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Utils::TokenBucket Class


1 Introduction

TokenBucket is a pure utility class used for throttling actions, such as components that want to throttle events.

It is similar to RateLimiter, but supports a different throttling behavior, specifically time-based throughput throttling with burstiness. For instance, TokenBucket allows a burst of 5 triggers, before throttling them to 1 trigger per second after. Unused triggers are collected up to the burst maximum.

2 Usage

2.1 Basic

TokenBucket is a class that can be included and instantiated with the initial replenish interval and max tokens.

U32 replenishIntervalMicroSecs = 1000000;
U32 maxTokens = 5;
TokenBucket bucket(replenishIntervalMicroSecs, maxTokens);

This instantiates TokenBucket with 5 initial tokens out of 5 maximum. Updating and testing if an action should trigger is done in one method:

if (bucket.trigger(this->getTime())) {
// perform action, e.g. log EVR

Your component must provide it the current Fw::Time in the trigger. It will then use that time to evaluate how many tokens to replenish between the last trigger and now, and evaluate whether a token can be consumed.

With 5 initial tokens, the first five triggers are guaranteed to return true, no matter what the time given is. After that, trigger will return true only if time has elapsed enough for a token to be replenished (in this example, once per second).

Note that the max tokens is capped at 1000, currently defined as MAX_TOKEN_BUCKET_TOKENS in TokenBucket.hpp.

2.2 Advanced

TokenBucket can be constructed with 3 more parameters:

U32 replenishIntervalMicroSecs = 1000000;
U32 maxTokens = 5;
U32 replenishRate = 2;
U32 startTokens = 2;
Fw::Time startTime(5, 0);
TokenBucket bucket(replenishIntervalMicroSecs, maxTokens, replenishRate, startTokens, startTime);
  • Replenish rate is the number of tokens to increment by per interval. By default, this is 1.
  • Start tokens is the number of tokens to start with. Note that the first trigger will nonetheless attempt to replenish tokens from the start time until the given time, so it is best used with the start time parameter. By default, start tokens is max tokens, and start time is 0.