void | parseCoords () |
bool | hasLatLon () const |
bool | hasAltitude () const |
bool | hasRelativeAltitude () const |
bool | hasOrientation () const |
bool | hasSpeed () const |
double | Latitude |
double | Longitude |
double | Altitude |
int8_t | AltitudeRef |
double | RelativeAltitude |
double | RollDegree |
double | PitchDegree |
double | YawDegree |
double | SpeedX |
double | SpeedY |
double | SpeedZ |
double | AccuracyXY |
double | AccuracyZ |
double | GPSDOP |
uint16_t | GPSDifferential |
std::string | GPSMapDatum |
std::string | GPSTimeStamp |
std::string | GPSDateStamp |
struct TinyEXIF::EXIFInfo::Geolocation_t::Coord_t | LatComponents |
struct TinyEXIF::EXIFInfo::Geolocation_t::Coord_t | LonComponents |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:
- dense_map/geometry_mapper/include/TinyEXIF.h
- dense_map/geometry_mapper/src/TinyEXIF.cc