4.1.8. Demo 8: Powered Rocket and Thrust Vectoring

This example explains how to use powered boundary conditions in Cart3D with pyCart along with a triangulation rotation and intersection as part of a thrust vector model. Primarily, this example seeks to introduce how to simulate rocket engines. In addition, component rotations and intersections are demonstrated, and a detailed report including a customized Tecplot layout are also included.

To get started, clone this repository and run the following easy commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/nasa-ddalle/pycart08-thrust.git
$ cd pycart08-thrust
$ ./copy-files.py
$ cd work/

This will copy all of the files into a newly created work/ folder. Follow the instructions below by entering that work/ folder; the purpose is that you can easily delete the work/ folder and restart the tutorial at any time.

To demonstrate these capabilities, we begin with the arrow example of previous examples as shown in Figure 4.17 and add a stand-alone engine geometry as shown in Figure 4.18.


Figure 4.17 Trimmed arrow surface from previous examples


Figure 4.18 Stand-alone engine block triangulation

These are two water-tight closed geometries so that they can be used with intersect. In their unmodified positions, the engine intersects the back plane of the arrow and produces thrust aligned with the centerline of the arrow. In this example, we add a pitch angle to the engine so that it is rotated by an amount set in the run matrix, and this rotation is performed prior to the intersection.

This example can be found in pycart08-thrust, and as always the pyCart.json file in that folder is a good supplement to this document. Figure 4.19 shows the main product of the example.


Figure 4.19 Surface pressure coefficient and \(y{=}0\) Mach number slice for the Mach 1.5 conditions from the example. Inputs and Run Matrix Description

Setting up variables to change the thrust of an example is usually contained within the "RunMatrix" section of the JSON file. The following definitions are used for this example:

"RunMatrix": {
    "Keys": [
        "mach", "alpha", "q", "T",
        "tilt", "CT",
        "config", "Label"
    "File": "matrix.csv",
    "GroupMesh": false,
    "Definitions": {
        "mach": {
            "Format": "%0.2f"
        "tilt": {
            "Type": "rotation",
            "Value": "float",
            "Group": false,
            "Center": [8.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            "Axis":   [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
            "CompID": [
            "Abbreviation": "_t",
            "Format": "%.1f"
        "CT": {
            "Type": "SurfCT",
            "Value": "float",
            "TotalTemperature": 8500.0,
            "AreaRatio": 4.0,
            "RefPressure": "freestream",
            "RefTemperature": "freestream",
            "RefDynamicPressure": "freestream",
            "CompID": "noz_bc",
            "Abbreviation": "T",
            "Format": "%.1f"

In addition to our usual mach, alpha, config, and Label parameters that are part of the standard pyCart setup, we have added a few RunMatrix>Keys. The first two are dynamic pressure (q) and freestream static temperature (T). These are both recognized by pyCart as standard variables, and no descriptions are needed in the RunMatrix>Definitions section.

The next trajectory key is tilt, which is defined so that it pitches the engine block from Figure 4.18 by an angle equal to the value of this variable. The fact that this is a rotation is set in the Type option within RunMatrix>Definitions>tilt. The center of rotation is set as [8.0, 0.0, 0.0], which is the center of the back plane of the arrow. The value of Axis makes this a pitch rotation. CompID is a list of components that are rotated, which can be either strings or component numbers. This is a pretty standard rotation, but users are advised that there are many more rotation & translation options available.

The last key is CT, whose Type of "SurfCT" tells pyCart that the value of this key is used to set a surface boundary condition with the intent of setting a nozzle to attain a desired thrust. The "SurfCT" and "SurfBC" types are both targeted at powered boundary conditions, but "SurfBC" generally targets a desired stagnation pressure while "SurfCT" targets a desired thrust.

We should also take this opportunity to discuss the effects of including q and T. Normally, since Cart3D is an inviscid solver, these dimensional parameters have no effect at all, and the results are truly nondimensional. However, introducing an engine partially breaks this symmetry to freestream conditions. For one thing, a rocket producing an amount of thrust in pounds will have a different thrust coefficient depending on the freestream dynamic pressure. Similarly, a particular temperature at the rocket boundary has different normalized temperatures for different freestream temperatures. While it is possible in pyCart to use a "SurfCT" key without q and T, this is unlikely to be a physically relevant setup.

Going back to the JSON settings for CT, we see a TotalTemperature of 8500.0, which sets the stagnation temperature at the boundary condition plane to a constant temperature in degrees Rankine. If we wanted to set the TotalTemperature relative to the freestream temperature instead of a fixed dimensional value, we would set RefTemperature to 1.0 instead of its "freestream" value. It is also possible to use the value of another variable to change the stagnation temperature from case to case by setting the value of TotalTemperature to the name of another trajectory key. See the following example for how this could work.

"CT": {
    "Type": "SurfCT",
    "Value": "float",
    "TotalTemperature": "T0",
"T0": {
    "Type": "value",
    "Value": "float"

We have also set AreaRatio here; for Cart3D thrust setup we usually need this parameter for Cart3D’s internal calculation of anticipated thrust. It is typically recommended to set the boundary condition on a plane where the Mach number is 1.0 in Cart3D, but the Mach number on the plane can be set to a different value using Mach within the Definitions>CT. pyCart then uses this information to calculate the static pressure and density at the boundary condition plane that should give the corresponding thrust.

While pyCart automatically calculates the surface normal of that plane (since the velocity has to be set on that plane including its three components), this simplified thrust calculation is not perfect. In order to get the correct thrust, there is also a PressureCalibration option that can be used to linearly scale the surface pressure. Intersection Process

Intersecting closed volumes that each have multiple component IDs marked is a nontrivial process. Because intersect is expecting an input triangulation in which each component is a water-tight surface with one component, pyCart has to do some extra preprocessing and postprocessing steps. To get things to work properly, we use two separate tri files and set the following settings in the JSON.

"Mesh": {
    // Surface triangulation
    "TriFile": ["arrow.tri", "engine.tri"],
    // Extra refinements
    "XLev": [
        {"n": 2, "compID": "noz_bc"},
        {"n": 1, "compID": "noz_interior"}
    // Extra bounding boxes for adaptation regions
    "BBox": [
        {"n": 8, "compID": "noz_exterior", "xp": 2.5}

The key parameter here is that Mesh>TriFile is a list of two files. As a result, pyCart assumes that each individual file is a single closed volume. The XLev descriptions specify additional refinements on any cut cells that intersect specified components, while BBox gives rectangular prisms in which to make a specified number n of refinements.

Figure 4.20 shows the original surface triangulation after rotations but before performing the intersection operation. It contains the same component breakdown as the original input files and is labeled Components.c.tri in the folder. pyCart also writes the file Components.tri which contains the same nodes and triangles but only has two components, and a visualization is shown in Figure 4.21.


Figure 4.20 Raw self-intersecting surface with original component IDs, Components.c.tri


Figure 4.21 Self-intersecting surface with one component ID for each closed volume, Components.tri

Then a call is made to Cart3D’s intersect tool such that the input is Components.tri, and the output is Components.o.tri, which is shown in Figure 4.22.


Figure 4.22 Intersected or trimmed surface with one component ID for each original closed volume, Components.o.tri

In order to get the original components requested by the user, pyCart then performs an additional step of remapping the component IDs to create Components.i.tri, shown in Figure 4.23. Each triangle has the component ID copied from the closest triangle of Components.c.tri.


Figure 4.23 Intersected or trimmed surface with original component IDs mapped, Components.i.tri Results and Report Generation

The run matrix in pycart08-thrust/matrix.csv has only one case, which has a Mach number of 1.5, an angle of attack of 2 degrees. The engine is pitched downward 4.5 degrees and a thrust coefficient of 8.5. A status while running the case would look something like the following.

$ pycart -c
Case Config/Run Directory       Status  Iterations  Que CPU Time
---- -------------------------- ------- ----------- --- --------
0    poweron/m1.50a2.0_t4.5T8.5 RUN     50/700      .      452.9


Figure 4.24 shows a flow visualization of this case that is generated using the "slice-y0-mesh" subfigure from pyCart.json. (The results of the "slice-y0" subfigure is shown in Figure 4.19.) These figures show some of the more advanced procedures from customizing a Tecplot layout.


Figure 4.24 Surface pressure coefficient (\(C_p\)) and \(y{=}0\) Mach number slice showing volume mesh

The process for this example begins with opening the output flow visualization files created by Cart3D: Components.i.plt and cutPlanes.plt. Actually those files are in the adapt03/ folder in this case, but pyCart automatically creates symbolic links to the most recent plt files.

Then, after opening those files, the user should create the desired image and save it as a layout. A hidden step necessary for this example is that the user has to customize the color map for the Mach slice. Since layout files do not have CREATECOLORMAP commands for built-in color maps, there is no color map in the layout file to edit. It may be possible without this step, but this documents one known process. Simply enter the contour details dialouge in Tecplot and change one of the colors or slide one of the handles in the color map interface. This needs to be performed for both color maps since we are using separate contours on the surface and the slice.

The JSON description for the two flow visualization subfigures is shown below:

"TecBase": {
    "Type": "Tecplot",
    "FigWidth": 1024,
    "Width": 0.48,
    "Caption": "Surface $C_p$ and $y{=}0$ Mach slice",
    "ContourLevels": [
            "NContour": 1,
            "MinLevel": -0.4,
            "MaxLevel": 1.2,
            "Delta": 0.1
            "NContour": 2,
            "MinLevel": 0.0,
            "MaxLevel": 4.0,
            "Delta": 0.1
    "ColorMaps": [
            "NContour": 1,
            "ColorMap": {
                "-0.4": "blue",
                "0.0": "white",
                "1.2": "red"
            "NContour": 2,
            "Constraints": ["mach > 1.25"],
            "ColorMap": {
                "0.0": "darkpurple",
                "1.0": ["#b55fbf", "green"],
                "$mach": "white",
                "4.0": "darkorange"
// With mesh
"slice-y0-mach": {
    "Type": "TecBase",
    "Layout": "slice-y0-mach.lay"
"slice-y0-mach-mesh": {
    "Type": "TecBase",
    "Layout": "slice-y0-mach-mesh.lay"

The two subfigures share most of their options, so they cascade from a common subfigure called "TecBase". Only the name of the layout file is changed. However, the two layouts are very similar; we could use the following alternate definition.

"slice-y0-mach-mesh": {
    "Type": "TecBase",
    "Layout": "slice-y0-mach.lay",
    "Keys": {
        "FIELDLAYERS": {
            "SHOWMESH": "YES"

The minimum and maximum values for the two contour maps are set in the ContourLevels section. Of course, these fixed values could have just been set within Tecplot, but this allows for min and max values to depend on the trajectory keys.

To see how this works, see the more complex ColorMaps section. Here we set the surface pressure map so that "blue" is at the minimum pressure of "-0.4", white is at Cp=0, and the maximum value is red. This simplifies the process of getting white to lie on Cp=0 with an asymmetric range of values.

The color map for the Mach slice is more complicated. Here we have set "darkpurple" at Mach 0, a lighter purple of "#b55fbf" on the lower side of Mach 1, "green" on the upper side of Mach 1. This list of two colors at Mach 1 leads to a sharp purple/green divide at the sonic line. Then we set "white" as the color for "$mach"; the $ tells pyCart to replace this with the value of the trajectory key mach for this color. Finally, we use "darkorange" for top of the color map.

The result is a very informative color map that clearly identifies subsonic flow, low supersonic flow, the freestream Mach condition, and high supersonic flow. Furthermore, this color map setup, by setting "$mach": "white", it applies to a range of conditions. The color map shown above could lead to problems if the Mach number is lower than about 1.2, so the actual JSON file contains three different color map specifications. Which one gets applied is determined by the Constraints key, which is visible in the code snippet show above.