ISAAC  0.2.11
Flight software for the ISAAC project, adding functionality to the Astrobee robot, operating inside the International Space Station.
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ros_gs_bridge::RosGsBridge Class Reference

Public Member Functions

bool Initialize (ros::NodeHandle *nh)
void AccessControlStateCallback (ff_msgs::AccessControlStateStampedConstPtr const &state)
void GuestScienceDataCallback (ff_msgs::GuestScienceDataConstPtr const &data)
bool GrabControlService (std_srvs::Empty::Request &req, std_srvs::Empty::Response &res)
void ImageInspectionResultCallback (ff_util::FreeFlyerActionState::Enum const &state, isaac_msgs::ImageInspectionResultConstPtr const &result)
void InspectionGoalCallback (isaac_msgs::InspectionGoalConstPtr const &goal)
void InspectionPreemptCallback ()
void InspectionCancelCallback ()
void FillTimeIdInGSCmd ()
void GrabControl (std::string cookie)
bool HasControl ()
void RequestControl ()
void SendNextGSCommand ()

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