includes main-level program


This script demonstrates reading a Cassini RADAR SAR image and projecting it onto an orthographical map for display.

The data file used, BIFQI22N068_D045_T003S01_V02.IMG, is too large (202 MB) to include with the OMINAS distribution. This script will look for the file under ~/ominas_data/sar/, and if not found, will download it from PDS<>, then unzip it.

Setup: The instrument detectors, translators and transforms must contain the RADAR definitions, as is included in demo/data/, demo/data/, and demo/data/ Since the RADAR data is in PDS format, the PDS detector and io functions must also be set up in the corresponding tables, as is in config/tab/ and config/tab/

There is no need for SPICE/Icy for this example. It can be run by doing:

.run cas_radar_example
From within an OMINAS IDL session.

Read SAR file

Cassini RADAR SAR image to read must be set in the variable img, otherwise this default location is used:

;Download the file, if needed ldir='~/ominas_data/sar' spawn,'eval echo '+ldir,res ldir=res img=ldir+path_sep()+'BIFQI22N068_D045_T003S01_V02.IMG' if ~file_test(img,/read) then begin print,'SAR file needed for the demo not found. Downloading it from PDS...' p=pp_wget('',localdir=ldir) p.geturl print,'ZIP file downloaded, decompressing it...' file_unzip,ldir+path_sep()+'CORADR_0045/DATA/BIDR/BIFQI22N068_D045_T003S01_V02.ZIP',/verbose endif ;Read the file dd=dat_read(img)

Display SAR file

Saturate the data to make the image better looking, since this is just for display purposes:

da=dat_data(dd) dat_set_data,dd,da<4.5d0
Show it a 1/20 resolution:

Map SAR file

SAR data is provided in PDS as a map on the target, in an oblique rectangular projection, shown above. To use it, first we need to obtain the proper map descriptor from the data object:

Now we will display it in an orthogonal projection. First we define it:
map_xsize = 4000 map_ysize = 4000
Create the new map descriptor:
mdp= pg_get_maps(/over, $ name='TITAN',$ projection='ORTHOGRAPHIC', $ size=[map_xsize,map_ysize], $ origin=[map_xsize,map_ysize]/2, $ center=[0d0,-0.4d0*!dpi])
Now, do the projection:
Visualize the result, now with grim:
cd = pg_get_cameras(dd) pd = pg_get_planets(dd, od=cd) ltd = pg_get_stars(dd, od=cd, name='SUN') grim,dd_map,cd=mdp,od=cd,ltd=ltd,pd=pd[0],overlays=['planet_grid'],order=0

File attributes

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