Flight software for the ISAAC project, adding functionality to the Astrobee robot, operating inside the International Space Station.
This is the complete list of members for dense_map::DepthToNavError, including all inherited members.
Create(Eigen::Vector2d const &nav_pix, Eigen::Vector3d const &depth_xyz, double alpha, bool match_left, std::vector< int > const &block_sizes, camera::CameraParameters const &nav_cam_params) (defined in dense_map::DepthToNavError) | dense_map::DepthToNavError | inlinestatic |
DepthToNavError(Eigen::Vector2d const &nav_pix, Eigen::Vector3d const &depth_xyz, double alpha, bool match_left, std::vector< int > const &block_sizes, camera::CameraParameters const &nav_cam_params) (defined in dense_map::DepthToNavError) | dense_map::DepthToNavError | inline |
operator()(double const *const *parameters, double *residuals) const (defined in dense_map::DepthToNavError) | dense_map::DepthToNavError | inline |