7.20. pyfun-plt2triq: Convert FUN3D Tecplot file to Cart3D tri fileΒΆ

Convert a Tecplot .plt file from FUN3D

$ pyfun-plt2triq PLT [TRIQ] [OPTIONS]
$ pyfun-plt2triq -i PLT [-o TRIQ] [OPITONS] 
  • PLT: Name of FUN3D Tecplot .plt file

  • TRIQ: Name of output .triq file

-h, --help

Display this help message and exit

-i PLT

Use PLT as input file


Use TRIQ as name of created output files

--mach, -m MINF

Use MINF to scale skin friction coefficients


Use all state variables in order instead of extracting preferred state variables intended for triloadCmd


Do not use time average, even if available


Write RMS of each variable instead of nominal/average value

If the name of the output file is not specified, it will just add triq as the extension to the input (replacing .plt if possible).

  • 2016-12-19 @ddalle: Version 1.0

  • 2021-10-14 @ddalle: Version 1.1; moved into cape.pyfun