5.2.8. Automated Report Generation with LaTeX¶
The section in pyCart.json
labeled “Report” is for generating automated
reports of results. It requires a fairly complete installation of pdfLaTeX.
Further, an installation of Tecplot 360 or ParaView enhances the capability of
the report generation.
"Report": { "Archive": false, "Reports": ["case", "mach"], "case": { "Title": "Automated FUN3D Report", "Author": "Cape Developers", "Restriction": "Distribution Unlimited", "Figures": ["Summary", "Forces"], }, "mach": { "Title": "Results for Mach Sweeps", "Sweeps": "mach" }, "Sweeps": { "mach": { "Figures": ["SweepCond", "SweepCoeff"], "EqCons": ["alpha", "beta"], "XAxis": "mach" } }, "Figures": { "Summary": { "Alignment": "left", "Subfigures": ["Conditions", "Summary"] }, "Forces": { "Alignment": "center", "Header": "Force, moment, \\& residual histories", "Subfigures": ["CA", "L1"] }, "SweepCond": { "Subfigures": ["SweepConds", "SweepCases"], }, "SweepCoeff": { "Subfigures": ["mach_CA", "mach_CN"], }, }, "Subfigures": { "Conditions": { "Type": "Conditions", "Alignment": "left", "Width": 0.35, "SkipVars": [] }, "Summary": { "Type": "Summary" }, "CA": { "Type": "PlotCoeff", "Component": "wing", "Coefficient": "CA", "Width": 0.5 }, "L1": {"Type": "PlotL1"} "mach_CA": { "Type": "SweepCoeff", "Width": 0.5, "Component": "wing", "Coefficient": "CA" }, "mach_CN": {"Type": "mach_CA", "Coefficient": "CN"} } }
All settings, their meanings, and their possible values are described the corresponding Cape Report section.