batch file


Created by Joe Spitale Edited by Mark Moretto for manual

This example demonstrates various capabilities of the PG programming interface, OMINAS' command-line API.

This example file can be executed from the shell prompt in the ominas/demo directory using:

ominas pg_example-batch or from within an OMINAS IDL session using:
After the example stops, later code samples in this file may be executed by pasting them onto the IDL command line.


Use DAT_READ to read the image and then display the image using TVIM. With DAT_READ, it is not necessary to specify the file format. DAT_READ uses your file type detectors to determine the format, and gets the appropriate reader from your I/O table. DAT_READ returns a data descriptor (dd), which contains all of the data associated with the file. For convenience, it also returns the data array (im) and header (label) in its second and third arguments.

TVIM is called to display the image (im) in a new window with the y coordinate as top-down:

dd = dat_read('./demo/data/N1350122987_2.IMG', im, label) tvim, im, zoom=0.75, /order, /new


This section obtains the geometric information describing the scene. Note that there is no reference to the source of the this information. That is handled by the translator system, which is controlled by a series of translators tables telling OMINAS which translators to use for a given instrument. The translators tables are parsed by DAT_READ, which stores the list of translators in the data descriptor.

If you are using the default demo configuration, then the geometry data are obtained via the NAIF/SPICE translator package and the detached header package. The NAIF/SPICE translators use database files provided by NAIF or by individual projects. The detached header translators read and write geometry descriptors in a text-based file that resides in the same directory as the data file and has the extension '.dh'. Because the detached header translator dh_std_input appears before the Cassini Spice input translator in the default translators table, the descriptors are taken from the detached header if it exists, and if the relevant descriptors are present. Otherwise, they are obtained from the SPICE kernels:

cd = pg_get_cameras(dd) ; CAMERA descriptor pd = pg_get_planets(dd, od=cd, count=npd) ; PLANET descriptor(s) rd = pg_get_rings(dd, pd=pd, od=cd, count=nrd) ; RING descriptor(s) ltd = pg_get_stars(dd, od=cd, name='SUN') ; STAR descriptor for Sun
The calls to PG_GET_PLANETS, PG_GET_RINGS, and PG_GET_STARS include an observer descriptor, od. Without this, it would not be possible to perform aberration corrections on the returned objects. In that case, the returned descriptors would represent the real states of the bodies at the time of observation at their respective positions rather than from the point of view of the observer:
Note the 'name' keyword in the call to PG_GET_STARS. This is a CORE attribute, so it may be applied to any body. For example, if you are only interested in Jupiter and the Galilean satellites, you could write:
pd = pg_get_planets(dd, od=cd, $ name=['JUPITER', 'IO', 'EUROPA', 'GANYMEDE', 'CALLISTO'])
Instead, we just search the returned descriptors for the on named 'JUPITER':
ii = where(cor_name(pd) EQ 'JUPITER')


It is possible to communicate directly with the translators from the PG API via the use of translator keywords. Translator keywords are keyword=value strings that are passed directly to the translator system with no interpretation by OMINAS. They may be permanently coded in the translators table to be passed to a specific translator, or transient inputs may be provided to the PG_GET_* programs as a string argument. In the latter case, they are accessible to all translators pertaining to that PG_GET_* program and they precede translator keywords from the translators table.

Here are some examples of controlling the NAIF/SPICE interface in a call to PG_GET_CAMERAS:

cd = pg_get_cameras(dd, 'klist=my_klist.txt') ; Use personal kernel ; list file. cd = pg_get_cameras(dd, 'ck_in=./test.bc') ; Use a specified C kernel. cd = pg_get_cameras(dd, 'ck_in=./auto') ; Use the C-kernel auto- ; detect function. cd = pg_get_cameras(dd, 'klist=my_klist.txt, $ ; Multiple arguments ck_in=test.bc;test1.bc') ; separated by commas; ; multiple elements ; separated by semicolons.


Here we go with the generic descriptors again. The story with these things is that long ago before GRIM was summoned from the lowest levels of heck, OMINAS (or MINAS, or NV) was purely command-based. That's what you want because you can always build a GUI on top of it, but it doesn't really work to start with a graphical tool and try to build a command-based system out of that. Therefore, I decided to have mercy on the poor jerks (mostly me up to now) who had to type (really paste) all of this nonsense in. The generic descriptor was therefore spawned as a way to cut down on all the cd=this, pd=that, bx=whatever that tends to go on. So we just shove it all into one structure and all of the PG programs know to look in there if one is given. Any explicit descriptor arguments take precedence, though. So if these things make you happy, then you're welcome. I rarely use them in this way. They live on because it turns out they have amazing utility in other ways. So anyway, it's like this:

gd = {cd:cd, gbx:pd, dkx:rd, ltd:ltd}


These commands compute the center, limb, and terminator of each planet, as well as the edges of the rings. Note that the terminator is computed using PG_LIMB with the Sun as the observer:

limb_ptd = pg_limb(gd=gd) & pg_hide, limb_ptd, gd=gd, bx=rd, /rm pg_hide, limb_ptd, /assoc, gd=gd, bx=pd, od=ltd ring_ptd = pg_disk(gd=gd) & pg_hide, ring_ptd, gd=gd, bx=pd term_ptd = pg_limb(gd=gd, & pg_hide, term_ptd, gd=gd, bx=pd, /assoc center_ptd = pg_center(gd=gd, bx=pd)


This just makes the calls to PG_DRAW a little easier, since they will need to be repeated every time we change things and recompute. We put all of the POINT descriptors in one array and then make corresponding arrays for the plot parameters:

object_ptd = [center_ptd,limb_ptd,ring_ptd,term_ptd] colors=[make_array(npd,value=!p.color), $ make_array(npd,value=ctyellow()), $ make_array(2*nrd,value=ctred()), $ make_array(npd,value=ctgreen())] psyms=[make_array(npd,value=1), $ make_array(npd,value=3), $ make_array(2*nrd,value=3), $ make_array(npd,value=3)] psizes=1.0 csizes=0.75 plabels=[cor_name(pd), $ make_array(npd,value=''), $ make_array(2*nrd,value=''), $ make_array(npd,value='')]


Now we can do a nice simple call to PG_DRAW to draw everything:

pg_draw, object_ptd, $ col=colors, psy=psyms, psi=psizes, csi=csizes, pl=plabels


Refine the pointing of the spacecraft by using PG_FARFIT, which searches the image for a pattern matching the edges calculated using the geometry descriptors. First scan the images for edges, ignoring the a 10-pixel zone at the edge of the image:

edge_ptd = pg_edges(dd, edge=10) pg_draw, edge_ptd

Next, use PG_FARFIT to find the x/y offset that best matches the limb of Jupiter (planet index ii):

dxy = pg_farfit(dd, edge_ptd, [limb_ptd[ii]])
BTW, you have been duped. PG_FARFIT fails a lot because the search is pretty sparse. I cherry-picked an image that usually works pretty well. The sparse search makes PG_FARFIT pretty fast, though. Ok, now repoint using the farfit solution:
pg_repoint, dxy, gd=gd
Now that the camera pointing has changed, everything has to be recomputed, just like before:
limb_ptd = pg_limb(gd=gd) & pg_hide, limb_ptd, gd=gd, bx=rd, /rm pg_hide, limb_ptd, /assoc, gd=gd, bx=pd, od=ltd ring_ptd = pg_disk(gd=gd) & pg_hide, ring_ptd, gd=gd, bx=pd center_ptd = pg_center(gd=gd, bx=pd) term_ptd = pg_limb(gd=gd, & pg_hide, term_ptd, gd=gd, bx=pd, /assoc object_ptd = [center_ptd,limb_ptd,ring_ptd,term_ptd]
And now we can see the result:

tvim, im pg_draw, object_ptd, $ colors=colors, psyms=psyms, psizes=psizes, plabel=plabels


If you have a little time, you can just drag the pointing around by hand. We just need to get it close enough to really nail down in the next section. There's a good chance PG_FARFIT really dropped the ball on the last step anyway. Just paste this in and follow the directions:

tvim, im dxy = pg_drag(object_ptd, dtheta=dtheta, axis=center_ptd[ii])
Like PG_FARFIT, PG_DRAG returns an x/y offset that can be input to PG_REPOINT, but it also returns a twist offset, so we need to input that and an axis to PG_REPOINT:
pg_repoint, dxy, dtheta, axis=center_ptd[ii], gd=gd
And now you have to recompute and redraw again. It's the same as above. Please don't make me write it out.


Not satisfied with PG_FARFIT? I wouldn't be, it's just not a sub-pixel kind of thing. Sometimes its results can be very super-pixel. However, once we get within a few tens of pixels of the correct pointing, we can use PG_CVSCAN to pick up the edges with a more rigorous algorithm. PG_CVSCAN scans around a predicted edge (in this case Jupiter's limb) comparing the brightness profile with a model profile. In this case, we use the limb edge model developed by Gary Yagi and used in the old VICAR NAV program (Ugh, remember VICAR? That's kind of the whole reason we're doing any of this). Indeed this whole CVSCAN business is the same exact algorithm that Andy Ingersoll scribbled down on a piece of paper sometime in the 1980s, just gussied up and vectorized with a bunch of pg_this and gd_that and all manner of other whatnot.

Anyway, here we are staying 30 pixels from the image edge, and scanning with a width of 80 pixels. lzero and mzero are coordinating the zero pointing of the model:

cvscan_ptd=pg_cvscan(dd, gd=gd, limb_ptd[ii], edge=30, width=80, $ model=[make_array(npd,val=ptr_new(edge_model_nav_limb(zero=lzero)))], $ mzero=[make_array(npd,val=lzero)] )
And then we draw the points:
tvim, im pg_draw, cvscan_ptd


This section calls pg_threshold to remove points with unacceptable correlation coefficients. The /relative flag means that the minimum and maximum thresholds are taken as a fraction of the maximum correlation coefficient for each set of points. In this case we use a minimum correlation coefficient of 0.81 and a maximum of 1.0:

pg_threshold, cvscan_ptd, min=0.81, max=1.0, /rel tvim, im pg_draw, cvscan_ptd


PG_SELECT is used to manually remove points within a polygonal region defined by the cursor. PG_TRIM removes the points in the defined region:

region = pg_select(dd) pg_trim, dd, cvscan_ptd, region tvim, im pg_draw, cvscan_ptd


PG_CVSCAN_COEFF determines the linear least-squares coefficients for a fit to the image coordinate translation and rotation that matches the computed curve to the scanned curve. PG_FIT uses the resulting coefficients to calculate the corrections. In this case, we fix the rotation offset (fix=2) because the limb gives little leverage on that parameter:

cvscan_cf = pg_cvscan_coeff(cvscan_ptd, fix=2) dxy = pg_fit(cvscan_cf)
The reason that these two programs are separate is that a simultaneous fit can be performed by simply adding all of the linear coefficients. If PG_FIT is given an array of coefficient structures, it will add them before performing the fit, so, for example, you could compute coefficients to fit stars in the image (using PG_PTSCAN), and include them in the call to PG_FIT to get a simultaneous fit to the stars and the limb.

Once again, you need to recompute and redraw to see the new pointing:


You can get the statistics using PG_CHISQ and PG_COVARIANCE:

chisq = pg_chisq(dxy, 0, cvscan_ptd, fix=2) covar = pg_covariance(cvscan_cf) print, dxy, dtheta*180./!pi, chisq, covar


This section calculates a latitude/longitude grid for each planet and a radius/longitude grid for the rings. By default it draws 12 latitude and 12 longitude grid lines. The longitude grid lines circle the body and so on a map they will appear as 24 grid lines. The ring radius grid uses four grid lines by default between the inner and outer ring radius. It uses PG_HIDE to set as not visible the points on the grid behind the planet and ring for both objects. It then uses PG_DRAW to draw the grid points in blue (ctblue):

grid_ptd = pg_grid(gd=gd, lat=lat, lon=lon) pg_hide, grid_ptd, cd=cd, bx=pd, /assoc pg_hide, grid_ptd, cd=cd, bx=pd, od=ltd, /assoc pg_hide, grid_ptd, gd=gd, bx=rd pg_draw, grid_ptd, color=ctblue() plat_ptd = pg_grid(gd=gd, slon=!dpi/2d, lat=lat, nlon=0) pg_hide, plat_ptd[ii], cd=cd, bx=pd[ii], /, bx=pd pg_draw, plat_ptd[ii], psym=3, plabel=strtrim(round(lat*180d/!dpi),2), /label_p plon_ptd = pg_grid(gd=gd, slat=0d, lon=lon, nlat=0) pg_hide, plon_ptd[ii], cd=cd, bx=pd[ii], /assoc pg_draw, plon_ptd[ii], psym=3, plabel=strtrim(round(lon*180d/!dpi),2), /label_p dgrid_ptd=pg_grid(gd=gd, bx=rd) & pg_hide, dgrid_ptd, gd=gd, bx=pd pg_draw, dgrid_ptd, color=ctpurple()


PG_GET_MAPS is used to define map descriptors for various projections. Paste the one you want:

md = pg_get_maps(/over, bx=pd[ii], $ projection='RECTANGULAR', $ /map_graphic, size=[400,200])


md = pg_get_maps(/over, bx=pd[ii], $ projection='ORTHOGRAPHIC', $ size=[400,400], $ center=[!dpi/6d,!dpi])


md = pg_get_maps(/over, bx=pd[ii], $ projection='STEREOGRAPHIC', $ scale=0.5, $ size=[400,400], center=[!dpi/2d,0d])


md = pg_get_maps(/over, bx=pd[ii], $ projection='MERCATOR', $ size=[400,200])


PG_MAP creates a map projection and returns it in a data descriptor. The map is also returned a a keyword for convenience:

dd_map = pg_map(dd, md=md, gd=gd, bx=pd[ii], map=map) tvim, /new, map
You could bound the map like this:
dd_map = pg_map(dd, md=md, gd=gd, bx=pd[ii], map=map, $ bounds=bounds = [-30,30,-180,180]*!dpi/180d)
Or exclude the areas covered by the rings:
dd_map = pg_map(dd, md=md, gd=gd, bx=pd[ii], gbx=pd[ii], $ hide_fn='pm_hide_ring', hide_bx=rd, map=map)


PG_GRID computes a latitude/longitude grid. This is the same program used in other examples to draw grids on other things; here we're using a map descriptor instead of a camera descriptor.

First, define a new generic descriptor. :

gdm={cd:md, od:cd, gbx:pd[ii], dkx:rd} map_grid_ptd = pg_grid(gd=gdm, lat=lat, lon=lon) plat_ptd = pg_grid(gd=gdm, slon=!dpi/2d, lat=lat, nlon=0) plon_ptd = pg_grid(gd=gdm, slat=0d, lon=lon, nlat=0) pg_draw, map_grid_ptd, col=ctgreen() pg_draw, plat_ptd, psym=7, plabel=strmid(strtrim(lat*180d/!dpi,2),0,3), /label_p pg_draw, plon_ptd, psym=7, plabel=strmid(strtrim(lon*180d/!dpi,2),0,3), /label_p


Use PG_LIMB to compute a limb and a terminator by specifying an observer descriptor:

map_limb_ptd = pg_limb(gd=gdm, od=cd) map_term_ptd = pg_limb(gd=gdm, od=ltd) pg_draw, map_limb_ptd, col=ctred() pg_draw, map_term_ptd, col=ctyellow()


A map can be reprojected using a second map descriptor with the original map descriptor in place of the camera descriptor:

md1 = pg_get_maps(/over, bx=pd[ii], $ projection='ORTHOGRAPHIC', $ size=[400,400], $ center=[!dpi/6d,!dpi]) dd_map1 = pg_map(dd_map, md=md1, cd=md, map=map1) tvim, /new, map1


These commands write the descriptor information out through the translators. The exact behavior is translator-dependent. In the default configuration, the detached header translator modifies the detached header stored in the data descriptor. It is not written until DAT_WRITE is called. We write only pd[0] because some translator setups may return large numbers of planet descriptors, making it pretty slow:

pg_put_rings, dd, od=cd, rd=rd pg_put_planets, dd, od=cd, pd=pd[0] pg_put_cameras, dd, cd=cd pg_put_stars, dd, sd=ltd, od=cd
The detached head may be viewed using:
print, transpose(dat_dh(dd))
If using the NAIF/SPICE translator, a C kernel may be written by specifying a file name using the ck_out translator keyword. A comment can be included in the output kernel by making a user data value named "CK_COMMENT":
cor_set_udata, cd, 'CK_COMMENT', 'This is a comment.' pg_put_cameras, dd, cd=cd, 'ck_out=./outputs/test.bc'


DAT_WRITE writes the data array in the data descriptor using whatever output function was given in the I/O table. The detached header is is also written into a file with the same name as the image file except with the extension '.dh'. If this file does not already exist, it is created:

dat_write, './outputs/' + cor_name(dd), dd


PG_PUT_MAPS causes the detached header translator to generate a new detached header and write the map descriptor into it.

As above, DAT_WRITE writes the map image file and the detached header. Notice that the file type is given explicitly because the data descriptor was not created by DAT_READ, which would have detected the file type:

pg_put_maps, dd_map, md=md dat_write, './outputs/' + cor_name(dd) + '.map', dd_map, filetype = 'VICAR'
To read the new map file, use DAT_READ just as the image file was read at the beginning of this example script. To read the map descriptor from the detached header, use PG_GET_MAPS:
dd_map = dat_read(./outputs/<nme>.map', map) md = pg_get_maps(dd_map) tvim, /new, map

File attributes

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