Flight software for the ISAAC project, adding functionality to the Astrobee robot, operating inside the International Space Station.
Simulation contains the packages where the dense maps are built
This page describes the isaac gazebo plugins.
This plugin simulates a heat-detecting camera, with the color in the images it produces suggestive of the temperature on the surface of the 3D environment seen in the camera.
The file
controls the behavior of this camera. It is read only once, when the simulator is started. Its various parameters as follows:
Each hot or cold spot will be assumed to be circular, and will be characterized by six numbers. They determine a spot's position in Cartesian coordinates, inner radius of the hot/cold spot, its outer radius, and its delta radiance.
Inside the inner radius region the radiance will be
ambient_radiance + delta_radiance
and it will gradually change to the ambient radiance by the time the boundary of the outer radius is reached.
This camera publishes the RGB heat image, its pose and intrinsics, on topics:
/hw/cam_heat /sim/heat_cam/pose /sim/heat_cam/info
To launch the simulator and see the heat map, first set up the environment. The paths below may need to be adjusted for your system.
export ASTROBEE_SOURCE_PATH=$HOME/astrobee/src export ASTROBEE_BUILD_PATH=$HOME/astrobee export ISAAC_WS=$HOME/isaac source $ASTROBEE_BUILD_PATH/devel/setup.bash source $ISAAC_WS/devel/setup.bash
Then run:
roslaunch isaac sim.launch world:=iss rviz:=true \ pose:="11.2 -7.72 5.0 0 0 0 0 1"
Note that as the robot moves and leaves the hot spots behind, the heat cam will only show the constant ambient temperature.
By default, the camera takes pictures as often as it can. It listens however to the topic
for guest science commands that may tell it to take a single picture at a specific time, or to take pictures continuously. Such a command must use the app name "gov.nasa.arc.irg.astrobee.heat_cam_image" (which is the "s" field in the first command argument) for it to be processed.