12#ifndef _SystemResources_hpp_
13#define _SystemResources_hpp_
18namespace SystemResources {
18namespace SystemResources {
PlatformSizeType FwSizeType
C++-compatible configuration header for fprime configuration.
SystemResourcesStatus getCpuTicks(CpuTicks &ticks, U32 cpu_index=0)
Get the CPU tick information for a given CPU.
SystemResourcesStatus getMemUtil(MemUtil &memory_util)
Get system memory usage.
SystemResourcesStatus getCpuCount(U32 &cpu_count)
Request the count of the CPUs detected by the system.
Call was successful.
Call failed.
FwSizeType total
Filled with total CPU ticks.
FwSizeType used
Filled with non-idle (system, user) CPU ticks.
FwSizeType used
Filled with used bytes of volatile memory (permanent, paged-in)
FwSizeType total
Filled with total non-volatile memory.