ISAAC  0.2.11
Flight software for the ISAAC project, adding functionality to the Astrobee robot, operating inside the International Space Station.
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TinyEXIF::EXIFInfo::Geolocation_t Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for TinyEXIF::EXIFInfo::Geolocation_t:


struct  Coord_t

Public Member Functions

void parseCoords ()
bool hasLatLon () const
bool hasAltitude () const
bool hasRelativeAltitude () const
bool hasOrientation () const
bool hasSpeed () const

Public Attributes

double Latitude
double Longitude
double Altitude
int8_t AltitudeRef
double RelativeAltitude
double RollDegree
double PitchDegree
double YawDegree
double SpeedX
double SpeedY
double SpeedZ
double AccuracyXY
double AccuracyZ
double GPSDOP
uint16_t GPSDifferential
std::string GPSMapDatum
std::string GPSTimeStamp
std::string GPSDateStamp
struct TinyEXIF::EXIFInfo::Geolocation_t::Coord_t LatComponents
struct TinyEXIF::EXIFInfo::Geolocation_t::Coord_t LonComponents

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