Planning and scheduling of queued survey actions using Playsys2 for PDDL solutions and behavior trees for execution.
Based on preliminary work by Ana at Traclabs.
Starting survey planner
The survey_manager as of now starts separately from the isaac fsw. This is necessary because the planner crashes very easily, so having the ability to easily restart this component is necessary.
To start the planner and the terminal interface (in the robot, add the prefix /opt/isaac/
roslaunch survey_manager survey_domain.launch
rosrun plansys2_terminal plansys2_terminal
To monitor an execution and to input commands to the execution:
rosrun survey_manager monitor_astrobee $ROBOTNAME
Running actions manually
There are 5 different actions at the moment 'move', 'dock', 'undock', 'panorama', 'stereo'. To run each action individually through the survey_manager you must add the correct predicates before sending the action command or else the plansys2 executor will crash. Also, if you want to re-send the action you'll want to re-send the predicates too.
Don't forget to change the commands to use the target robot's name (bumble is what is used in simulation)
If the survey_manager crashes sometimes the simulation has to be restarted for it to restart in a good state.
Action Testing
Running a full JEM survey scenario in multi-robot simulation
Unfortunately, this scenario is currently only available for NASA-internal users because it requires access to configuration files stored in the non-public astrobee_ops
Set up ops configuration
These instructions assume you've followed the native install instructions for NASA-internal users both for astrobee
and isaac
Set up GDS and astrobee_ops
per this NASA-internal wiki page. You can stop when you get to the "Setup Sci Cam Streaming" section.
Environment variables to define in all terminals below
These could be added to ~/.bashrc
if you prefer:
OPS_REPO="${HOME}/astrobee/ops" # Or wherever you put this
ISAAC_WS="${HOME}/isaac" # Or wherever you put this
source "${ISAAC_WS}/devel/setup.bash"
Running the scenario
- Clean up any lingering processes from previous runs:
# === In terminal 1 ===
ps auxww | grep -P 'ros|survey|astrobee|gzserver|gazebo|inspection_tool'
# If you see processes that look relevant, you can kill them with
# 'killall <name>' or 'killall -9 <name>' if needed. Failing to clean
# up any lingering processes seems to cause unpredictable faults like
# robots not moving when commanded.
- Start the simulator:
# === In terminal 1 ===
roslaunch isaac sim.launch honey:=true dds:=true gds:=true robot:=sim_pub
# roslaunch will run indefinitely. Press Ctrl-C to shut down the system.
- Configure the Astrobees, using one of these options:
- Using the Astrobee Workbench (a.k.a. "GDS") graphical interface:
- Configure the recording profile. Go to the "Engineering" tab and do the following for each robot:
- Use the "Select Bee..." menu at the top left to select the robot.
- Click "Grab Control".
- In the "Data to Disk" panel, select "SurveyNoDepth.json" in the leftmost drop-down menu. If this option is not available, review the "Setup GDS" section of the wiki page referenced above and restart.
- Click the leftmost "Configure Data" button next to the menu.
- Turn off face-forward motion. Go to the "Teleoperate" tab and do the following for each robot:
- Use the "Select Bee..." menu at the top left to select the robot.
- Click "Grab Control".
- In the "Bee Commanding" tab, in the "Options" column, uncheck the purple checkmark to the left of "Face Forward"
- Click "Apply Options". You should see the green checkmark to the right of "Face Forward" turn into a black "X".
- Using command-line tools: ```bash
=== In terminal 2 ===
cat <<EOF >/tmp/configure_cmds.txt
Configure the recording profile
for prefix in "" "/honey"; do TOPIC_PREFIX="\${prefix}" "${OPS_REPO}/dock_scripts/hsc/cmd" -c bagger -config "${OPS_REPO}/gds/ControlStationConfig/DataToDisk-ISAAC/SurveyNoDepth.json" done
Turn off face-forward motion
for ns in "" "-ns honey"; do rosrun executive teleop_tool $ns -set_face_forward off done EOF
Note: On repeated runs you can just run this command again; the
temp file doesn't change.
source /tmp/configure_cmds.txt ```
- Start the survey manager:
# === In terminal 2 ===
roslaunch survey_manager survey.launch quick:=true
# roslaunch will run indefinitely. Press Ctrl-C to shut down the system.
# The quick:=true flag speeds up longer actions (for sim use only).
# Note: This launch is fairly unreliable at startup so it's purposefully
# kept separate from the main roslaunch, allowing us to manually
# restart as needed without impacting the other ROS nodes. To add
# here when it's better understood: how can an operator check that
# this startup succeeded? It pretty much always raises lots of
# errors, but some of them seem benign.
- Generate and run a plan using the PlanSys2 terminal:
# === In terminal 3 ===
cat <<EOF >/tmp/term_commands.txt
source /tmp/problem.ps2.pddl
get plan
cat <<EOF >/tmp/plan_and_run.bash
rosrun survey_manager problem_generator --terminal "--config=\${data}/jem_survey_static.yaml,\${data}/jem_survey_dynamic.yaml" --output=/tmp/problem.ps2.pddl
cat /tmp/term_commands.txt | rosrun plansys2_terminal plansys2_terminal
# Note: On repeated runs you can just run this command again; the
# temp files don't change.
source /tmp/plan_and_run.bash
# The plansys2_terminal will run until the plan completes, providing status
# feedback. You can exit the terminal by pressing Ctrl-C and execution will
# continue.
- Wait for the scenario to complete. Some execution monitoring tips:
- Use the Astrobee Workbench window "Overview" tab for a graphical view of robot state and progress.
- The
should display which survey manager actions are currently executing, along with how long they have taken so far relative to their estimated duration. Example: If an action was supposed to take 10 minutes but has taken 15 minutes so far, it is marked as "150%".
- The survey manager
terminal should display more detailed console output. Note that this is interleaved console output from several processes running in parallel, so it can be confusing to interpret.
- You can interact with the terminal interfaces of individual commands that are currently executing. This allows retrying or skipping failed actions without triggering overall plan failure, as well as more detailed management of the
that executes panoramas, like retrying or skipping individual panorama frames. To connect to the action running on a robot, choose the robot and run like this: ```bash rosrun survey_manager monitor_astrobee bumble # or honey ```