Once the core filename is cached upon first call to this function, this parameter may be omitted. Returns ------- core_filename : str The filename component to assign to frame-based products created by this PGE. """ core_filename = ( f"{self.PROJECT}_{self.LEVEL}_{self.NAME}" ) # Mode: S1-A/B acquisition mode, should be fixed to "IW" mode = "IW" # FrameID: Unique frame identification number as a 5-digit string in # the format FXXXXX frame_id = f"F{self.runconfig.sas_config['input_file_group']['frame_id']:05d}" inter_disp_product_filename = '.'.join(inter_filename.split('.')[:1] + ["nc"]) # Check if we've already cached the product metadata corresponding to # this set of intermediate products (there can be multiple sets of # .nc and .png output files when running in historical mode) if inter_disp_product_filename in self._product_metadata_cache: disp_metadata = self._product_metadata_cache[inter_disp_product_filename] else: disp_metadata = self._collect_disp_s1_product_metadata(inter_disp_product_filename) self._product_metadata_cache[inter_disp_product_filename] = disp_metadata # Polarization: polarization of the input bursts # derived from product metadata of the input CSLC files cslc_file_list = self.runconfig.sas_config['input_file_group']['cslc_file_list'] # Search for a CSLC file containing the metadata we expect for cslc_file in cslc_file_list: try: cslc_metadata = get_cslc_s1_product_metadata(abspath(cslc_file)) polarization = cslc_metadata["processing_information"]["input_burst_metadata"]["polarization"] break except Exception: continue else: raise RuntimeError( 'No input CSLC file contains the expected polarization information.' ) # ReferenceDateTime: The acquisition sensing start date and time of # the input satellite imagery for the first burst in the frame of the # reference product in the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ reference_date_time = disp_metadata['identification']['reference_zero_doppler_start_time'] reference_date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(reference_date_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") reference_date_time = f"{get_time_for_filename(reference_date_time)}Z" # SecondaryDateTime: The acquisition sensing start date and time of # the input satellite imagery for the first burst in the frame of this # secondary product in the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ secondary_date_time = disp_metadata['identification']['secondary_zero_doppler_start_time'] secondary_date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(secondary_date_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") secondary_date_time = f"{get_time_for_filename(secondary_date_time)}Z" # ProductVersion: OPERA DISP-S1 product version number with four # characters, including the letter ā€œvā€ and two digits indicating the # major and minor versions, which are delimited by a period product_version = f"v{disp_metadata['identification']['product_version']}" # ProductGenerationDateTime: The date and time at which the product # was generated by OPERA with the format of YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ product_generation_date_time = f"{get_time_for_filename(self.production_datetime)}Z" # Assign the file name conventions disp_s1_product_filename = ( f"{core_filename}_{mode}_{frame_id}_{polarization}_" f"{reference_date_time}_{secondary_date_time}_{product_version}_" f"{product_generation_date_time}" ) # Cache the file name for this set of DISP products, so it can be used # with the ISO metadata later. self._product_filename_cache[inter_disp_product_filename] = disp_s1_product_filename return disp_s1_product_filename def _browse_filename(self, inter_filename): """ Returns the file name to use for the PNG browse image produced by the DISP-S1 PGE. The browse image filename for the DISP-S1 PGE consists of: <Core filename>.png Where <Core filename> is returned by DispS1PostProcessorMixin._core_filename() Parameters ---------- inter_filename : str The intermediate filename of the output browse image to generate a filename for. This parameter may be used to inspect the file in order to derive any necessary components of the returned filename. Returns ------- browse_image_filename : str The file name to assign to browse image created by this PGE. """ browse_image_filename = f"{self._core_filename(inter_filename)}_BROWSE.png" return browse_image_filename def _netcdf_filename(self, inter_filename): """ Returns the file name to use for netCDF files produced by the DISP-S1 PGE. The netCDF filename for the DISP-S1 PGE consists of: <Core filename>.nc Where <Core filename> is returned by DispS1PostProcessorMixin._core_filename(). Parameters ---------- inter_filename : str The intermediate filename of the output netCDF to generate a filename for. This parameter may be used to inspect the file in order to derive any necessary components of the returned filename. Returns ------- netcdf_filename : str The file name to assign to netCDF product(s) created by this PGE. """ netcdf_filename = f"{self._core_filename(inter_filename)}.nc" return netcdf_filename def _compressed_cslc_filename(self, inter_filename): """ Returns the file name to use for compressed CSLC files produced by the DISP-S1 PGE. The compressed CSLC filename for the DISP-S1 PGE consists of: <Project>_<Level>_COMPRESSED-CSLC-S1_<BurstID>_<ReferenceDateTime>_\ <FirstDateTime>_<LastDateTime>_<ProductGenerationDateTime>_\ <Polarization>_<ProductVersion>.h5 Parameters ---------- inter_filename : str The intermediate filename of the compressed CSLC product to generate a filename for. This parameter may be used to inspect the file in order to derive any necessary components of the returned filename. Returns ------- compressed_cslc_filename : str The file name to assign to compressed CSLC product(s) created by this PGE. """ level = "L2" name = "COMPRESSED-CSLC-S1" ccslc_regex = (r'compressed_(?P<burst_id>\w{4}_\w{6}_\w{3})_' r'(?P<ref_date>\d{8})_' r'(?P<start_date>\d{8})_' r'(?P<stop_date>\d{8})[.](?P<ext>h5)$') result = re.match(ccslc_regex, os.path.basename(inter_filename)) if not result: raise ValueError( f"Compressed CSLC file {inter_filename} does not conform to " f"expected file pattern" ) # Cannonicalize the burst ID burst_id = result.groupdict()["burst_id"] burst_id = burst_id.upper().replace('_', '-') # Get the dates from the parsed intermediate filename ref_date = result.groupdict()["ref_date"] start_date = result.groupdict()["start_date"] stop_date = result.groupdict()["stop_date"] # Get the production time prod_time = f"{get_time_for_filename(self.production_datetime)}Z" # Polarization: polarization of the input bursts # derived from product metadata of the input CSLC files cslc_file_list = self.runconfig.sas_config['input_file_group']['cslc_file_list'] # Search for a CSLC file containing the metadata we expect for cslc_file in cslc_file_list: try: cslc_metadata = get_cslc_s1_product_metadata(abspath(cslc_file)) polarization = cslc_metadata["processing_information"]["input_burst_metadata"]["polarization"] break except Exception: continue else: raise RuntimeError( 'No input CSLC file contains the expected polarization information.' ) # Product version hardcoded to 1.0 for now since CCSLCs are not # intended for widespread distribution product_version = "1.0" # Carry the file extension over from the original filename ext = result.groupdict()["ext"] return (f"{self.PROJECT}_{level}_{name}_{burst_id}_" f"{ref_date}T000000Z_{start_date}T000000Z_" f"{stop_date}T000000Z_{prod_time}_" f"{polarization}_v{product_version}.{ext}") def _ancillary_filename(self): """ Helper method to derive the core component of the file names for the ancillary products associated to a PGE job (catalog metadata, log file, etc...). The core file name component DISP-S1 ancillary products consists of: <PROJECT>_<LEVEL>_<PGE NAME>_<Mode>_<FrameID>_<ProductVersion>_<ProductGenerationDateTime> Since these files are note specific to any particular DISP-S1 output product, fields such as reference and secondary time are omitted from this file pattern. Also note that this file name does not include a file extension, which should be added to the return value of this method by any callers to distinguish the different formats of ancillary outputs produced by this PGE. Returns ------- ancillary_filename : str The file name component to assign to ancillary products created by this PGE. """ core_filename = ( f"{self.PROJECT}_{self.LEVEL}_{self.NAME}" ) mode = "IW" frame_id = f"F{self.runconfig.sas_config['input_file_group']['frame_id']:05d}" product_version = self.runconfig.sas_config['product_path_group']['product_version'] if not product_version.startswith('v'): product_version = f'v{product_version}' product_generation_date_time = f"{get_time_for_filename(self.production_datetime)}Z" ancillary_filename = ( f"{core_filename}_{mode}_{frame_id}_{product_version}_" f"{product_generation_date_time}" ) return ancillary_filename def _catalog_metadata_filename(self): """ Returns the file name to use for Catalog Metadata produced by the DISP-S1 PGE. The Catalog Metadata file name for the DISP-S1 PGE consists of: <Ancillary filename>.catalog.json Where <Ancillary filename> is returned by DispS1PostProcessorMixin._ancillary_filename() Returns ------- catalog_metadata_filename : str The file name to assign to the Catalog Metadata product created by this PGE. """ return self._ancillary_filename() + ".catalog.json" def _iso_metadata_filename(self, inter_disp_product_filename): """ Returns the file name to use for ISO Metadata produced by the DISP-S1 PGE. The ISO Metadata file name for the DISP-S1 PGE consists of: <DISP filename>.iso.xml Where <DISP filename> is returned by DispS1PostProcessorMixin._core_filename() Parameters ---------- inter_disp_product_filename : str The DISP-S1 product intermediate file name used to look-up the full filename assigned to the DISP-S1 output products. Returns ------- iso_metadata_filename : str The file name to assign to the ISO Metadata product created by this PGE. Raises ------ RuntimeError If there is no file name cached for the provided filename. """ if inter_disp_product_filename not in self._product_filename_cache: raise RuntimeError( f"No file name cached for intermediate file name {inter_disp_product_filename}" ) iso_metadata_filename = self._product_filename_cache[inter_disp_product_filename] return iso_metadata_filename + ".iso.xml" def _log_filename(self): """ Returns the file name to use for the PGE/SAS log file produced by the DISP-S1 PGE. The log file name for the DISP-S1 PGE consists of: <Ancillary filename>.log Where <Ancillary filename> is returned by DispS1PostProcessorMixin._ancillary_filename() Returns ------- log_filename : str The file name to assign to the PGE/SAS log created by this PGE. """ return self._ancillary_filename() + ".log" def _qa_log_filename(self): """ Returns the file name to use for the Quality Assurance application log file produced by the DISP-S1 PGE. The log file name for the DISP-S1 PGE consists of: <Ancillary filename>.qa.log Where <Ancillary filename> is returned by DispS1PostProcessorMixin._ancillary_filename() Returns ------- log_filename : str The file name to assign to the QA log created by this PGE. """ return self._ancillary_filename() + ".qa.log"
[docs] def augment_measured_parameters(self, measured_parameters): """ Override of the augment_measured_parameters() method in Base PGE with an added "preprocessing" step to handle the structure of HDF5 metadata. While GeoTIFF metadata is a flat dictionary, HDF5 metadata is a nested dictionary structure, wherein the variable "keys" can be arbitrarily deep into the structure and the values likewise can be nested dictionaries. The preprocessing step in this method selectively flattens the metadata dictionary based on the "paths" provided in the variable keys of the configuration YAML file. The result of this preprocessing is then safely passed to the base method to get the correct structure expected by the Jinja template. Parameters ---------- measured_parameters : dict The HDF5 metadata from the output product. See get_disp_s1_product_metadata() Returns ------- augmented_parameters : dict The metadata fields converted to a list with name, value, types, etc """ descriptions_file = self.runconfig.iso_measured_parameter_descriptions new_measured_parameters = {} if descriptions_file: with open(descriptions_file) as f: descriptions = yaml.safe_load(f) else: msg = ('Measured parameters configuration is needed to extract the measured parameters attributes from the' 'DISP-S1 metadata') self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.ISO_METADATA_DESCRIPTIONS_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND, msg) for parameter_var_name in descriptions: key_path = parameter_var_name.split(MEASURED_PARAMETER_PATH_SEPARATOR) mp = measured_parameters while len(key_path) > 0: try: mp = mp[key_path.pop(0)] except KeyError as e: msg = (f'Measured parameters configuration contains an invalid path {parameter_var_name}: no such ' f'entry {e}') self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.ISO_METADATA_DESCRIPTIONS_CONFIG_INVALID, msg) new_measured_parameters[parameter_var_name] = mp augmented_parameters = super().augment_measured_parameters(new_measured_parameters) return augmented_parameters
def _collect_disp_s1_product_metadata(self, disp_product): """ Gathers the available metadata from a sample output DISP-S1 product for use in filling out the ISO metadata template for the DISP-S1 PGE. Parameters ---------- disp_product : str Path to the DISP-S1 NetCDF product to collect metadata from. Returns ------- output_product_metadata : dict Dictionary containing DISP-S1 output product metadata, formatted for use with the ISO metadata Jinja2 template. """ # Extract all metadata assigned by the SAS at product creation time try: output_product_metadata = get_disp_s1_product_metadata(disp_product) # get_catalog_metadata_datetime_str(self.production_datetime) # Add hardcoded values to metadata output_product_metadata['static'] = { 'Project': 'OPERA', 'ProductLevel': 3, 'ProductType': 'DISP-S1', 'ProductSource': 'Sentinel-1', 'ProcessingDateTime': get_catalog_metadata_datetime_str(self.production_datetime) } output_product_metadata['MeasuredParameters'] = self.augment_measured_parameters(output_product_metadata) except Exception as err: msg = f'Failed to extract metadata from {disp_product}, reason: {err}' self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.ISO_METADATA_COULD_NOT_EXTRACT_METADATA, msg) # Parse the image polygon coordinates to conform with gml bounding_polygon_wkt_str = output_product_metadata['identification']['bounding_polygon'] try: bounding_polygon_gml_str = parse_bounding_polygon_from_wkt(bounding_polygon_wkt_str) output_product_metadata['bounding_polygon'] = bounding_polygon_gml_str except ValueError as err: self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.ISO_METADATA_RENDER_FAILED, str(err)) # Add some fields on the dimensions of the data. output_product_metadata['xCoordinates'] = { 'size': len(output_product_metadata['x']), # pixels 'spacing': 30 # meters/pixel } output_product_metadata['yCoordinates'] = { 'size': len(output_product_metadata['y']), # pixels 'spacing': 30 # meters/pixel } return output_product_metadata def _create_custom_metadata(self, inter_filename): """ Creates the "custom data" dictionary used with the ISO metadata rendering. Custom data contains all metadata information needed for the ISO template that is not found within any of the other metadata sources (such as the RunConfig, output product(s), or catalog metadata). Parameters ---------- inter_filename : str The intermediate filename of the output product to generate a core filename for. This core filename will be used as the "granule" identifier within the returned metadata dictionary. Returns ------- custom_metadata : dict Dictionary containing the custom metadata as expected by the ISO metadata Jinja2 template. """ custom_metadata = { 'ISO_OPERA_FilePackageName': self._ancillary_filename(), 'ISO_OPERA_ProducerGranuleId': self._core_filename(inter_filename), 'MetadataProviderAction': "creation", 'GranuleFilename': self._core_filename(inter_filename), 'ISO_OPERA_ProjectKeywords': ['OPERA', 'JPL', 'DISP', 'Displacement', 'Surface', 'Land', 'Global'], 'ISO_OPERA_PlatformKeywords': ['S1'], 'ISO_OPERA_InstrumentKeywords': ['Sentinel 1 A/B'] } return custom_metadata def _create_iso_metadata(self, inter_filename, disp_metadata): """ Creates a rendered version of the ISO metadata template for DISP-S1 output products using metadata sourced from the following locations: * RunConfig (in dictionary form) * Output products (extracted from a sample product) * Catalog metadata * "Custom" metadata (all metadata not found anywhere else) Parameters ---------- disp_metadata : dict The product metadata corresponding to the DISP-S1 product to generate the corresponding ISO xml for. Returns ------- rendered_template : str The ISO metadata template for DISP-S1 filled in with values from the sourced metadata dictionaries. """ # Use the base PGE implemenation to validate existence of the template super()._create_iso_metadata() runconfig_dict = self.runconfig.asdict() product_output_dict = disp_metadata catalog_metadata_dict = self._create_catalog_metadata().asdict() custom_data_dict = self._create_custom_metadata(inter_filename) iso_metadata = { 'run_config': runconfig_dict, 'product_output': product_output_dict, 'catalog_metadata': catalog_metadata_dict, 'custom_data': custom_data_dict } iso_template_path = os.path.abspath(self.runconfig.iso_template_path) rendered_template = render_jinja2(iso_template_path, iso_metadata, self.logger) return rendered_template def _stage_output_files(self): """ Ensures that all output products produced by both the SAS and this PGE are staged to the output location defined by the RunConfig. This includes reassignment of file names to meet the file-naming conventions required by the PGE. This version of the method performs the same steps as the base PGE implementation, except that an ISO xml metadata file is rendered for each set of DISP-S1 products created from the set of input CSLCs, since each running in historical mode can product multiple sets of outputs, each with their own specific metadata fields. """ # Gather the list of output files produced by the SAS output_products = self.runconfig.get_output_product_filenames() # For each output file name, assign the final file name matching the # expected conventions for output_product in output_products: self._assign_filename(output_product, self.runconfig.output_product_path) # Write the catalog metadata to disk with the appropriate filename catalog_metadata = self._create_catalog_metadata() if not catalog_metadata.validate(catalog_metadata.get_schema_file_path()): msg = f"Failed to create valid catalog metadata, reason(s):\n {catalog_metadata.get_error_msg()}" self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.INVALID_CATALOG_METADATA, msg) cat_meta_filename = self._catalog_metadata_filename() cat_meta_filepath = join(self.runconfig.output_product_path, cat_meta_filename), ErrorCode.CREATING_CATALOG_METADATA, f"Writing Catalog Metadata to {cat_meta_filepath}") try: catalog_metadata.write(cat_meta_filepath) except OSError as err: msg = f"Failed to write catalog metadata file {cat_meta_filepath}, reason: {str(err)}" self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.CATALOG_METADATA_CREATION_FAILED, msg) # Generate the ISO metadata for use with product submission to DAAC(s) # For CSLC-S1, each burst-based product gets its own ISO xml for inter_filename, disp_metadata in self._product_metadata_cache.items(): iso_metadata = self._create_iso_metadata(inter_filename, disp_metadata) iso_meta_filename = self._iso_metadata_filename(inter_filename) iso_meta_filepath = join(self.runconfig.output_product_path, iso_meta_filename) if iso_metadata:, ErrorCode.RENDERING_ISO_METADATA, f"Writing ISO Metadata to {iso_meta_filepath}") with open(iso_meta_filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write(iso_metadata) # Write the QA application log to disk with the appropriate filename, # if necessary if self.runconfig.qa_enabled: qa_log_filename = self._qa_log_filename() qa_log_filepath = join(self.runconfig.output_product_path, qa_log_filename) self.qa_logger.move(qa_log_filepath) try: self._finalize_log(self.qa_logger) except OSError as err: msg = f"Failed to write QA log file to {qa_log_filepath}, reason: {str(err)}" self.logger.critical(, ErrorCode.LOG_FILE_CREATION_FAILED, msg) # Lastly, write the combined PGE/SAS log to disk with the appropriate filename log_filename = self._log_filename() log_filepath = join(self.runconfig.output_product_path, log_filename) self.logger.move(log_filepath) try: self._finalize_log(self.logger) except OSError as err: msg = f"Failed to write log file to {log_filepath}, reason: {str(err)}" # Log stream might be closed by this point so raise an Exception instead raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def run_postprocessor(self, **kwargs): """ Executes the post-processing steps for the DISP-S1 PGE. The DispS1PostProcessorMixin version of this method performs the same steps as the base PostProcessorMixin, but inserts a step to perform output product validation prior to staging and renaming of the output files. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: dict Any keyword arguments needed by the post-processor """ print(f'Running postprocessor for {self._post_mixin_name}') self._run_sas_qa_executable() self._validate_output() self._stage_output_files()
[docs]class DispS1Executor(DispS1PreProcessorMixin, DispS1PostProcessorMixin, PgeExecutor): """ Main class for execution of the DISP-S1 PGE, including the SAS layer. This class essentially rolls up the DISP-specific pre- and post-processor functionality, while inheriting all other functionality for setup and execution of the SAS from the base PgeExecutor class. """ NAME = "DISP-S1" """Short name for the DISP-S1 PGE""" LEVEL = "L3" """Processing Level for DISP-S1 Products""" PGE_VERSION = "3.0.1" """Version of the PGE (overrides default from base_pge)""" SAS_VERSION = "0.5.2" # Final release def __init__(self, pge_name, runconfig_path, **kwargs): super().__init__(pge_name, runconfig_path, **kwargs) self.rename_by_pattern_map = OrderedDict( { # Note: ordering matters here! '*.nc': self._netcdf_filename, '*displacement.png': self._browse_filename, 'compressed*.h5': self._compressed_cslc_filename } )