4.2.9. Mesh Options

Much like the pyCart.json file itself, the meshing options are split into several sections. There are several options that are not in any section, and the remaining options are split into sections according to the Cart3D binaries to which those settings apply. The relevant Cart3D meshing binary programs are autoInputs and cubes, while the settings for mgPrep are determined based on the number of multigrid levels requested in the “flowCart” and “adjointCart” sections.

Below is a sample of the list of pyCart meshing options along with their default values as they could be written in a JSON pyCart settings file

"Mesh": {
    "intersect": false,
    "verify": false,

    // File names
    "TriFile": "Components.i.tri",
    "preSpecCntl": "preSpec.c3d.cntl",
    "inputC3d": "input.c3d",
    "mesh2d": false,

    // Manual volume meshing customizations
    "BBox": [],
    "XLev": []
} Preprocessing Steps

Two important optional steps in the Cart3D grid preparation process are intersect and verify. The former of these turns self-intersecting surface triangulations into water-tight surfaces, and verify checks a surface for various errors. Open edges, zero-length edges, and intersections are all things that verify checks for. If either of these options are activated, pyCart tries to run them as part of the job (i.e. as part of pyCart.case.run_flowCart()), but they must be run before cubes.

intersect: true | {false}

Whether or not to run intersect before creating volume mesh

verify: true | {false}

Whether or not to run verify before creating volume mesh File Names and Basic Settings

The dictionary of simple stand-alone options is shown below. In many cases, these settings can be omitted entirely because the defaults are often adequate. An important section is if the user wants to use a different surface triangulation file name or store it in a different location, e.g. "TriFile": inputs/vehicle.tri". Note that the file created in the folder to hold the actual Cart3D run, the prepared surface triangulation file will be called Components.i.tri regardless of the value of this option.

TriFile: {"Components.i.tri"} | str | list (str)

This can be either the name of a single triangulation file (specified relative to the pyCart root folder, which is the folder from which either pycart is called or cape.pycart.cntl.Cntl() is called, or a list of such triangulation files. If a list, the files will be read in the order listed, which affects node and face numbering. If the component ID numbers of the multiple tri files do not overlap, they will be read unchanged into the combined surface; otherwise an offset will be applied to triangulations read in later.

preSpecCntl: {preSpec.c3d.cntl} | str

Name of mesh prespecification file template to use

inputC3d: {"input.c3d"} | str

If not using autoInputs, name of mesh input file that contains mesh dimensions and several other settings.

mesh2d: true | {false}

Whether or not the mesh is two-dimensional. This setting is not yet implemented. Volume Mesh Customization Settings

Two types of settings can be used in the preSpec.c3d.cntl file, which is an input file for cubes, that allow the user to manually increase the mesh resolution in specific regions. These are BBoxes and XLevs. When not using pyCart, the BBoxes have to be specified as six coordinates that define the minimum and maximum coordinates in all three dimensions. However, pyCart allows these bounding boxes to be defined as the box that contains a certain component with optional padding on each side. The components can be component numbers, names from Config.xml, or lists of either.

Similarly, the XLev option is used to specify additional mesh refinements adjacent to the surface of a component. This is useful in many instances, but it is particularly so if the geometry has small regions with powered boundary conditions such as attitude control motors.

A description of the format of these two options is presented below. Hopefully this is a useful reference, but it may be confusing without seeing an example.

BBox: {[]} | [BB] | list (dict)

List of individual bounding box objects BB

BB: dict

Individual bounding box dict. The required fields are compID and n, while the padding parameters are optional.

n: {7} | int

Minimum number of refinements within the BBox

compID: str | int | list

Component or list of components around which to build box

pad: {false} | float

Margin to add to box limits on both minimum and maximum sides for all three dimensions

xpad: {false} | float

Extra dimensions to add to both min and max of box x-limits

ypad: {false} | float

Extra dimensions to add to both min and max of box y-limits

zpad: {false} | float

Extra dimensions to add to both min and max of box z-limits

xm: {false} | float

Extra padding for box in only minus-x direction

xp: {false} | float

Extra padding for box in only plus-x direction

ym: {false} | float

Extra padding for box in only minus-y direction

yp: {false} | float

Extra padding for box in only plus-y direction

zm: {false} | float

Extra padding for box in only minus-z direction

zp: {false} | float

Extra padding for box in only plus-z direction

XLev: {[]} | [XL] | list (dict)

List of individual x-level objects XL

XL: dict

Individual additional surface refinement dict. Both fields are required.

n: {7} | int

Number of additional surface refinements

compID: str | int | list

Component or list of components near which to refine volume mesh

As suggested, an example is a much more appropriate way to demonstrate these useful capabilities, although the above documentation is a thorough reference once the user is familiarized.

"Mesh": {
    "BBox": [
        {"compID": [1, 2], "n": 8, "ypad": 5, "zpad": 5},
        {"compID": "LeftElevon", "n": 11},
        {"compID": "RightElevon", "n": 11}

    "XLev": [{"compID": ["RightNozzle", "LeftNozzle"], "n": 2}]


This example increases the refinement near the surface of two components (although, note that "RightNozzle" and "LeftNozzle" could actually be groups of components, and pyCart would work equally well) and adds three manual refinement boxes.

The first refinement box finds the smallest box that contains all triangles with component ID of either 1 or 2 and adds some margin in the y- and z-directions to that box. It tells cubes that everything within that box must have at least 8 refinements, which is a modes number. This is the kind of box that can be used to slightly increase the resolution away from the body.

The other two bounding boxes specify a higher resolution (at least 11 refinements) in the smallest box containing an elevon. It might be tempting to combine these two into a single BBox, but that would yield a different result because pyCart would create a single box that contains all triangles in both elevons. That would add refinement in the region between the two elevons that is probably not intended.

The XLev is slightly more straightforward to use. The number (2 in this example) tends to be smaller because this is a number of additional refinements. Furthermore, there is no danger to grouping components into lists.