Author: Salvatore Mandra (
Copyright © 2021, United States Government, as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All rights reserved.
The HybridQ: A Hybrid Simulator for Quantum Circuits platform is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
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Author: Salvatore Mandra (
Copyright © 2021, United States Government, as represented by the Administrator
of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All rights reserved.
The HybridQ: A Hybrid Simulator for Quantum Circuits platform is licensed under
the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from hybridq.circuit import Circuit
from hybridq.gate import Gate
from import tqdm
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import json
import re
def _isint(x: any) -> bool:
Check if x is convertible to integer.
return True
return False
def _isnumber(x: any) -> bool:
Check if x is convertible to a number.
return True
return False
def _isstring(x: any) -> bool:
Check if x is a string.
return isinstance(x, str)
def to_qasm(circuit: Circuit, qubits_map: dict[any, int] = None) -> str:
Convert a `Circuit` to QASM language.
circuit: Circuit
`Circuit` to convert to QASM language.
qubits_map: dict[any, int], optional
If provided, `qubits_map` map qubit indexes in `Circuit` to qubit
indexes in QASM. Otherwise, indexes are assigned to QASM qubits by using
`Circuit.all_qubits()` order.
String representing the QAMS circuit.
The QASM language used in HybridQ is compatible with the standard QASM.
However, HybridQ introduces few extensions, which are recognized by the
parser using ``#@`` at the beginning of the line (``#`` at the beginning of
the line represent a general comment in QASM). At the moment, the following
QAMS extensions are supported:
* **qubits**, used to store `qubits_map`,
* **power**, used to store the power of the gate,
* **tags**, used to store the tags associated to the gate,
* **U**, used to store the matrix reprentation of the gate if gate name is `MATRIX`
If `Gate.qubits` are not specified, a single `.` is used to represent the
missing qubits. If `Gate.params` are missing, parameters are just omitted.
>>> from hybridq.extras.qasm import to_qasm
>>> print(to_qasm(Circuit(Gate('H', [q]) for q in range(10))))
#@ qubits =
#@ {
#@ "0": "0",
#@ "1": "1",
#@ "2": "2",
#@ "3": "3",
#@ "4": "4",
#@ "5": "5",
#@ "6": "6",
#@ "7": "7",
#@ "8": "8",
#@ "9": "9"
#@ }
h 0
h 1
h 2
h 3
h 4
h 5
h 6
h 7
h 8
h 9
>>> c = Circuit()
>>> c.append(Gate('RX', tags={'params': False, 'qubits': False}))
>>> c.append(Gate('RY', params=[1.23], tags={'params': True, 'qubits': False}))
>>> c.append(Gate('RZ', qubits=[42], tags={'params': False, 'qubits': True})**1.23)
>>> c.append(Gate('MATRIX', U=Gate('H').matrix()))
>>> print(to_qasm(c))
#@ qubits =
#@ {
#@ "0": "42"
#@ }
#@ tags =
#@ {
#@ "params": false,
#@ "qubits": false
#@ }
rx .
#@ tags =
#@ {
#@ "params": true,
#@ "qubits": false
#@ }
ry . 1.23
#@ tags =
#@ {
#@ "params": false,
#@ "qubits": true
#@ }
#@ power = 1.23
rz 0
#@ U =
#@ [
#@ [
#@ "0.7071067811865475",
#@ "0.7071067811865475"
#@ ],
#@ [
#@ "0.7071067811865475",
#@ "-0.7071067811865475"
#@ ]
#@ ]
matrix .
# Initialize output
_out = ''
# Get qubits map
if qubits_map is None:
qubits_map = {
q: x
for x, q in enumerate(circuit.all_qubits(
# Get inverse map
inv_qubits_map = {x: str(q) for q, x in qubits_map.items()}
# Dump number of qubits
_out += f'{len(qubits_map)}\n'
# Dump map
_out += '#@ qubits = \n'
_out += '\n'.join(
['#@ ' + x for x in json.dumps(inv_qubits_map, indent=2).split('\n')])
_out += '\n'
for gate in circuit:
# Store matrix
if == 'MATRIX':
_out += '#@ U = \n'
_out += '\n'.join(
'#@ ' + x
for x in json.dumps([[str(y) for y in x] for x in gate.Matrix],
_out += '\n'
# Dump tags
if gate.provides('tags') and gate.tags is not None:
_out += '#@ tags = \n'
_out += '\n'.join([
'#@ ' + x for x in json.dumps(gate.tags, indent=2).split('\n')
_out += '\n'
# Dump power
if gate.provides('power') and gate.power != 1:
_out += f'#@ power = {gate.power}\n'
# Dump conjugation
if gate.provides('is_conjugated') and gate.is_conjugated():
_out += f'#@ conj\n'
# Dump transposition
if gate.provides('is_transposed') and gate.is_transposed():
_out += f'#@ T\n'
# Dump name
_out +=
# Dump gates
if gate.provides('qubits') and gate.qubits is not None:
_out += ' ' + ' '.join((str(qubits_map[x]) for x in gate.qubits))
_out += ' .'
# Dump params
if gate.provides('params'):
if gate.params is not None:
_out += ' ' + ' '.join((str(x) for x in gate.params))
raise ValueError('Not yet implemented.')
# Add newline
_out += '\n'
return _out
def from_qasm(qasm_string: str) -> Circuit:
Convert a QASM circuit to `Circuit`.
qasm_string: str
QASM circuit to convert to `Circuit`.
QAMS circuit converted to `Circuit`.
The QASM language used in HybridQ is compatible with the standard QASM.
However, HybridQ introduces few extensions, which are recognized by the
parser using ``#@`` at the beginning of the line (``#`` at the beginning of
the line represent a general comment in QASM). At the moment, the following
QAMS extensions are supported:
* **qubits**, used to store `qubits_map`,
* **power**, used to store the power of the gate,
* **tags**, used to store the tags associated to the gate,
* **U**, used to store the matrix reprentation of the gate if gate name is `MATRIX`
If `Gate.qubits` are not specified, a single `.` is used to represent the
missing qubits. If `Gate.params` are missing, parameters are just omitted.
>>> from hybridq.extras.qasm import from_qasm
>>> qasm_str = \"\"\"
>>> 1
>>> #@ qubits =
>>> #@ {
>>> #@ "0": "42"
>>> #@ }
>>> #@ tags =
>>> #@ {
>>> #@ "params": false,
>>> #@ "qubits": false
>>> #@ }
>>> rx .
>>> #@ tags =
>>> #@ {
>>> #@ "params": true,
>>> #@ "qubits": false
>>> #@ }
>>> ry . 1.23
>>> #@ tags =
>>> #@ {
>>> #@ "params": false,
>>> #@ "qubits": true
>>> #@ }
>>> #@ power = 1.23
>>> rz 0
>>> #@ U =
>>> #@ [
>>> #@ [
>>> #@ "0.7071067811865475",
>>> #@ "0.7071067811865475"
>>> #@ ],
>>> #@ [
>>> #@ "0.7071067811865475",
>>> #@ "-0.7071067811865475"
>>> #@ ]
>>> #@ ]
>>> matrix .
>>> \"\"\"
>>> from_qasm(qasm_str)
Gate(name=RX, tags={'params': False, 'qubits': False})
Gate(name=RY, params=[1.23], tags={'params': True, 'qubits': False})
Gate(name=RZ, qubits=[42], tags={'params': False, 'qubits': True})**1.23
Gate(name=MATRIX, U=np.array(shape=(2, 2), dtype=float64))
# Initialize circuit
circuit = Circuit()
# Initialize tags
_extra = None
_power = None
_conj = False
_T = False
_tags = None
_qubits_map = None
_U = None
for line in (line for line in qasm_string.split('\n')
if line and (line[0] != '#' or line[:2] == '#@')):
if line[:2] == '#@':
# Strip line
_line = re.sub(r'\s+', '', line)
if '#@tags=' in _line:
if _tags is not None:
raise ValueError('Format error.')
# Initialize tags
_tags = line.split('=')[-1]
_extra = 'tags'
elif '#@U=' in _line:
if _U is not None:
raise ValueError('Format error.')
# Initialize matrix
_U = line.split('=')[-1]
_extra = 'U'
elif '#@power=' in _line:
if _power is not None:
raise ValueError('Format error.')
# Initialize power
_power = line.split('=')[-1]
_extra = 'power'
elif '#@conj' in _line:
if _conj is not False:
raise ValueError('Format error.')
# Initialize conjugation
_conj = True
elif '#@T' in _line:
if _T is not False:
raise ValueError('Format error.')
# Initialize transposition
_T = True
elif '#@qubits=' in _line:
if _qubits_map is not None:
raise ValueError('Format error.')
# Initialize qubits
_qubits_map = line.split('=')[-1]
_extra = 'qubits'
elif _extra:
# Update tags
if _extra == 'tags':
_tags += line.replace('#@', '')
# Update matrix
elif _extra == 'U':
_U += line.replace('#@', '')
# Update power
elif _extra == 'power':
_power += line.replace('#@', '')
# Update qubits_map
elif _extra == 'qubits':
_qubits_map += line.replace('#@', '')
# Otherwise, error
raise ValueError('Format error.')
# Restart _extra
_extra = None
# Strip everything after the first #
line = line.split('#')[0].split()
# Make few guesses about format
if len(line) == 1:
if _isint(line[0]):
f"Skipping '{' '.join(line)}' (most likely the number of qubits in the circuit)."
f"Skipping '{' '.join(line)}' (format is not understood)."
# Make few guesses about format
if _isint(line[0]):
f"Skipping {line[0]} in '{' '.join(line)}' (most likely the circuit layer)."
del (line[0])
# Make few guesses about format
if not _isstring(line[0]):
warn(f"Skipping '{' '.join(line)}' (format is not understood).")
if line[0].upper() == 'MATRIX':
# Remove name from line
del (line[0])
# Add tags
if not _U:
raise ValueError('Format error.')
# Set gate
_U = np.real_if_close(
np.array([[complex(y) for y in x] for x in json.loads(_U)]))
gate = Gate('MATRIX', U=_U)
# Set qubits if present
if line[0] != '.':
# Set qubits
gate.on([int(x) for x in line], inplace=True)
# Reset
_U = None
# Set position
_p = 0
# Initialize gate with name
gate = Gate(line[_p])
# Check if qubits are provided
_p += 1
if line[_p] != '.':
# Set qubits
gate.on([int(x) for x in line[_p:_p + gate.n_qubits]],
_p += gate.n_qubits
# Skip qubits
_p += 1
if _p != len(line):
if not gate.provides('params') and (
_p + gate.n_params) != len(line):
raise ValueError('Format error.')
[float(x) for x in line[_p:_p + gate.n_params]],
_p += gate.n_params
if len(line) != _p:
print(line, gate)
# Add tags
if _tags:
# Apply power
if _power:
# Add conjugation
if _conj:
# Add transposition
if _T:
# Append gate to circuit
# Reset
_tags = None
# Reset power
_power = None
# Reset conjugation
_conj = False
# Reset transposition
_T = False
# Remap qubits
if _qubits_map is not None:
def _int(x):
return int(x)
return x
_qubits_map = json.loads(_qubits_map)
_qubits_map = {int(x): _int(y) for x, y in _qubits_map.items()}
for gate in circuit:
if gate.provides('qubits') and gate.qubits is not None:
gate._on([_qubits_map[x] for x in gate.qubits])
return circuit
def from_qasm(qasm_string: str) ‑> Circuit
Convert a QASM circuit to
- QASM circuit to convert to
- QAMS circuit converted to
The QASM language used in HybridQ is compatible with the standard QASM. However, HybridQ introduces few extensions, which are recognized by the parser using
at the beginning of the line (#
at the beginning of the line represent a general comment in QASM). At the moment, the following QAMS extensions are supported:- qubits, used to store
, - power, used to store the power of the gate,
- tags, used to store the tags associated to the gate,
- U, used to store the matrix reprentation of the gate if gate name is
are not specified, a single.
is used to represent the missing qubits. IfGate.params
are missing, parameters are just omitted.Example
>>> from hybridq.extras.qasm import from_qasm >>> qasm_str = """ >>> 1 >>> #@ qubits = >>> #@ { >>> #@ "0": "42" >>> #@ } >>> #@ tags = >>> #@ { >>> #@ "params": false, >>> #@ "qubits": false >>> #@ } >>> rx . >>> #@ tags = >>> #@ { >>> #@ "params": true, >>> #@ "qubits": false >>> #@ } >>> ry . 1.23 >>> #@ tags = >>> #@ { >>> #@ "params": false, >>> #@ "qubits": true >>> #@ } >>> #@ power = 1.23 >>> rz 0 >>> #@ U = >>> #@ [ >>> #@ [ >>> #@ "0.7071067811865475", >>> #@ "0.7071067811865475" >>> #@ ], >>> #@ [ >>> #@ "0.7071067811865475", >>> #@ "-0.7071067811865475" >>> #@ ] >>> #@ ] >>> matrix . >>> """ >>> from_qasm(qasm_str) Circuit([ Gate(name=RX, tags={'params': False, 'qubits': False}) Gate(name=RY, params=[1.23], tags={'params': True, 'qubits': False}) Gate(name=RZ, qubits=[42], tags={'params': False, 'qubits': True})**1.23 Gate(name=MATRIX, U=np.array(shape=(2, 2), dtype=float64)) ])
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def from_qasm(qasm_string: str) -> Circuit: """ Convert a QASM circuit to `Circuit`. Parameters ---------- qasm_string: str QASM circuit to convert to `Circuit`. Returns ------- Circuit QAMS circuit converted to `Circuit`. Notes ----- The QASM language used in HybridQ is compatible with the standard QASM. However, HybridQ introduces few extensions, which are recognized by the parser using ``#@`` at the beginning of the line (``#`` at the beginning of the line represent a general comment in QASM). At the moment, the following QAMS extensions are supported: * **qubits**, used to store `qubits_map`, * **power**, used to store the power of the gate, * **tags**, used to store the tags associated to the gate, * **U**, used to store the matrix reprentation of the gate if gate name is `MATRIX` If `Gate.qubits` are not specified, a single `.` is used to represent the missing qubits. If `Gate.params` are missing, parameters are just omitted. Example ------- >>> from hybridq.extras.qasm import from_qasm >>> qasm_str = \"\"\" >>> 1 >>> #@ qubits = >>> #@ { >>> #@ "0": "42" >>> #@ } >>> #@ tags = >>> #@ { >>> #@ "params": false, >>> #@ "qubits": false >>> #@ } >>> rx . >>> #@ tags = >>> #@ { >>> #@ "params": true, >>> #@ "qubits": false >>> #@ } >>> ry . 1.23 >>> #@ tags = >>> #@ { >>> #@ "params": false, >>> #@ "qubits": true >>> #@ } >>> #@ power = 1.23 >>> rz 0 >>> #@ U = >>> #@ [ >>> #@ [ >>> #@ "0.7071067811865475", >>> #@ "0.7071067811865475" >>> #@ ], >>> #@ [ >>> #@ "0.7071067811865475", >>> #@ "-0.7071067811865475" >>> #@ ] >>> #@ ] >>> matrix . >>> \"\"\" >>> from_qasm(qasm_str) Circuit([ Gate(name=RX, tags={'params': False, 'qubits': False}) Gate(name=RY, params=[1.23], tags={'params': True, 'qubits': False}) Gate(name=RZ, qubits=[42], tags={'params': False, 'qubits': True})**1.23 Gate(name=MATRIX, U=np.array(shape=(2, 2), dtype=float64)) ]) """ # Initialize circuit circuit = Circuit() # Initialize tags _extra = None _power = None _conj = False _T = False _tags = None _qubits_map = None _U = None for line in (line for line in qasm_string.split('\n') if line and (line[0] != '#' or line[:2] == '#@')): if line[:2] == '#@': # Strip line _line = re.sub(r'\s+', '', line) if '#@tags=' in _line: if _tags is not None: raise ValueError('Format error.') # Initialize tags _tags = line.split('=')[-1] _extra = 'tags' elif '#@U=' in _line: if _U is not None: raise ValueError('Format error.') # Initialize matrix _U = line.split('=')[-1] _extra = 'U' elif '#@power=' in _line: if _power is not None: raise ValueError('Format error.') # Initialize power _power = line.split('=')[-1] _extra = 'power' elif '#@conj' in _line: if _conj is not False: raise ValueError('Format error.') # Initialize conjugation _conj = True elif '#@T' in _line: if _T is not False: raise ValueError('Format error.') # Initialize transposition _T = True elif '#@qubits=' in _line: if _qubits_map is not None: raise ValueError('Format error.') # Initialize qubits _qubits_map = line.split('=')[-1] _extra = 'qubits' elif _extra: # Update tags if _extra == 'tags': _tags += line.replace('#@', '') # Update matrix elif _extra == 'U': _U += line.replace('#@', '') # Update power elif _extra == 'power': _power += line.replace('#@', '') # Update qubits_map elif _extra == 'qubits': _qubits_map += line.replace('#@', '') # Otherwise, error else: raise ValueError('Format error.') else: # Restart _extra _extra = None # Strip everything after the first # line = line.split('#')[0].split() # Make few guesses about format if len(line) == 1: if _isint(line[0]): warn( f"Skipping '{' '.join(line)}' (most likely the number of qubits in the circuit)." ) continue else: warn( f"Skipping '{' '.join(line)}' (format is not understood)." ) continue # Make few guesses about format if _isint(line[0]): warn( f"Skipping {line[0]} in '{' '.join(line)}' (most likely the circuit layer)." ) del (line[0]) # Make few guesses about format if not _isstring(line[0]): warn(f"Skipping '{' '.join(line)}' (format is not understood).") continue if line[0].upper() == 'MATRIX': # Remove name from line del (line[0]) # Add tags if not _U: raise ValueError('Format error.') # Set gate _U = np.real_if_close( np.array([[complex(y) for y in x] for x in json.loads(_U)])) gate = Gate('MATRIX', U=_U) # Set qubits if present if line[0] != '.': # Set qubits gate.on([int(x) for x in line], inplace=True) # Reset _U = None else: # Set position _p = 0 # Initialize gate with name gate = Gate(line[_p]) # Check if qubits are provided _p += 1 if line[_p] != '.': # Set qubits gate.on([int(x) for x in line[_p:_p + gate.n_qubits]], inplace=True) _p += gate.n_qubits else: # Skip qubits _p += 1 if _p != len(line): if not gate.provides('params') and ( _p + gate.n_params) != len(line): raise ValueError('Format error.') gate.set_params( [float(x) for x in line[_p:_p + gate.n_params]], inplace=True) _p += gate.n_params if len(line) != _p: print(line, gate) # Add tags if _tags: gate._set_tags(json.loads(_tags)) # Apply power if _power: gate._set_power(float(_power)) # Add conjugation if _conj: gate._conj() # Add transposition if _T: gate._T() # Append gate to circuit circuit.append(gate) # Reset _tags = None # Reset power _power = None # Reset conjugation _conj = False # Reset transposition _T = False # Remap qubits if _qubits_map is not None: def _int(x): try: return int(x) except: return x _qubits_map = json.loads(_qubits_map) _qubits_map = {int(x): _int(y) for x, y in _qubits_map.items()} for gate in circuit: if gate.provides('qubits') and gate.qubits is not None: gate._on([_qubits_map[x] for x in gate.qubits]) return circuit
def to_qasm(circuit: Circuit, qubits_map: dict[any, int] = None) ‑> str
Convert a
to QASM language.Parameters
to convert to QASM language.qubits_map
:dict[any, int]
, optional- If provided,
map qubit indexes inCircuit
to qubit indexes in QASM. Otherwise, indexes are assigned to QASM qubits by usingCircuit.all_qubits()
- String representing the QAMS circuit.
The QASM language used in HybridQ is compatible with the standard QASM. However, HybridQ introduces few extensions, which are recognized by the parser using
at the beginning of the line (#
at the beginning of the line represent a general comment in QASM). At the moment, the following QAMS extensions are supported:- qubits, used to store
, - power, used to store the power of the gate,
- tags, used to store the tags associated to the gate,
- U, used to store the matrix reprentation of the gate if gate name is
are not specified, a single.
is used to represent the missing qubits. IfGate.params
are missing, parameters are just omitted.Example
>>> from hybridq.extras.qasm import to_qasm >>> print(to_qasm(Circuit(Gate('H', [q]) for q in range(10)))) 10 #@ qubits = #@ { #@ "0": "0", #@ "1": "1", #@ "2": "2", #@ "3": "3", #@ "4": "4", #@ "5": "5", #@ "6": "6", #@ "7": "7", #@ "8": "8", #@ "9": "9" #@ } h 0 h 1 h 2 h 3 h 4 h 5 h 6 h 7 h 8 h 9 >>> c = Circuit() >>> c.append(Gate('RX', tags={'params': False, 'qubits': False})) >>> c.append(Gate('RY', params=[1.23], tags={'params': True, 'qubits': False})) >>> c.append(Gate('RZ', qubits=[42], tags={'params': False, 'qubits': True})**1.23) >>> c.append(Gate('MATRIX', U=Gate('H').matrix())) >>> print(to_qasm(c)) 1 #@ qubits = #@ { #@ "0": "42" #@ } #@ tags = #@ { #@ "params": false, #@ "qubits": false #@ } rx . #@ tags = #@ { #@ "params": true, #@ "qubits": false #@ } ry . 1.23 #@ tags = #@ { #@ "params": false, #@ "qubits": true #@ } #@ power = 1.23 rz 0 #@ U = #@ [ #@ [ #@ "0.7071067811865475", #@ "0.7071067811865475" #@ ], #@ [ #@ "0.7071067811865475", #@ "-0.7071067811865475" #@ ] #@ ] matrix .
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def to_qasm(circuit: Circuit, qubits_map: dict[any, int] = None) -> str: """ Convert a `Circuit` to QASM language. Parameters ---------- circuit: Circuit `Circuit` to convert to QASM language. qubits_map: dict[any, int], optional If provided, `qubits_map` map qubit indexes in `Circuit` to qubit indexes in QASM. Otherwise, indexes are assigned to QASM qubits by using `Circuit.all_qubits()` order. Returns ------- str String representing the QAMS circuit. Notes ----- The QASM language used in HybridQ is compatible with the standard QASM. However, HybridQ introduces few extensions, which are recognized by the parser using ``#@`` at the beginning of the line (``#`` at the beginning of the line represent a general comment in QASM). At the moment, the following QAMS extensions are supported: * **qubits**, used to store `qubits_map`, * **power**, used to store the power of the gate, * **tags**, used to store the tags associated to the gate, * **U**, used to store the matrix reprentation of the gate if gate name is `MATRIX` If `Gate.qubits` are not specified, a single `.` is used to represent the missing qubits. If `Gate.params` are missing, parameters are just omitted. Example ------- >>> from hybridq.extras.qasm import to_qasm >>> print(to_qasm(Circuit(Gate('H', [q]) for q in range(10)))) 10 #@ qubits = #@ { #@ "0": "0", #@ "1": "1", #@ "2": "2", #@ "3": "3", #@ "4": "4", #@ "5": "5", #@ "6": "6", #@ "7": "7", #@ "8": "8", #@ "9": "9" #@ } h 0 h 1 h 2 h 3 h 4 h 5 h 6 h 7 h 8 h 9 >>> c = Circuit() >>> c.append(Gate('RX', tags={'params': False, 'qubits': False})) >>> c.append(Gate('RY', params=[1.23], tags={'params': True, 'qubits': False})) >>> c.append(Gate('RZ', qubits=[42], tags={'params': False, 'qubits': True})**1.23) >>> c.append(Gate('MATRIX', U=Gate('H').matrix())) >>> print(to_qasm(c)) 1 #@ qubits = #@ { #@ "0": "42" #@ } #@ tags = #@ { #@ "params": false, #@ "qubits": false #@ } rx . #@ tags = #@ { #@ "params": true, #@ "qubits": false #@ } ry . 1.23 #@ tags = #@ { #@ "params": false, #@ "qubits": true #@ } #@ power = 1.23 rz 0 #@ U = #@ [ #@ [ #@ "0.7071067811865475", #@ "0.7071067811865475" #@ ], #@ [ #@ "0.7071067811865475", #@ "-0.7071067811865475" #@ ] #@ ] matrix . """ # Initialize output _out = '' # Get qubits map if qubits_map is None: qubits_map = { q: x for x, q in enumerate(circuit.all_qubits( ignore_missing_qubits=True)) } # Get inverse map inv_qubits_map = {x: str(q) for q, x in qubits_map.items()} # Dump number of qubits _out += f'{len(qubits_map)}\n' # Dump map _out += '#@ qubits = \n' _out += '\n'.join( ['#@ ' + x for x in json.dumps(inv_qubits_map, indent=2).split('\n')]) _out += '\n' for gate in circuit: # Store matrix if == 'MATRIX': _out += '#@ U = \n' _out += '\n'.join( '#@ ' + x for x in json.dumps([[str(y) for y in x] for x in gate.Matrix], indent=2).split('\n')) _out += '\n' # Dump tags if gate.provides('tags') and gate.tags is not None: _out += '#@ tags = \n' _out += '\n'.join([ '#@ ' + x for x in json.dumps(gate.tags, indent=2).split('\n') ]) _out += '\n' # Dump power if gate.provides('power') and gate.power != 1: _out += f'#@ power = {gate.power}\n' # Dump conjugation if gate.provides('is_conjugated') and gate.is_conjugated(): _out += f'#@ conj\n' # Dump transposition if gate.provides('is_transposed') and gate.is_transposed(): _out += f'#@ T\n' # Dump name _out += # Dump gates if gate.provides('qubits') and gate.qubits is not None: _out += ' ' + ' '.join((str(qubits_map[x]) for x in gate.qubits)) else: _out += ' .' # Dump params if gate.provides('params'): if gate.params is not None: _out += ' ' + ' '.join((str(x) for x in gate.params)) else: raise ValueError('Not yet implemented.') # Add newline _out += '\n' return _out