includes main-level program


This script demonstrates reading a Mars MOLA DEM geotiff and projecting it onto an orthographical map for display. The geotiff provided in the demo directory was downsampled by a factor of 20 from the original MOLA DEM from

There is no need for SPICE/Icy for this example. It can be run by doing:

.run geotiff_example
From within an OMINAS IDL session.

Read geotiff file


Display geotiff on grim

Get a map descriptor and use it to show the DEM on grim with a map grid:

md=pg_get_maps(dd) ;subtract the minimum elevation, so that the data range starts at 0, for visualization da=double(dat_data(dd)) damin=min(da) da-=damin dat_set_data,dd,da grim,dd,cd=md,order=0,overlay=['planet_grid']

Map into orthographic projection

Now we will display it in an orthogonal projection. First we define it:

map_xsize = 4000 map_ysize = 4000
Create the new map descriptor:
mdp= pg_get_maps(/over, $ name='MARS',$ projection='ORTHOGRAPHIC', $ size=[map_xsize,map_ysize], $ origin=[map_xsize,map_ysize]/2, $ center=[0d0,-60d0*!dpi/180d0])
Now, do the projection:
Visualize the result, now with grim:

Save geotiffs from OMINAS maps

Put map descriptors in data descriptors:

cor_set_udata,dd_map,'md',mdp cor_set_udata,dd,'md',md ;scale data for geotiff ndd=nv_clone(dd) ndd_map=nv_clone(dd_map) dat_set_data,ndd,bytscl(dat_data(ndd)) dat_set_data,ndd_map,bytscl(dat_data(ndd_map)) dat_write,'./outputs/geotiff_ex1.tif',ndd,filetype='GEOTIFF' ;dat_write,'./outputs/geotiff_ex2.tif',ndd_map,filetype='GEOTIFF'
This is how the image looks like on GoogleEarth Pro

For comparison, this is GoogleEarth Pro's base layer, with the same perspective

File attributes

Modification date: Tue Mar 5 23:55:30 2019
Lines: 27
Docformat: rst rst